30th October 2013 11:28 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? Being final year Electrical Engineering student , can I apply for AIR FORCE, please provide me detailed information of the procedure to be followed. |
3rd January 2013 07:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? sir am pursuing final year of b.tech (4-2) .can i apply for AFCAT enterance exam for 2013? |
6th July 2012 02:02 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? sir, still i am the student of final year in B.E IN JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY.and i would like to go for the job of air force . i have branch of CONSTRUCTION engineering will it help me to go for the air force job ? i am being the confused person about my own carrier so how i can prepare for the air force examination simultaneously i don't have to much knowledge about this sector . so pls give me suggesion |
8th June 2012 06:33 PM | ||
ranjith1438 |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? Hai, Yes you are eligible for Indian airforce, for this you have two choices 1. CDS, CDS(Combined Defence Service) exam has four branches they are:- Naval academy, Airforce academy, Military academy, Officer training academy. CDS exam is conducted by the UPSC(Union Publi Service Commission) two times in a year. The eligibility details for CDS exam:- The candidate should be complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university. Male and female and candidates are eligible. The candidate should be a citizen of india. Age criteria:- Airforce academy 19 to 23 years, Naval academy 19 to 22 years, Officer training academy 19 to 25 years, Military academy 19 to 24 years. For more details visit below website http://www.upsc.gov.in 2.AFCAT exam:- There are three branches in AFCAT:- Ground duty branch, Technical branch, Flying branch. Eligibility details for AFCAT:- The candidate should be complete graduation or equivalent degree with 60% marks from any recognised university. The candidate should be a citizen of india. Age criteria:- For technical branch 18 to 28 years, For flying branch 19 to 23 years, For ground duty branch 20 to 23 years. For more details visit below website http://www.careerairforce.nic.in All the best. |
8th June 2012 01:31 PM | ||
josh98 |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? Hi, you can join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering with the CDS exam. CDS stands for Combined Defence Service. This exam conducted by the upsc twice in a year. CDS has three wings indian Air force Indian Military Academy Navy ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Nationality: the candidate should be citizen of india. Educational Qualification: the candidate should have completed the graduation from any recognized university. The final year candidates are eligible for this exam. There is no minimum percentage required to eligible this exam. The indian air force and navy you should have physics chemistry and mathematics are compulsory subjects. Age limit: indian air force age limit is 19 to 24 years. Indian Military Academy age limit is 19 to 24 years. Navy age limit is 19 to 23 years. Gender: Only unmarried male candidates are eligible for this exam. Girls are not eligible for this exam. Physical standard: the candidate physically and medically fit. Selection Process: written test interview medical test for more details visit the website http://www.upsc.gov.in all the best. |
8th June 2012 12:28 PM | ||
dhirajen18 |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? Being a B.Tech. Graduate you can apply for Indian Air Force through appearing entrance exam for:- CDS & AFCAT UPSC conducts entrance exam for CDS(Combined Defence Service) for entry in to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officer's Training Academy. Unmarried Indian male having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognised University within the age of 19 to 23 years with good Physical and Mental health can apply for Indian Air Force of CDS. For more information you may log on to http://www.upsc.gov.in AFCAT - AIR FORCE COMMON ADMISSION TEST conducted by Air Force for entry in to:- FLYING BRANCH TECHNICAL BRANCH GROUND DUTY BRANCH The candidate having unmarried Indian male with Graduation with at least 60% marks within the age of 19 to 23 years for Flying Branch, 18 to 28 for Technical Branch and 20 to 23 years for Ground Duty Branch, is eligible to apply for AFCAT. As you are a B.Tech. Candidate after completion of which you can apply for AFCAT. For more information you may log on to http://www.careerairforce.nic.in |
8th June 2012 11:33 AM | ||
jxsab |
Re: How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? Quote:
Indian Air Force is one of the defence force of India Being a final year B.tech chemical engineering student you can apply for certain entrance exam with this qualification as you can apply for the entrance exams at the time of final year exams. The entrance exam which you can opt for joining in Indian Air Force are: >> CDS - Combined Defence Service >> AFCAT - Air Force Common Admission Test There are criteira's which are framed for these exams and you need to satisfy them in order to apply for the entrance exam. Qualification Needed: For CDS: For applying for this entrance exam for joining in Indian Air force you need to be a citizen of India. The Martial status needed for the exam is that only unmarried male candidate is eligible The age limit needed for the CDS exam is that the candidate must have 19-24 years Education qualification for the CDS Exam is that the candidate must have completed a degree with physics and mathematics as subject Candidate need to be physically fit while appeaing for the exam ![]() For AFCAT: AFCAT consist of 3 branches and the branch which you can write according to your qualification is Ground Duty Branch: The candidate must be a citizen of Indiaand must have a age limit of 20-27 years and must have completed a UG or PGdegree in any discipline with 60% aggregate. Flying Branch: The candidate must be a citizen of Indiaand must have a age limit of 19-23 years and must have completed a degree inB.E/B.Tech with 60% aggregate. If you satisfy all these criteria's for the respected exam then you can apply for that exam ALL THE BEST |
8th June 2012 10:09 AM | ||
raghu.sist |
How can I join Air Force being a candidate pursuing final year of B.Tech in Chemical Engineering? sir, still i am the student of final year in b-tech and i would like to go for the job of air force . i have branch of chemical engineering will it help me to go for the air force job ? i am being the confused person about my own carrier so how i can prepare for the air force examination simultaneously i don't have to much knowledge about this sector . so pls give me suggesion |