Thread: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces? Reply to Thread

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29th April 2015 09:38 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Can metallurgical engineering students applu for ies in mechanical branch? I am doing B.Tech in metallurgical engineering and want to appear for ies.
8th August 2012 11:24 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

i have just gt admission for instrumentation and control engg in a highely reputed college after writing entrance exams and i also have a good chance of getting electronics and communication engg in another college under same exam scheme. i am confused as to choose which among these two! so please help me and tell me more about the scope of instrumentation and contol engg in india. waiting for ur responses!!
19th June 2012 01:51 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

instrumentation and control engg. vs electronics and tele communication engg.-which engg. trade has wide scope after doing
plzzzzzzz suggest me.......i have did my diploma in electrical engg.
24th October 2011 11:57 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

i have compeleted BE in COMPUTER SCIENCE can i apply for IES,in which branch
10th July 2011 05:38 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes you are eligible to apply for IES exam. But you will have to choose a branch from the following four branches because IES exam is conducted for four streams in engineering.

The branches are-


For you it will be easier if you choose Electrical or Electronics.

Best of luck.
13th June 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Originally Posted by alokagr View Post
i am an engineering student. I have just completed my second sem. I want to prepare for indian engineering services(ies), but my branch is not mentioned as such in the available list of branches. My branch is instrumentation and control engineering. Can i apply in ies by taking electrical engineering or by taking electronics and telecommunication engineering?
yes you can apply as what you said
17th May 2011 01:46 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Sir i am a student of Electronics and instrumentation Engineering....i want to know about the syllabus for ESE....please help me out...
12th March 2011 10:13 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes you can apply for IES exam.........

For preparation please go through the exam pattern & syllabus:

Exam Pattern:
All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages:
•Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination.
•Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview.

Engineering services Exam:
•Date of notification: 08/01/2011
•Last Date for receipt of Application: 07/02/2011
•Exam Date: 14/05/2011
  • Apply online by using the website
  • Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country.
For complete details go to

22nd January 2011 11:55 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

hi...thanx everybody for clearing d i know instrumentation can apply also....

btw if i appear through" electronic paper" ...should i study all subjects of electronics right from first year to 4th year???

21st January 2011 04:35 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Hello friend,
You are eligible and can apply in IES exam.

The eligibility for IES Exam is:
1. Age Limit: 21 to 30 Years
2. Educational Qualification: A degree in Engineering or equivalent from a recognised university/college in India. You Can visit for details.
I have attached the details of the IES Exam 2011, kindly go through it for more information.
Good Luck.
9th December 2010 02:11 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Sir Can I Give IES. in E&TC STREAM
My branch is instrumentation engg.

6th November 2010 05:10 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes you can apply either from Electronics and telecommunication or from electrical engineering.
So best of luck.
18th October 2010 12:29 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

yes you can apply this (IES) exam. so dont care and make preparation for this exam.
16th October 2010 09:17 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

i passed out diploma in instrumentation & control engineering. i want to part time BE in Instrumentation & control engg. pls guided me about universitys.
2nd October 2010 07:57 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am student of instrumentation engg.can i apply ies exam?
yes ypu can
bt you have write in electrical stream
17th September 2010 10:03 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes sure engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Services.
17th September 2010 08:32 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Originally Posted by Alokagr View Post
I am an engineering student. I have just completed my Second sem. I want to prepare for Indian Engineering services(IES), But my branch is not mentioned as such in the available list of branches. My branch is Instrumentation and Control Engineering. can I apply in IES by taking Electrical engineering or by taking Electronics and telecommunication engineering?
yes friend you can apply for IES. this exam is for engineers. it can be in any discipline.
17th September 2010 08:20 PM
mohit brh
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Dear friend,
yes you are eligible for appearing in IES . i am also instrumentation student. there are 4 branch for appearing in IES.
1 civil
4-electronic and telecommunication
so i want to suggest you that you can appear in IES with electronic and telecommunication because many subjects are similar with you branch.
17th September 2010 12:41 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

yaar i thnk that u r not eligible..............bcoz only
ARE ELIGIBLE..........
17th September 2010 12:26 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Instrumentation and control engineering comes under Electronics and telecommunication engineering. So i guess you can appear for the test. But you will also need to study more of Electronics as some part wont be included in your curriculum.

So give it a try and hopefully you will clear it if you work hard on your course suject and other related subject like ECE and EE
14th September 2010 12:21 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am student of instrumentation engg.can i apply ies exam?
Dear friend
IES exam is conducted in four groups of engineering
1. Civil
2. Mechanical
3. Electrical
4. Electronics & Communication
The root of instrumentation engineering is Electronics engineering so you can take Electronics and communication engineering as your elective paper to apply for IES examination.
The plan of examination will be like

Written Examination

I–Objective Papers

General Ability Test
(Part A: General English)
(Part B: General Studies) 2 hrs 200

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Paper I 2 hrs 200
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Paper II 2 hrs 200

II—Conventional Papers

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Paper I 3 hrs 200
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Paper II 3 hrs 200

TOTAL: 200+200+200+200+200=1000

Candidates who qualify the written examination will be called for Personality test carrying a maximum of 200 marks.
10th September 2010 04:30 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

I am student of instrumentation engg.can i apply ies exam?
8th September 2010 09:29 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

dear friend,

i think engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering may apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces, there will be no problem.

good luck
5th September 2010 09:10 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

dear friend,

according to the eligibility criteria of the IES exam you are eligible.but as your branch is not mentioned in the list so you have to take another subjects like electrical engineering, electronics engineering etc.

you have to do hard work because you are studying Instrumentation and Control Engineering so it might happen that your knowledge is not upto the mark.

so take the syllabus of electrical engineering, electronics engineering etc subjects and make command over them.

surely you will be selected.

good luck.
4th September 2010 06:31 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

15th July 2010 07:09 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Hello friend,

You are eligible to apply for IES, which is a Govt engineering services exam.

Instrumentation and Control engg is somehow similar to that of Electronics or electrical engineering, so you can apply in any one of those branches while sitting for IES.

All the best!
8th June 2010 08:22 PM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Originally Posted by Alokagr View Post
I am an engineering student. I have just completed my Second sem. I want to prepare for Indian Engineering services(IES), But my branch is not mentioned as such in the available list of branches. My branch is Instrumentation and Control Engineering. can I apply in IES by taking Electrical engineering or by taking Electronics and telecommunication engineering?
Hi Alok
I give you eligibility criteria for IES.
Then you decide where are you stand, after that there is no confusion about your branch.

● obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or

● passed Section A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or

● obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such conditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or

● passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India); or

● passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or

● passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November, 1959.

● Candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group 'A' in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organisation) may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely:

 M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.

Good luck
8th June 2010 06:31 PM
Ankit kumar dhanker
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes my friend you are 100 % elligible for indian engineering services . It is not matter that which branch you have go for ies and work hard
8th June 2010 10:59 AM
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

yes you can surely apply for ies............................................... .................................................. .......
8th June 2010 07:29 AM
vikrant kamboj
Re: Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

Yes, my friend you can apply for the IES by moving to either side you have mentioned.
8th June 2010 01:23 AM
Can engineers from Instrumentation and Contol Engineering apply from any discipline in IES Indian Engineering Servces?

I am an engineering student. I have just completed my Second sem. I want to prepare for Indian Engineering services(IES), But my branch is not mentioned as such in the available list of branches. My branch is Instrumentation and Control Engineering. can I apply in IES by taking Electrical engineering or by taking Electronics and telecommunication engineering?

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