Thread: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it? Reply to Thread

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31st October 2011 06:01 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Hey Darsetmerchant.
You can apply for the All India Quota through AIEEE merit in Maharashtra Private Colleges. You can also get admission through Management Quota.

I really appreciate your particpation in the forum and answering the questions. Keep It up
31st October 2011 05:57 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Hey Darsetmerchant.
You can apply for the All India Quota through AIEEE merit in Maharashtra Private Colleges. You can also get admission through Management Quota.

I really appreciate your particpation in the forum and answering the questions. Keep It up
30th June 2011 10:05 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I dont have more than 50% marks in MHT-CET. can i get admission in Bsc nursing in Gmc-Nagpur
29th June 2011 11:41 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

sir i have heard that in few states like M>P> , karnataka, orissa provides seats by management quata.even if the student has scored between 45 to 47% in 12th. HSC. please clarify it . i m very tense.......................
17th June 2011 02:55 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

29th May 2011 01:33 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Hi dear,
Eligibility criteria for Maharashtra State Candidate and Outside Maharashtra State Candidate for admission to first year of degree courses in Engineering/Technology:

you should have passed the H. Sc (10+2 Std.) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

you have to secure minimum 50% marks i.e. not less than 150 marks out of 300 marks (minimum 45% marks i.e. not less than 135 marks out of 300 marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories belonging only to Maharashtra State) in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together.

you have to secure a non zero score in subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together at MHTCET.

28th May 2011 12:05 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

does individually 50 marks are required in maths for engineering in open category in MH HSC
2nd February 2011 10:12 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

My mother was born in Pune, I'll do my 10 2 from Nasik,Maharashtra.
Am i elgible for all the 2300 seats for MHCET Medical , Or am i eligible for only a part of 23oo seats?
2nd February 2011 09:49 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I am a student of class X, i'm at d moment in Nashik, i go to Kendriya mother was born in Pune and my father is in the Defence forces.
im interested For Mhcet medical, am i eligible for all the 2300 seats, and i'll be doing my 10 2 from nashik.........please answer in serious dillema...thank you!
11th January 2011 12:10 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

i am passed hsc in rajasthan by 52% and pcm marks is physics 75 out of 150 and chemistry 76out of 150 and maths 60 out of 150 and english 53 out of 100 and hindi 70out of 100 i eligibal in mh cet
24th November 2010 05:09 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I am appear hsc in Gujrat State I eligibal in Maharashtra mhcet?
24th September 2010 09:33 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I am studying in Saudi Arabia in class 9.for being eligible for
MHCET .What i have to study in Maharashtra only hsc or both HSc & ssc?
1st June 2010 04:25 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

i have got 57% in hsc & pcm marks are 144/300 am i eligible for doing engineering
31st May 2010 11:13 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

if your father is having the domicile of maharashtra then you are eligible for the exam else you are not eligible for it........
31st May 2010 11:44 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

my daughter hsc passed from abroad can she eligible for mh cet exam
31st May 2010 11:36 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

My hsc pcm score accounts for less than 50%...can i still get admissions to colleges inspite of good cet score?
26th May 2010 11:26 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I have scored 57% in HSC board But my PCM score is 42% but for admission of engineering the eligibility of OBC is minimum 45% so can I got admission in engineering....?
26th May 2010 11:21 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I have scored 57% in HSC board But my PCM score is 42% but for admission of engineering the eligibility of OBC is minimum 45% so can I got admission in engineering....?
25th April 2010 11:03 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

iam 48 years want to studyBHMS my puc marks are 39% studied in kannada medium upto 10th this time taken cet exams 2010 want to study govt college will i
18th February 2010 02:34 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

you can visit

there you can get the eligibility of the mah-cet exam.
here you can also check the exam pattern of the mah-cet exam and sample papers

best of luck
17th February 2010 01:47 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Hey Friend visit the below mentioned website
and you will find answer for your query.
10th February 2010 11:51 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

as you have passed from mumbai,and you are also domicile of maharastra so you are eligible for it.
5th February 2010 07:47 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Find solved previous year NMAT, MAT,CET papers,
CET Colleges cut Off's, Non-verbal reasoning ..
all for free

Also find the study material :
and many more...
31st January 2010 08:38 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Eligibility for Admission to Health Science Degree Courses:

1. The candidate must be an Indian National. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Non Resident Indian (NRI)/Overseas citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible.

2. The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1993 to be eligible to appear for MHT CET 2010. However, for admission to Ayurved and Unani courses, candidate must be born on or before 1st October 1993. The Birth certificate indicating name of the candidate, Secondary School Certificate i.e. SSC or equivalent examination certificate or School Leaving Certificate endorsing the date of birth will constitute a valid proof.

3. The candidate must be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Preference form filling as per proforma.

4. The candidate must have passed the SSC or equivalent examination from an Institution situated in the state of Maharashtra. (Please refer point 6. for exception)

5. The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, from an Institution situated in the State of Maharashtra (Please refer 7. & 8. for exception) with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) at the time of admission.

5.1. Eligibility criteria of Qualifying Examination for various courses

5.1.1. For MBBS/BAMS: A candidate belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% (i.e. 150 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation backward class must have obtained not less Health Science DMER, Mumbai (6) MHT CET 2010 Brochure than 40% (i.e. 120 out of 300) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination.

5.1.2. For BDS/BSc. Nursing: A candidate belonging to Open category must have obtained not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC (or equivalent) examination. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation must have obtained not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English taken together at HSC(or equivalent) Exam.

5.1.3. For BHMS, BUMS, BPTh, BOTh, BASLP and BP&O courses: Clause 5.1.1. is not applicable. Passing grade at HSC/12th Standard or equivalent examination ishowever necessary.

5.1.4. For admission to BP&O candidates who have passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and / or Mathematics are eligible.

5.1.5. For admission to BASLP, candidates who have passed 12th standard examination with Physics, Biology, Chemistry and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science are eligible.

5.1.6. The candidates who are appearing for qualifying examination i.e. HSC (or equivalent exam.) in February/March 2010 are eligible to appear for MHT CET 2010, however they must fulfill the eligibility condition at Para 4.5 at the time of filling up of the Preference Form.

6. Exception for SSC (10th Std. or equivalent examination): Candidate who has passed SSC or equivalent examination from an institute situated outside Maharashtra State and HSC or equivalent examination from within Maharashtra State is eligible for seeking admission to the courses in Health Science provided that he/she is DOMICILE of Maharashtra.

7. Exception for SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking :-

Children of employees of the Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking posted on deputation or transfer to a place outside the State of Maharashtra, or transferred from outside to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra:-

7.1. The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its undertaking who have joined service since beginning at a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra but who have been transferred to a place situated within the State of Maharashtra shall be eligible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C.(Std. X) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking must have been posted/ transferred/ deputed at a place of work located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported-for-duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of submission of Preference Form.

7.2. The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility i.e. the last date of submission of Preference Form. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer/posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer/posting order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form.

7.3. The children of such employees of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking who have been transferred or deputed to a place situated outside the State of Maharashtra or who have returned to the State of Maharashtra after initial transfer/deputation shall beeligible for admission even though such children might have passed the S.S.C. (Std. X) Health Science DMER, Mumbai (7) MHT CET 2010 Brochure and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent examinations from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra.

7.4. The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category at (3) above shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of Maharashtra or its Undertaking has reported for duty. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form.

8. Exception for SSC (10th) and HSC (12th) or equivalent examinations: Children of employees of Government of India or its Undertaking:-

8.1. The children of the employees of Government of India or its Undertaking shall be eligible for admission even though they might have passed the S.S.C. (Std.X) and/or H.S.C. (Std. XII) or equivalent exam from the recognized Institutions situated outside the State of Maharashtra, provided that such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking must have been transferred/posted at a place of work, located in the State of Maharashtra and also must have reported for duty i.e. joined the duty before the last date of submission of Preference Form.

8.2 The candidates belonging to the aforesaid category (1) shall be required to produce the requisite Certificate from the Office at which such an employee of Government of India or its Undertaking has reported for duty as a proof of the fact that such employee has joined the office and/or reported for duty before the cut off date for eligibility i.e., the last date of submission of Preference Form. The certificate should contain full name of the employee, designation, transfer/posting order number and date, date of joining and present status of posting. A copy of transfer/posting order should also be produced at the time of filling the preference form.

9. CET-Marks Eligibility For Admission to MBBS & BDS Courses:

A candidate belonging to open category must secure not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together at Common Entrance Test i.e. MHT CET 2010. A candidate belonging to constitutional reservation (Annexure B) must secure not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB) taken together in the MHTCET-2010.

10. CET Marks for Admission to BAMS/BHMS/BUMS/BPTh/BOTh/BASLP/BP&O and B.Sc. Nursing: A candidate will be selected on the basis of merit in Common Entrance Test (MHT CET 2010) to above stated courses.

11. Additional Eligibility For BUMS: Candidate should have passed SSC (or equivalent) examination from the recognized board with Urdu as one of the subjects.
28th January 2010 08:13 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Eligibility Criterion:

Candidate should be an Indian national.

He is required to pass /appear the H. Sc (10+2 Std.) examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

Any other examination of its equivalent standard with subject combination English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
27th January 2010 03:59 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Eligibility for Admission to Health Science Degree Courses:

1. The candidate must be an Indian National. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/ Non Resident Indian (NRI)/Overseas citizen of India (OCI) are not eligible.

2. The candidate must be born on or before 31st December 1992 to be eligible to appear for MHT-CET-2009. However, for admission to Ayurved and Unani courses, candidate must be born on or before 1st October 1992.

The candidate must be medically fit and must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Preference form filling as per proforma.

The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination i.e. Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination
14th January 2010 07:55 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Eligibility criteria for Maharashtra State Candidate and Outside Maharashtra State Candidate for admission to first year of degree courses in Engineering/Technology:

you should have passed the H. Sc (10+2 Std.) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

you have to secure minimum 50% marks i.e. not less than 150 marks out of 300 marks (minimum 45% marks i.e. not less than 135 marks out of 300 marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories belonging only to Maharashtra State) in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together.

you have to secure a non zero score in subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together at MHTCET.

best of luck
3rd January 2010 11:58 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

you should be hsc passed from maharashtra state board of secondary and higher secondary education ie msbshse and you must have taken pcm subjects for enginnering or pcb subjects for medical with compulsary subject english .****most important you should scor minimum 50% in all these subjects.

if you have not passed from maharashtra board then also you can apply for engineering and medical courses in maharashtra by showing hsc marks of any state board that you have passed
27th November 2009 01:13 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

you can appear in MCET if you have state domecile. or you can take admine in management quota
26th November 2009 06:26 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?


eligibility criteria for MHCET exam:50% marks in 10+2 standard with physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subject(45% marks for reserved category)

best of luck...@@
29th October 2009 04:49 AM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Hey Darsetmerchant.
You can apply for the All India Quota through AIEEE merit in Maharashtra Private Colleges. You can also get admission through Management Quota.

I really appreciate your particpation in the forum and answering the questions. Keep It up!
28th October 2009 06:39 PM
Re: MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

Eligibility Criteria For MHCET:

Passed in SSC and HSC examination of Maharastra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as the compulsory subjects.
28th October 2009 06:11 PM
MHCET eligibility, am I eligible for it?

I am doing my 2nd year PUC in bangalore. Can I give CET in mumbai. My father is born in mumbai and has his education in mumbai. Can you tell me the eligibility criteria for CET.

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