Thread: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course? Reply to Thread

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31st August 2016 06:02 PM
disha arvind jain
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

What is better after bscit doing job in IT Companies with also doing MCA through correspondence or regular MCA please reply?
25th July 2015 12:18 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

I am a B.Com. (Hons.) graduate and MBA (Finance) from regular college/university. I also have DOEACC O level. I am presently in job and have 7 years experience in finance depts. of various companies. I want to shift to IT/ITES sector for which I intend to do MCA from IGNOU. Will it help my growth prospect?
17th December 2014 03:04 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Can you suggest me about some colleges in Kolkata which will give me a chance for perusing B. Com General ON 2015, after passing out 12th COMMERCE, ON 2010. Because I've passed out my 12th on 2010. I want to do regular from C.U. or from any else in South Kolkata.
Some people said me that, I'm not eligible for any college because of this long-time-gap-period(5 years). I'm now just a 12th pass candidate with 53% as on 2010, without having any college graduate, & 23 years by age.
Some people suggests me about correspondence from Netaji Subhas Bose Open University, but I think will correspondence qualification valuable for Bank. And also it will be much better, if ANY ONE SUGGEST ME A FRUITFUL CAREER GUIDANCE FOR IAS AND BANK PO. I'm afraid for my aging, as I'm now 23years old without any graduate.
I'm actually graduate failed on English Honourse. At the moment I took English Honourse, no one suggest me about a fruit-full career, & also the persuation of the course was not gentle.
31st July 2014 01:56 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

sir i m doing job in php after completion of my bca from hpu . and now i think corresponding mca from ignou dis year pls help me to find the best college in himachal . can i join una govt college for mca from ignou plz give us detail on my email id choudharysatish75@gmail. com

3rd July 2014 02:10 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Sir i had completed my BCA from HPU now i want to do MCA(correspondence) is it good for me or not? Plzz tell me sir
14th October 2013 07:29 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

I want to Know About What is the Fee of MCA Throw Correspondent from SMU
15th September 2013 04:40 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Dea user

Every course is valuable.Correspondance courses are valuable but top most recruiters does not accept these courses.
Following are some of TOP MCA universities in India.

KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

Sikkim Manipal University


Good luck
22nd July 2013 03:53 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?


No doubt you can pursue MCA on correspondence and it would add value to you as well
but it wont be adding much value to You.

Regular course of anything is better than its correspondence.
Earlier MCA and computer science are given different post but due to increase in competition, many company give them the same position. Need less to say, candidates with correspondence degree wont be given when these two are present.

All the best
19th February 2013 09:23 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

ya mca correspondance is valuable if u work in IT industry after ur degree. coz mca regular guys wont get perfect knowledge abt practicals. so corresponadance is better with job
7th February 2013 09:14 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

I had graduate in BCA from PTU and now want to do MCA as correspondance , but i am already working in telecom line in airtel from last 4 years , but want to change my profession and went to software line, but question is i am totally fresher for this field
so pls tell me best unversity MCA and can i get better job as fresher in software company , bcoz all d company wants expercienced person in their line

So pls Suggest me for bright and save future
Sahil Bhatia
4th January 2013 05:45 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Can i purse my MCA in ANNA University ? is it value??
4th January 2013 04:43 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

i did my bsc computer sci ...i want to do MCA through correspondance .Which university is best for correspondance?? plz offer me ??
24th August 2012 10:59 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Is Mca Correspondence provides us a good aportunity 2 make our future ? Which university is good for MCA correspondence?

I already Completed My Post Graduation Diplomo in Software development under the University of Mysore and I want to start my MCA direct through 2nd year , i want further details about this information and please teach me about good colleges?

if U have any suggestions please replay me ,my email id is: [email protected]
22nd August 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello sir..i have completed my bsc in 2009 but some reasons i couldn't take admission in mca but i want to do sir plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz suggest me what is i do?
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sir reply me. my id [email protected].
thank you.i'll wait your reply.
19th August 2012 01:07 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

sir i am a graduate in arts and i want do correspondance MCA couce from allahabad my question it is valuabe for me and i am a working lady
17th August 2012 01:29 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

I have done my BBM and MBA from banglore university(regular) due to some external force. But now im very much interested to get into IT sector. Is it fine to do correspondence MCA
with manipal or IGNOU while working wit some company ? I cant take up MCA regular now as its 3 years. Help me out !
23rd June 2012 02:25 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi dear,
in my opinion no doubt MCA regular is much better then MCA correspondence because you can get more technical knowledge in regular MCA and get a good job in on campus placement.
But if you are not able to do MCA regular then you can do MCA correspondence and in my suggestion you have to do a job with your MCA correspondence because it will help full for you after complete your MCA. Because at that time you have both degree of MCA and work experience.
There are many universities for correspondence MCA:
Karnataka state open university
Osmania university,Hyderabad
Sikkim manipal university
university of pune
Vidya Sagar
Anna university
JGU university
Good Luck
23rd June 2012 12:01 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Can we pursue ignou MCA with regular courses like B.ed and MBA
23rd June 2012 11:58 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Can we pursue MCA correspondance with some regular course like B.ed ??
18th June 2012 12:01 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

sir i have completed my bca from kuk university with i want to do mca correspondence with good precentage.Is it possible sir plz guide me
14th June 2012 09:43 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hi dear,
These days, MCA is suffering with quality jobs and jobs for fresher, because of easily availability of Computer Engineers and increasing number of MCA graduates has also created job crisis.

So, in these situations persuing MCA is little what risky, but no problem you can switch to it.

Following are some of TOP MCA (Corresspondance) Universities of India.

Sikkim Manipal University


KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

12th June 2012 01:15 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

i have completed my Bsc(Computer Science) course. is MCA correspondence is valuable? plz guide me..........................................
27th May 2012 05:36 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

can i join mca course in anna uni in partime
24th May 2012 11:20 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello sir;

i have completed 3 year software engineering diploma (GNIIT) from NIIT Agra in 2012. sir this time i am doing a job in a B.P.O industry. sir i want to do M.C.A through correspondence. does it banificial for me or not........... bcs now i want to get a job in a IT organization.......... plz help me for bright future.......

my email ID is vish0222 @
24th January 2012 06:30 PM
charanjot singh
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

MCA is a professional courses.

you will get valuation in professional courses if you do it either regular course.

or you can do it with your job.

Following are some of TOP MCA (Corresspondance) Universities of India.

Sikkim Manipal University


KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

24th January 2012 04:46 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello dear friend,
no doubt MCA in correspondence is valuable, but regular MCA is more valuable than correspondence MCA.
But for job, you will be well prepared for technical knowledge.

& there are a lot of universities which provides the course MCA in correspondence.

you can take admission in :
Kurukshetra University
Sikkim Manipal University etc

good luck.,
thank you
6th December 2011 11:27 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello....friends...i have completed my bca dis year....and den joined "Software Testing" and now its goin to be i am cinfused dat i should go for job or i should finish my MCA and den i shud go for job? What will be betr pls suggest me..... REGULAR MCA or JOB WITH CORRESPONDENCE MCA????
12th October 2011 04:14 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello, i do BCA from pune university & after completing BCA i got, i want to join correspondence MCA course. pls give mi details about this course.....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
6th October 2011 02:11 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Should i do mca through karnataka state open university,i am working professional in wipro and i want to do correspondence mca .pls suggest me
My email id is [email protected]
14th August 2011 09:50 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi dear,

These days, MCA is suffering with quality jobs and jobs for fresher, because of easily availability of Computer Engineers and increasing number of MCA graduates has also created job crisis.

So, in these situations persuing MCA is little what risky, but no problem you can switch to it.

Following are some of TOP MCA (Corresspondance) Universities of India.

Sikkim Manipal University


KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

13th August 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Fees for MCA in Sikkim Manipal University through correspondence ?
4th August 2011 08:20 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Originally Posted by akanksharastogi01 View Post
Is Mca Correspondence provides us a good aportunity 2 make our future ? Whitch university is good for MCA correspondence?
delhi universiy
29th July 2011 11:50 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi dear,

These days, MCA is suffering with quality jobs and jobs for fresher, because of easily availability of Computer Engineers and increasing number of MCA graduates has also created job crisis.

So, in these situations persuing MCA is little what risky, but no problem you can switch to it.

Following are some of TOP MCA (Corresspondance) Universities of India.

Sikkim Manipal University


KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

29th July 2011 11:49 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi dear,

These days, MCA is suffering with quality jobs and jobs for fresher, because of easily availability of Computer Engineers and increasing number of MCA graduates has also created job crisis.

So, in these situations persuing MCA is little what risky, but no problem you can switch to it.

Following are some of TOP MCA (Corresspondance) Universities of India.

Sikkim Manipal University


KArnataka State Open University

Osmania University, Hydrabad

University of Pune.

1st July 2011 03:13 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

i had done bca from ku n i got re-appear in 2 subjects can i got addmision in mca regular if not then can i do mca 1st yr correspondence n then got lateral addmision in regular mca in any college if nothing can be done what u suggest to save my 1yr
20th June 2011 10:42 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi... If we study in correspondence MCA we will get jobs r not? It is valuable r not?
plz tell me clearly
31st May 2011 11:57 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

MCA correspondence is valuable only if you have job experience for altleast 2years.Then there is a wide oppurtunities.
5th May 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

ignou college in chandigarh.please provide a way, i am doing my bca in h.p.u and now we want to do mca in correspondence
30th April 2011 02:01 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

I think MCA regular is more Valuable then MCA correspondence ..because it is professional course so i think it have less valuable then regular.....
20th April 2011 05:59 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hello Sir, I am a student of BSC(IT) second year. I want to do MCA correspondance after ple suggest me colleges in navi mumbai which are the best for MCA correspondance cource.....
email: [email protected]
19th April 2011 05:25 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hi guys! plzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee suggest me the course wid mca correspondance
4th February 2011 01:51 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

i have got a job in IT sector.I am planning to do MCA from IGNOU.Will it fetch me a good paid job?
29th January 2011 12:39 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Is correspondence MCA degree from PTU has value in companies?
6th December 2010 03:45 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Hi, please let me know about good colleges available for MCA correspondence course under IGNOU and Osmania univ @ Hyderabad......

please help,
29th November 2010 01:50 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz replyyyyyyyyyyyy
Yes, MCA through correspondence is valuable and it as good as regular MCA if you have the pratical knowledge because companies are looking for talented people and not for degree holders. There are hundred of thousand MCA degree holder but then also companies are not getting the people they want. Only carrying a regular MCA degree will fetch a job. If two candidates have MCA degree through reguar and throug correspondence employes will preffer candidate with practical knowledge and they will not preffer regular or correspondene.
MCA through distance is better if you working and no doubt you go for it.

Some universitie those are offerring distance MCA are
9th November 2010 06:18 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

Sikkim manipal university is good for mca or not it has value in market or not
3rd November 2010 12:07 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hi i did BA in regular and now i am doin MCA in corres is it value ? if i get job ?
8th October 2010 07:35 AM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

A course from a good university always has its value. There is nothing wrong with a correspondence course provided it is a good university. But still it is advisable to think of a regular course. If you still prefer a correspondence course, IGNOU would be a good choice.
7th October 2010 02:34 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

hello friend

see, MCA is a professional courses.

you will get valuation in professional courses if you do it either regular course.

or you can do it with your job.

so if you have already a bca degree, as well as a job. then MCA correspondence course will be good option for your bright career.

otherwise you will not get market value about your course.

you can do mca in given below university




4.VIDYA SAGAR university.

5.Anna university.


all the best.........
7th October 2010 02:01 PM
Re: Is MCA correspondence valuable? Universities which have MCA correspondence course?

IGNOU is the best for you to do the course as it has
an international fame.
You can give exams from anywhere across the world.
Check it out.
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