Thread: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology? Reply to Thread

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12th June 2012 03:51 PM
Re: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

Normally M Tech is awarded by the University sole or IIT.Basically the weightage of both the degrees is the same,and globally both the degrees are considered equally. However there are some universities who give M Tech in non engineering subjects also (Like Bio Technology),but M E is awarded in Engineering subjects only.
12th June 2012 03:15 PM
sharmila mani
Re: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

Previously some universities gave ME as Master in engineering and some other unversities gave M.Tech (Master in technology) both post graduate degrees in engineering. Initially IITs gave B.Tech and M.Tech. Now every varsity gives that.Only the name matters. When I studied Keral University gave B.Sc (Engineering) for a five year course in engineering. Many people mistaken it as ordinary B.Sc.
M.E also means Master in engineering. Names does not matter. Only what you study matter.
12th June 2012 02:45 AM
Re: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
difference between master of engineering and master of technolagy

There is no applicable difference between them. In late 70 and early 80s institutes offer engineering with other degrees called as master of engineering but now a days engineering degrees are called only.

11th June 2012 10:20 PM
Re: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

difference between master of engineering and master of technolagy
30th November 2011 02:15 PM
Re: Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

There is no applicable difference between them. In late 70 and early 80s institutes offer engineering with other degrees called as master of engineering but now a days engineering degrees are called only.
18th June 2011 07:15 PM
Difference between master of engineering and master of technology?

what is the difference between master of engineering and master of technology

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