2nd December 2020 01:13 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 308 marks in neet can i got admission in bams clg ..pls suggest the clgs for prefrance form. |
21st July 2019 01:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir I have got 228 marks in neet exam can i get admisson in BAMS College & can u please suggest me which college is preferable for me please reply me on [email protected] |
18th June 2019 10:49 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i have got 191 marks in neet can i get admission in bams collage Nashik plz reply me [email protected] |
6th June 2019 11:15 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir I got 254 marks in neet can i get admission in bams college tilak of pune pls reply me sir on my email id [email protected] |
9th June 2018 06:01 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 92 marks in PCB group in MHT-CET & 130 NEET can I get admission to BDS & BAMS through cap round in pune |
10th June 2016 02:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i have score 66 percent marks in hsc board exam and 85 marks in mhcet in pcb group i want to cutt of lis of govt b.a.m.s. college in maharashtra plz sne me in my e mail. [email protected] |
6th June 2016 01:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? please give me the cut off list of bams goverment college in maharashtra on my email [email protected] |
24th June 2015 10:33 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I have scored 81 marks imhcetet & 91marksassoacet cet can I get admission in bamsbams collegepunepune region? |
18th June 2015 08:03 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 146 marks in cet where I get admission in govt. college in maharashtra i am open catagery student plz send me ans on [email protected] |
17th June 2015 12:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir I have 146 marks in cet should I get admission in BAMS plz tell me sir |
7th June 2015 04:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 144 in mh-cet is there any possibility to get admission in govt bams college in maharastra |
26th May 2015 10:00 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 125 marks in mhcet where i get addimission in bams college plz send me ans on [email protected] |
14th May 2015 12:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? this year i appeared 4 hsc exam and i wnt admission in medical colleges.cn u plz sir tell me the cut-off list of private nd government colleges 4 M.B.B.S, B.A.M.S nd B.D.S.... sir plz suggest |
18th September 2014 12:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
19th August 2014 06:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i want cutoff taking admission in bams mhcet 2014 am i eligible to get admission in bams gov college of maharastra? |
5th July 2014 10:05 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir i want cutoff for taking admission in bams or bhms in mhcet 2014... Am i eligible to get admission in goverment college of maharashtra? My mhcet score is 189 My email id is [email protected] Mob.no.9423644680 |
20th June 2014 10:17 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Dear sir my mhcet score is 96 mark . I reqest to plz reply got admissiom yes or no . |
11th June 2014 08:55 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir plz tell me that can i get admission in government colleges of bams?i have got 85.32% in pcb in hsc & 228 marks in mh-cet.i am in the sbc category.if i am plz eligible for getting admission for bams,plz give me message on mob no. 9421125148 & 7385728484.waiting for your kind [email protected] |
9th June 2014 10:55 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I have got 75% In hsc and 164marks in mhcet which coll ege did i get of bams (obc). |
8th June 2014 03:45 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir,please send me list of govt. colleges in maharashtra?I had been scored 118 IN MHT CET.Will I am able to get admission in any of the colleges. |
27th May 2014 10:48 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? What was the cut off for government bams college in 2014 in Maharashtra? |
27th May 2014 09:46 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir I want cutoff list of BAMS gov. collage last year send on [email protected] |
15th October 2013 09:20 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? Sir plz tell me cutoff list for B.A.M.S ..i m OBC Candidate |
30th July 2013 12:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i want to cutt list of gov.b.a.m.s.colleges in mumbai please send me to my email. [email protected] |
14th June 2013 01:37 PM | |
shubham pawr123 |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sur i can get pcb marks in bord exam 142 marks can i get bams admision any private collages sur reply ans me [email protected] get fast reply |
8th June 2013 02:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i want cut of list of govbams, bds and mbbs plz send it on my email id [email protected] |
6th June 2013 03:29 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i have 76 marjks in neet exam can i get admission for bams collage |
18th October 2012 10:24 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i need cutoff list of BAMS 2012. [email protected] |
5th September 2012 01:10 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i want to fees detail about bams i am nt2 cast also merit list 2012 .what is the exact fees for cast please tell me in detail.. i am waiting for ur reply [email protected] |
27th August 2012 06:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir I score 95 marks in mht cet can I get admission in gov BAMS college in Maharashtra |
21st August 2012 03:56 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i got 132 marks in mhtcet can i get admission to bams in pune? |
18th August 2012 01:55 PM | |
payal wanjari |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i want cutoff list of BAMS colleges in maharashtra 2012 |
14th August 2012 03:23 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir pleas send me selection list of bams in nagpur or shri ayurvedic college nagpur selection list my email id is [email protected] |
31st July 2012 02:58 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i scored 128 marks in mhtcet 2012 can i get admissin to bams |
29th July 2012 03:25 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? when will be first list of asso cet displayed? |
28th July 2012 06:58 PM | |
nellipudi.santhoshkumar |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? ![]() List of Government Colleges for BAMS in Maharashtra: 1.Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj Shikshan Sansthas Ayrvedic Medical College 2.Government Ayurvedic College 3.Government Ayurvedic College 4.Government Ayurvedic College,Maharashtra List of Private Colleges for BAMS in Maharashtra: 1.Bharatiya Vidyapeeth College of Ayurveda 2.Balbhagvan shikshan Prasarak Mandals Dhanwantari Ayurvedic 3.Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust,Ayurved Vishwashanti Dham 4.Bhau Saheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya 5.College of Ayurved and Research Centre 6.G S G Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Maliwada 7.Dadasaheb S S N Ayurved Mahavidyalaya 8.Ganga Educational Society Ayurvedic Medical College 9.Gramin Ayurved Mahavidyala 10.HSP Mandals Ayurved Mahavidyala 11.JJ Magdum Ayurved College 12.Jupiter Ayurved Medical College List of BAMS Colleges in India: 1.University of Delhi,Delhi 2.Tamil Nadu Dr. M G R Medical University,Chennai,Tamilnadu 3.Sri Sankar College of Ayurveda,Trichy,Tamilnadu 4.Ayurvedic College,Coimbatore,Tamilnadu 5.Dr. N T R University of Health Sciences,Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh 6.Goa University,Goa 7.Maharashtra University of Health Sciences,Maharashtra 8.Sri Sai ram Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Centre,Chennai,Tamil nadu all the best..... |
20th July 2012 04:30 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir.i want cut off list of gov & pvt colleges BAMS..BHMS.. in maharastra .plz.send it on my e-mail id [email protected] |
17th July 2012 09:08 PM | |
Ravikanth2027 |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? List of BAMS Colleges in Maharashtra : Ashtang Ayurved Mahavidyalaya , Pune Ayurved Mahavidyala , Aurngabad Maharashtra Arogya Mandal's Sumati Bhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya , Pune Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University , Pune Chaitanya Ayurved Mahavidyalaya , Jalgaon D.C.S Ayurved College , Dhule D.M Ayurved Mahavidyalaya , Nagpur Yerala M.T Ayurved College , Mumbai Nallasopara Ayurved Medical College , Thane Ramrao Patil Ayurved Mahavidyalaya , Parbhani |
17th July 2012 04:40 PM | |
renuka kapkar |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? [QUOTE=Unregistered;2315640]sir i want to cutt off list of gov. b.a.m.s. colleges in maharastra plz send me in my e mail [email protected] |
17th July 2012 04:34 PM | |
renuka kapkar |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir i have scored 74% in hsc and scored 94 marks in pmt of maharashtra and i comes under the category of NT3. please sir i am requesting you to tell me about choice of any bams college for my scoring |
3rd July 2012 11:25 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 158 marks in mht cet so plz tell me can I get. adminton in bams collage of pune |
3rd July 2012 11:24 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? I got 158 marks in mht cet so plz tell me can I get. adminton in bams collage of pune |
24th June 2012 12:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? plz sir send cut off list for B.A.M.S. i am obc candidate my email id :- [email protected] my mob no:- 9762680464 |
23rd June 2012 03:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? plz sir send cut off list for B.A.M.S. i am obc candidate my email id :- [email protected] |
22nd June 2012 09:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? sir please tell me cutoff list for B.A.M.S. & physiotheropy. i am a SC candidate .. |
18th June 2012 05:17 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? plz send me last year cut-off list of bams for private & govt. college,my email ID is [email protected] |
18th June 2012 03:18 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i have 64 marks in mht cet so plz tell me which gov.coll. of bams get me |
17th June 2012 10:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i want admission in BAMS after scoring 105 marks in assocet ? in which college could i get? cutoff list of that college? Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? |
17th June 2012 09:32 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? i got 144 marks in mht cet and 139 pcb in associate cet from pune board could you tell me whether i will get admission in bams govt college nanded if not which option i have |
17th June 2012 05:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Cutoff list of government BAMS college in Maharashtra? dear sir i want to get admission in bams in all maharastra plz contact me my mobile no.9421856505 |
This thread has more than 50 replies. Click here to review the whole thread. |