Thread: How to start preparing for CAT? Reply to Thread

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21st June 2013 09:47 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

i m neha tiwari i wanna ask that is the syllabus and pattern of cat change according to year..? and whats the actual different between cat & mat?
6th January 2013 02:45 PM
Bhardwaj Prabhat
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?


CAT(Common Admission Test) conducted by IIMs once in a year to get in to admission to the best premier b-schools of India. the minimum qualification to appear in this exam is to qualify your graduation with 50% of marks in any stream with any recognized institute / university...

For the preparation ,you may join for some good institute for the basic concepts about how the questions are to be asked in these entrance exams but , your self study is mostly matter.

book you prefer for the preparation are

For quantitative aptitude :-
1. Quant Aptitude by Tata Magraw Hill , Author:Arun Sharma
2. Even the "Quantitative Aptitude for CAT from Pearson by Nishit Sinha" is a nice book.

For Data Interpretation:-
1. How To Prepare For DI & Logical Reasoning by Arun Sharma
2. R.S. Agarawal books on verbal reasoning.

For Verbal Ability:-
1. Student's Companion By Wilfred D. Best
2. English PLUS I.C.S.E. For Class 10 by Xavier Pinto
3. Wren and Martin English Grammar
4. Word Power Made Easy by NORMAN LEWIS

Some preferable magazines are:-
1. Business Line by The Hindu Group
2. Business Today by India Today Group
3. Business World
4. Management Compass Career Launcher
5. Business & Management Chronicle by Chronicle Publications
6. Competition Success Review

Best of Luck..... Thank you...
7th November 2012 01:02 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

i m bba 2nd year student. nd im too weak in maths
so plz suggest me......
10th October 2012 08:57 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

i m 1st year student .which time is correct the prepration of CAT .plz hel me i can't understand what can i do .nd how will i prepare for CAT exam . in which coaching i hve take.
10th July 2012 11:16 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

I was born in year 1987 and working as Electronics Engineer in Dubai(Shipping Company). I am diploma holder and doing BBA from distance.I am planning leave my job to start coaching for CAT exam in June,2013.I am going to change my career from an Engineer to an Executive and work in my home country and I am very much determined about doing MBA.
Please suggest me how to prepare to for CAT(2013) and any needful instructions.
I would be pleased if you guide me through this.

Thanks and Regards
Deepak Kumar
30th May 2012 12:31 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?


Let me help you my friend...

  • You are well ahead of time and it is nice to see you have started to timeline your activities. CAT, however is one of the most difficult entrance to crack! And yet it is the most popular and most sought exam for candidates aspiring an MBA degree.

  • Preparation for CAT requires not only hard work but also meticulous planning and systematic implementation. It is advice to remember that systematic CAT preparation has to have the correct mix of theory and concepts, practice, simulated testing and detailed analysis.
  • As of now the foremost thing that you can do is get enrolled with reputed institutes for coaching classes. They not only help you with the syllabus and introduction of the test but also guide you with the strategies towards facing the questions and reaching the solutions.
  • Dear friend Consistent practice, mock test, dedication and hard work will do wonders.
  • Attend many online mock crack CAT

Give stress on some following topics:


Logical Reasoning

Data Insuffiency


Some Important Tips :

1:According to me,maintain a time table to allow yourself to devote minimum 6-8 hrs per day for the CAT.

2:Then try to collect the base or main material of any subject.

3:.Study the Syllabus

4:Try to solve the Previous questions papers

5:Try to Solve more and more problems,

6:Try to discover more and more new own tricks by which you can easily solve any problem in a less time .

7:You can go for self tests.
29th May 2012 02:02 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

I am aiming to have self study for CAT. how should I plan my day to get best results?
27th January 2012 06:20 PM
4G Solutions
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
actually i am pursuing in 3rd year and i want to do MBA after so please give me some information related to CAT exam that how will i prepare for CAT exam and qualify it, so
should i study myself or take the coaching from any institue.

How to start preparing for CAT

You are well ahead of time and it is nice to see you have started to timeline your activities. CAT, however is one of the most difficult entrance to crack! And yet it is the most popular and most sought exam for candidates aspiring an MBA degree.

Preparation for CAT requires not only hard work but also meticulous planning and systematic implementation. It is advice to remember that systematic CAT preparation has to have the correct mix of theory and concepts, practice, simulated testing and detailed analysis.

As of now the foremost thing that you can do is get enrolled with reputed institutes for coaching classes. They not only help you with the syllabus and introduction of the test but also guide you with the strategies towards facing the questions and reaching the solutions.

Dear friend Consistent practice, mock test, dedication and hard work will do wonders.

You can give the online practice test by accessing this link

#4G Slt#
26th January 2012 09:56 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

CAT is the management entrance exam for getting admission in institutes like IIMs....CAT is the most toughest entrance exam in India by IIMs for MBA.

You have to work hard to get into those institutes.

The best option is to join a coaching center.
Because in a coaching center you will get the environment of a school/college and teachers will always be there to clear your doubts and confusions.
They will take mock tests and will give you study materials and valuable tricks and notes for the exam.

So its better to join a coaching class, because self study is not enough for that. So you have to work very hard because cracking those entrance exams are very tough specially CAT which is considered as the most toughest management entrance exam in India.

CAT is conducted by IIMs, the Class A B-schools in India...
So prepare for those exams to study MBA.

But one thing is, there will many other students present in those centers and they will also get the same notes, study materials that you will get.

So you have to study for at least 6 7 hours a day by yourself at become ahead of them.

So join a good coaching center in your city and try to join those batch which has less students, so that teachers can focus on each and every student separately......

And last but not the least, be confident and don't get nervous and never loose hope. You can do it.

All the best dear.........
25th January 2012 02:53 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Sir, what is the fees they charge in TIME or CAREER LAUNCHER? And what is the duration of this course?
28th December 2011 10:25 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Hi i want to do MBA so after BA can i start coaching for cat it will gud for me or not?????
28th December 2011 10:17 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Hi i want to do MBA so after BA can i start coaching for cat it will gud for me or not?????
30th November 2011 07:10 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Friends,CAT can be done in different way according to the tastes and preference of the individual

each and every individual will have different methods and techniques to achieve their respective goals..
but very important fact is all the plans will have the following main qualities..
> You should strongly determine towards your goal..
> You should be well aware of what the syllabus and pattern..
> You should also be hard working and also a smart planner of the preparation..
> you should make smart plans according to the time available for the exam

these are the main fundamental things on which every individual should work out
apart from this
you can go to a good coaching institute like TIME(Triumphet Institute of Management Education)
this is one of the best coaching centers in the field of Coaching
30th November 2011 02:06 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

now i am persuing b.c.a. second year with aggrigate 86% please suggest me whether i have to choose m.b.a. or m.c.a. but i am interested more in m.b.a
16th November 2011 12:03 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Friends,CAT can be done in different way according to the tastes and preference of the individual

each and every individual will have different methods and techniques to achieve their respective goals..
but very important fact is all the plans will have the following main qualities..
> You should strongly determine towards your goal..
> You should be well aware of what the syllabus and pattern..
> You should also be hard working and also a smart planner of the preparation..
> you should make smart plans according to the time available for the exam

these are the main fundamental things on which every individual should work out
apart from this
you can go to a good coaching institute like TIME(Triumphet Institute of Management Education)
this is one of the best coaching centers in the field of Coaching
10th November 2011 11:14 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?


CAT has been undergoing so many changes. Recently, they reduced the three sections exam to two sections.

First Section: Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation
Second section: Logical Reasoning and Verbal ability

Having said that ,CAT Preparation should have a perfectly fabricated plan.

It is like this::

Quantitative Aptitude:: First complete R.S.Agarwal. Then take previous years aptitude section questions.Try to solve them. At the end, you will know your standard and how much effort you need to put for better results.

So just like above, You need to practice the remaining sections too. It should be daily preparation.To get the maximum results joining in any coaching institute is good.You will get so many tips if you join coaching.even the group dynamics make you to learn more.

TIME and CAREER LAUNCHER are regarded as the best institutes for CAT coaching.

Arun Sharma CAT study material will also be very helpful to you.

All the best
28th October 2011 05:29 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

It would be better if you take classes for CAT. This will help you in devoting your time for the preparation.
TIME coaching is the one you can join.

CAT is a test with no predefined syllabus, however past trends suggest that CAT tests in general aptitude including Verbal Ability (English), Quant Ability (Mathematics), Logical Resoning (LR) and Data Interpretation (DI) skills.
24th October 2011 03:37 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

what are referred books for cat?
18th September 2011 05:48 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Give tress on some following topics:


Logical Reasoning

Data Insuffiency


Some Important Tips :

1:According to me,maintain a time table to allow yourself to devote minimum 6-8 hrs per day for the CAT.

2:Then try to collect the base or main material of any subject.

3:.Study the Syllabus

4:Try to solve the Previous questions papers

5:Try to Solve more and more problems,

6:Try to discover more and more new own tricks by which you can easily solve any problem in a less time .

7:You can go for self tests.
15th September 2011 07:05 PM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

dear friend ,

the preparation for the common aptitude test can be started at 3rd year of the graduation.

the preparation should involve the focus on the subjects like logical reasoning and English.

because the logical reasoning is the one of tough subject in the cat exam.

for the preparation of the cat you can join the coaching for the better result.
because in the coaching center you will get more knowledge about the concepts in the subjects like logical reasoning .

for more information about the cat exam kindly visit the website

best luck
1st August 2011 02:41 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

i m done in graudation in bcom and i m decided to do mba so which liable for me
24th July 2011 07:46 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

u dnt need 2 start preparin 4 cat r8 nw........... i advice u 2 concentrate on engieerin nw bt u shd take classes in 4th yr ov engineering
24th July 2011 11:26 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

do we have weeknd Time coaching classes
24th July 2011 07:43 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

3rd July 2011 11:53 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

7th June 2011 11:53 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

hello..i m working presently.. I want to take up CAT 2011. I have just 5 months left,is this much time enough for the preparations? Please advice on how to go about it..
16th May 2011 11:49 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

hello!! i'm a 3rd year engineering student...i wanna do mba in t prepare for that? i hav less 5 months enough??
30th April 2011 07:46 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

If you want to crack CAT examination then you have to give your 100% effort.

- You should strongly determine towards your goal..

- You should be well aware of what the syllabus and pattern and how to manage time.

- You should also be hard working, try to solve more and more sample papers and also a smart planner of the preparation.

If you want to take coaching then there are so many top coaching center are available in India like TIME, career launcher etc...

So go for it.

All the Best...
30th April 2011 08:03 AM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

Preparation for CAT can be done in different way according to the tastes and preference of the individual

each and every individual will have different methods and techniques to achieve their respective goals..

but very important fact is all the plans will have the following main qualities..

-> You should strongly determine towards your goal..

-> You should be well aware of what the syllabus and pattern..

-> You should also be hard working and also a smart planner of the preparation..

-> you should make smart plans according to the time available for the exam

these are the main fundamental things on which every individual should work out

apart from this

you can go to a good coaching institute like TIME(Triumphet Institute of Management Education)

this is one of the best coaching centers in the field of Coaching


26th March 2011 10:19 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

i m in 3rd year love to do the MBA frm FMS can u pls tell me the way to get add dere ??? n also tell me d format of cat n some buks with whom i can do sum prepration ??????
27th January 2011 09:37 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

I hope you must start preparing for CAT from now itself as your from the third year of the course.If your good in the English then it will be some what easy for you else its better that you prefer books of R.S Agarwal for increasing your Aptitude level.

It depends upon you whether you can study yourself or go through coaching centers.Coaching centers like T.I.M.E,Career Launcher are the best in the coaching stream.So,its better that you go for the above mentioned Institutes to score well in CAT.

Here am attaching you a CAT model paper.Please go through it and if you find easy in solving the answers then self study is more than enough else go to the above mentioned coaching centers.
16th January 2011 04:37 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

start learning from yours logical,think before speak.
4th January 2011 08:42 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

when do i start preparing for cat as i want to do mba i think i shud do bba after my 12th boards along with cat preparation, am i going right
please suggest
22nd November 2010 02:49 PM
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

HELLO,CAT(common admission test) is an popular exam in conducts every year in the month october-november.receiving of admit card-august- exam held for 2.30hr,in which questions are frequently ask from data interpretation & logical reasoning,quantitative ability, verbal ability & comprehensive.every paper should qualify individually.5 options will be there for each question & 4 mark will be awarded for each correct answer,1/4 mark will be deduct for each incorrect answer.
to win this exam clear the fundamentals.according to this try to be familiar with the the begining you can ignore the speed,beside this read newspaper,magazine & habit to listen news for be update.for sake of convenience you can prepare 1 day schedule as-
*1 hr reading.
*2 hr maths.
*1 hr analytical reasoning / data interpretation.
*1 hr comprehensive reading excercise/verbal ability.
22nd November 2010 08:13 AM
Jinu Alex
Re: How to start preparing for CAT?

dear friend,
good that you are planning well befor in hand. well, to do MBA, you need to write cat, as you have correctly identified. so, to write cat, i would suggest you to take up coaching classes, as many places cat has become computer oriented. and so you would need few practice seesions in that. also, time management is another factor.
to add up, you shoul know the various techniques of solving the quants and the verbal or comprehension section is not that easy either.
so, to solve all these and to master them, you need to attend the coaching for cat. as per my experience in TIME, i would suggest you to join the nearest TIME institute, and get coached yourself. once you join there, they would give you the study plan and the methodologies to crack them. so that would be easier for you to adopt.

well, all the very best. God bless you.
18th November 2010 10:04 PM
How to start preparing for CAT?

actually i am pursuing in 3rd year and i want to do MBA after so please give me some information related to CAT exam that how will i prepare for CAT exam and qualify it, so
should i study myself or take the coaching from any institue.

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