Thread: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur? Reply to Thread

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30th October 2012 10:57 PM
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?

List of MD in Ayurvedic colleges in Kolhapur:

Ayurvedic Medical college

Shivaji university, Vidyanagar

Yashwant Ayurvedic college

Ganga Education Society Ayurvedic Medical college

Late Kedari Redeker Ayurvedic Medical college

all the best.
27th May 2012 12:11 AM
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?


Some of good colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur are:-

Yashwant Ayurved Medical College

Late Kedari Redekar Ayurved Medical College

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Peth

Shivaji university

Ayurvedic medical college

Best of luck!!!
26th May 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?

List of MD in Ayurvedic colleges in Kolhapur:

Ayurvedic Medical college

Shivaji university, Vidyanagar

Yashwant Ayurvedic college

Ganga Education Society Ayurvedic Medical college

Late Kedari Redeker Ayurvedic Medical college

all the best.
25th May 2012 10:36 AM
sirimulla srikanth
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?


1.Shivaji university

2.Ayurvedic medical college

3.ganga educational society ayurvedic medical college

4.Yeshwant ayurvedic medical college
24th May 2012 10:12 AM
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?


List Of MD Ayurveda colleges in Kolhapur:

Ganga educational society Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur,

Yashwant ayurvedic college, kosli, Kolhapur,

Late kedari Redekar Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur,

Shivaji university,
Vidya nagar, kolhapur,

Ayurvedic medical college,
Peth Vadgaon, Kolhapur.

All the best.
23rd May 2012 03:34 PM
Re: Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?

MD in Ayurveda Colleges in Kolhapur :

Ayurvedic Medical College

Ganga Education Society Ayurvedic Medical College

Late Kedari Redekar Ayurved Medical College

Yashwant Ayurvedic College
22nd January 2012 10:52 PM
Colleges for MD in Ayurveda in Kolhapur?

I want to about the college for md in ayurveda in kolhapur please do the needful.

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