Thread: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission? Reply to Thread

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30th October 2021 05:22 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

What is 2021-22year cut off of degree Direct second year of E&TC branch I got percentage in diploma 85.87%and aggregate 85.12%
6th November 2020 03:45 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Myself sejal dalvi I scored 92.47% in diploma civil engineering, now i want to know the cutoff list of walchand college of engineering, sangli ??
5th November 2020 02:13 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir have aggregate is 83.50 in electrical please I will know your electrical branch cutoff of degree direct second years 20 -21 please show the cutoff of electrical
5th November 2020 01:41 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

What is 2020 -21 year cutoff of degree direct second years of electrical branch (my diploma percentage is 86.63 and aggregate is 83.50 )In this conditions can I have suitable for your college
18th July 2020 05:58 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

What is 2019 year cutoff of degree direct second year?(Computer branch)
7th June 2020 10:49 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

How many percentage required after diploma to get admission in mechanical engineering in WIT sangli ?
3rd November 2019 01:54 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Cut of list for direct second year civil engineering department
7th July 2019 06:24 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir I have completed my diploma last year with 86 % can I got the admission in WCE in sangli for direct second year of computer science degree
20th June 2019 09:48 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir I have completed diploma in electrical engineering with 90.55% please send me cut off list
24th July 2018 06:44 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

What is cutoff list for computer science trade for direct second year of engineering
30th June 2018 11:19 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I'm competed my diploma in mechanical engineering I got 82% so I can get admission in sangli WIT
25th June 2018 05:32 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have scored 84.38% in diploma of computer I applicable for degree second year in computer engineering .and want actual cut off list for this year.
25th June 2018 05:32 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have scored 84.38% in diploma of computer I applicable for degree second year in computer engineering, and want actual cut off list for this year.
15th January 2017 03:52 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Cut off list before years in mechanical engg karad college after diploma
22nd April 2016 10:38 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

can i get cuttoff for mechanical enginerring direct second year for SC cast in walchand college sangli.
4th March 2016 09:14 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir, I got 63% agreegate at diploma last year in ENTC can i apply for the direct second year?
24th July 2015 11:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir I have completed diploma in electrical engineering with 80 % plz sir send cut off list
6th June 2015 05:44 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Plz send me last year cut off list of degree mechanical i got 80.13% in hsc [email protected]
7th August 2014 09:38 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir plz send me cut off list of direct 2nd year
admissions for comp engg. open . my per 71%
[email protected]
23rd July 2014 10:21 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir plz send me cut off list of direct 2nd year admossion for comp engg.cast NTc my per 65% [email protected]
21st July 2014 04:57 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I want to know cut-off list of direct second year admission. I'm in diploma in mechanical engineering 3rd year
20th July 2014 10:23 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have 75% in diploma final year can i get admission in walchand college of engineering through obc & ladies quota !
19th July 2014 08:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

what is the cut off list for information technology(2013)...I have done my diploma by 72%.
26th June 2014 10:34 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

i got 79.5% in diploma gov.polytechnic kolhapur. so plz give me suggestions for degree admission....
14th June 2014 09:48 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I got 89.57% marks in last year of diploma..
So plz give me suggetions......
12th June 2014 08:49 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Can i give dsy admission in govt. Eng. Collage of chandrapur. But i have got 64% in last year diploma.
27th May 2014 08:17 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir i have got 86% in civil engg diploma can i get admission in your college
14th May 2014 09:22 PM
Prajakta Patil 199451
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

cutoff list of walchand college of engineering of E&TC & ELECTRONIC branch 2012
25th March 2014 12:21 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Cutoff list of direct 2nd year admission for electrical walchand college of engineering
29th August 2013 12:22 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir,i am study in TY computer DIPLOMA i can change my branch in mechanical for degree & please send cut off computer engg. degree.
11th August 2013 11:00 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir, I have complete diploma in computer engineering my percent is 61 I want the cut of list marks in of gov college in maharasttr
29th July 2013 11:58 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir i complete my diploma in civil engineering ,pleause give me cut of list of direct second year in sc cast
24th July 2013 08:27 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Cutoff list of walchand college 2012
16th July 2013 08:11 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

SIR plz send me cut off list for direct 2nd year engg , in electrical trade on my Email [email protected]
30th June 2013 11:27 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir,pls. send the cut off list for direct 2nd year engg. E&TC ....... [email protected]
27th June 2013 01:05 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

i wnt cut off list of WCE sangli for cast SBC(girls).....i hd cmpleted my deploma from Information Technology.... n i hd scored 77% plz snd it on my [email protected]
14th June 2013 08:57 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I want cut off list of wce sangli.I have completed my diploma in industrial electronics with 80%.plz send list on my id :[email protected]
14th June 2013 08:51 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I want cut off list of WCE sangli.I have completed my diploma in industrial electronics with 80%.plz send list on my id : [email protected]
13th June 2013 02:16 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

i want cut off list of wce sangli.I have completed my diploma in entc with 89%.Send me cut off list on my email id : [email protected]
11th June 2013 08:23 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have got 85.94%in IT diploma please send direct second year CSE & It cut off list please
3rd June 2013 02:10 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

cut off list of wce sangli for direct second year admission for electronics branch
11th May 2013 03:57 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

please send me cut off list on my email at [email protected]
28th August 2012 02:15 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Can i get admission in walchand college sangli for direct second year degree course in mechanical branch i scored 86.75 percent mark in third year diploma
12th August 2012 07:56 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

i have got 68.06 % in exam and i m from electrical branch can i took admission at walchand collges and plz send cut off walchand colleg

17th July 2012 02:15 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir i got 93.27% in ssc exam 2011-12 .i am interest in admission walchand college ,sangli.what cut of last year diploma branches 2011?
8th July 2012 11:08 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have got 66 % IN cbse and MH CET 2012 77 MARKS Exam and I am interest in admission if walchand college of engineering Sangli . what cuff of last mh cet 2011 cut off.
28th June 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

I have got 74.75 % in exam and i m from mechanical branch can i took admission at walchand collges and plz send cut off walchand colleg
28th June 2012 09:07 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

sir i got 81% in diploma last year from E&TC. can i get admission in government college
28th June 2012 09:24 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

piease sir send me the cutoff of iast year for open (girls) for first year
28th June 2012 01:57 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli for direct 2nd year degree admission?

Sir i want cut off list of walchand college of engineering ,sangli for direct 2nd year degree .I have completed the diploma in ENTC & i have scored 79% marks in 2011-12 acadamic year.
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