Thread: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu? Reply to Thread

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18th May 2016 04:25 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Can I get mbbs seat in private or government medical college in tamilnadu for 192.75 cut off? I belong to bc. Please reply soon.
23rd February 2014 04:09 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

mycut of mark is 192.50for2012-2013 this year the same mark is available private medical colege is available .sindhu salem
23rd May 2013 11:17 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

My medical cut off is 195.25 . can i get medical seat in any private medical college in BC quota?
23rd May 2013 12:54 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in government colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the cut off for MBBS in government medical colleges?
what is the cut of for mbbs in govenment medicall college?
9th May 2013 03:36 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my med cut off is 182.75....nd belongin to sc categorie......ll i get seat in any private coll?????
20th June 2012 08:56 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

i have the cut off of 197 and i am a bc. how many students secured the same cut off?
20th June 2012 08:52 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

i get the cut off of 197 and i am a bc . how many people get the same cut of?
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the cut off mark of MBBS
10th June 2012 06:41 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my medical cut off is 190.25 and i belongs to BC community.shall i get any private medical colleges through counselling 2012?
9th June 2012 07:37 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

8th June 2012 05:31 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

My cut off mark is 189.5.My community is BC.Would I get MBBS in self financing colleges
25th May 2012 05:41 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

respected sir my medical cutoff is 175.25&iam belong to bc caste can i get a medical or bds seat sir?
25th May 2012 05:33 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

respected sir, my medical cutoff is 175.25 & iam belongs to Bc caste. can i get a medical or Bds seat? pls reply soon sir.
23rd May 2012 03:56 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Can I get a seat for MBBS in Tamilnadu Government Medical College after scoring 174.5 cutoff marks?
23rd May 2012 03:55 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Can I get a seat for MBBS in Tamilnadu Government Medical College after scoring 174.5.cutoff marks?
17th April 2012 09:01 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the cut off mark 2010 for private medical colleges
What is the cut-off marks for physics , chemistry , maths of 2010 ?
29th September 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

what is the cutoff mark for MBBS
10th September 2011 01:46 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

i have got rank 260 in management quota of tn private meddical colleges. wii i get admidssion?
1st August 2011 05:20 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

i am 193.25 cut off mark in 2: can i get mbbs seat in self finance college
30th July 2011 04:11 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my cut off is 195.25 in medical can i get m.b.b.s seat any self financing colleges in tamil nadu through councelling my councelling date is 1/8/2011 if any one have answer pls post today itself
13th July 2011 01:11 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Dear sir,
I have scored 195.75 medical cut off. can i get a seat from govt.quota in self financing medical college? plz send me reply.
22nd June 2011 03:22 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how much cut off mark for medical college
i am an mbc candidate having cut off 195 and i am in 3111 rank in list of 2011 rank list will i get medical seat in tamil nadu government medical college?
17th June 2011 10:51 AM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

sir,2010 last cut off mark in private college is 193.25
16th June 2011 08:18 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my daughter medical off is 197. will she get mbbs seat in govt. or self finance?
14th June 2011 08:45 AM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Cut off marks for mbbs admission 2009 in private tamilnadu medical colleges
see my attachment file to get complete information about the cutoff marks for medical colleges
12th June 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my cut off is 197.75.i belongs to BC.which gov college can i get
8th June 2011 10:41 AM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

sir my cutoff is 196.50 an di belongs to bc where i will get a medical seat?
4th June 2011 08:14 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

hello, iam suriya.i belongs to mbc medical cut-offis 171.can i get medical seatthrough couselling? ORcan i get medical seat in private colleges with low package? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me through my id
4th June 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

mu medical cut off marks is 195.00 i belongs to MBC comminity which college ,i will get admission in tamil nadu.
3rd June 2011 10:05 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

i haveing medical cut off of 161.25.i belong to sc caste.shall iget medical colleges?
3rd June 2011 05:34 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Dear sir,My medical cut off is 174 can i get medical seat or bds seat in govt. college i belongs to B.C
31st May 2011 03:04 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

30th May 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;599985]i am expecting 195.5 cutoff i am in a B.C cast which medical college in tamilnadu
29th May 2011 08:37 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Dear All,

The cutoff marks for Tamilnadu MBBS will be go upto 1.5 to 2 higher marks this year. But the additional 350 seats are sanctioned by MCI this may get reduced as like in the last year.
Refer cutoff details in

Excellent HR Services,
27th May 2011 02:33 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my medical cutoff is 196.25 and i belongs to BC. will i get govt. medical seat in Tamil nadu?
26th May 2011 08:53 AM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my cuttoff mark in medical is 196.25 belongs to bc....shall i get govt medical college?
24th May 2011 02:30 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

My medical cut off is 195.5 and I belongs to MBC, Shall I get seat in govt medical colleges in TN ?
24th May 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

My medical cut off is 195.5 and I belongs to MBC , shall I get seat in govt medical colleges in TN?
23rd May 2011 06:01 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

I scored 195.5 and belongs to MBC , will I get MBBS in TN government colleges. Please reply
23rd May 2011 02:37 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Here is some MBBS Colleges in Tamil Nadu

List of the best MBBS colleges and universities in Tamil Nadu.

1. K A P Viswanathan Government Medical College
Trichy Tamil Nadu
Telephone:- 0431-2401011
Fax:- 0431-2411929
Email:- [email protected]

2 Medical College
Toothukudi(Tuticorin) Tamil Nadu

3 Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College
Salem Tamil Nadu
Telephone:- 0427-2383313
Fax:- 0427-2383193
EMail: [email protected]

4 Perunthurai Medical College
Perunthurai Tamil Nadu

5 PSG Institute of Medical Sciences
PB Number 1674, Peelamedu Coimbatore, Tamilnadu – 641004
Telephone:- 0422-2570170
Fax:- 0422-594400
Email: [email protected]

6 Vinayaka Missions Medical College
Salem,– 636308, Tamil Nadu
Phone : 91 427 3987000,
Fax : 91 427 2477903
Email : [email protected]

7 Chengalpattu Medical College
Chengalpattu – 603001, Tamil Nadu
Telephone: 04114-226646
Fax: 04144-226566

8 Chennai Medical College & Research Institute
Park Town, Chennai – 600003, Tamil Nadu

9 Coimbatore Medical College
Coimbatore – 641014, Tamil Nadu
phone: 0422-2574375, 2574376, 2574377
Fax: 0422-300345

10 Kilpauk Medical College
Chennai – 600010, Tamil Nadu

11 Stanley Medical College
Old Jail Road, Chennai, TN- 600001
Phone : +91-44-2528-1351
Fax : +91-44-2528-8384

12 Thanjavur Medical College
Thanjavur – 613004 Tamil Nadu
Telephone:- 04362-240851/240951/240124
Fax:- 04362-240854

13 Tirunelveli Medical College
Tirunelveli – 627001 Tamil Nadu
Telephone:- 0462-2572733/2572734/2572944
Fax:- 0462-2579785
Email:- [email protected]

14 Madras Medical College and Research Institute
Chennai-600003 Tamil Nadu
Fax: 044-5363970

15 Christian Medical College (CMC)
Bagayam PO Vellore-632002, Tamil Nadu
Phone: 2222102, 2223603, 2222722, 2223977
Email: [email protected]

16 Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Padur Village
Kanchipuram – 603103
Telephone:- 044-67456900
Fax:- 044-27475970
Email:- [email protected]

17 Government Vellore Medical College
Adukkamparai, Vellore – 632011
Telephone:- 0416-2261900
Fax:- 0416-2261900
23rd May 2011 08:57 AM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi! respected members.shall i got MBBS or BDS seat in any medical colleges in Tamilnadu if my cut off is 170 or above.i want to know about management quota.i had got 93% in 10th i hope surely i will get 90% in 12th std. But i don't know how much cut off marks i will get. my parents are uneducated . They don't know about this so much. I am also don't know about this so much. Management quota is also ok for me and my parents. But we are not rich.we are only middle class family. My parents are ready to afford maximum 3 lac for management quota through bank loan. We need correct guidance. Please help me and my parents. I'm waiting for guidance. Please reply fastly.Thank You all!

govt seats in private colleges cost 5 lac.min cost of management fees (starting fees)is 15 lac.170 is not enough for govt colleges.
22nd May 2011 11:45 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

what is the cut off mark 2010 for private medical colleges
20th May 2011 02:48 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my cut off is 175. i belong to bc muslim. will i get mbbs or bds seat?
20th May 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my cut off mark for medical is 194.75.i belong to SCA.will i get seat in stanley college of medical sciences or in keelpakkam medical college
18th May 2011 09:12 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my medical cut off is 175.7 and i belongs to bc caste. shall i get bds?
18th May 2011 01:07 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my medical cut off 197 and i belongs to bc caste get any goverment collegs
17th May 2011 09:30 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

I want toknow abt cnt off mark list to join mbbs as per mbc community?
17th May 2011 03:52 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

dear sir ,
my daughter got 93% cut off will she be getting medicine in counseling we belong to BC plz reply us
17th May 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

my medical cut off is 190.25 and i belongs to mbc caste.shall i get any private medical colleges?
16th May 2011 11:08 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

My Mdeical cut off mark is 164 out off 200. Please
select the perfict college list
16th May 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Cut-off marks for MBBS in private colleges in Tamil Nadu?

Dear Sir,

My daughter got 195.25 aggregate marks in Medicine discipline-2011. We are belong to BC categories.can we get MBBS seat in Government college or self finance medical college.
What was the cut off mark for BC categories for Government colleges in 2010 & Private self finance colleges in 2010.
Please provide us your reply to the given below e mail id. [email protected]
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