Thread: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders Reply to Thread

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8th January 2014 05:42 PM
Aniket Sad
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I was pass out of diploma in computer engineering with 79%. Can i get admission in IIT.
No. U can't join IIT . Now only U can join WBUT or other Engineering collages,, for higher study.... After completing U can join IIT ...Ok. Best of luck.
8th January 2014 05:36 PM
Aniket Sad
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I was pass out of diploma in computer engineering with 79%. Can i get admission in IIT.
No. U can't join IIT . Now only U can join WBUT or other Engineering collages,, for higher study.... After completing U can join IIT ...Ok. Best of luck.
14th December 2011 06:57 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

hello,sir . i am doing diploma in mech. engg.from patna, can i eligible to appear in iit-jee exam in 2013 for full time course.
7th November 2011 10:58 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

I was pass out of diploma in computer engineering with 79%. Can i get admission in IIT.
4th July 2011 12:19 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

i am t.y.bcom student ...but i want change my site and joint what i do
15th June 2011 06:13 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

i havemore than one quation to ask.
(1) can i get admission after diploma in iit.
(2) when the exam held of iit.
(3) when the form come out to fill.
(4) how to feel the form for diploma student (means which type select like after 12th)
(5) the result of diploma come out after june if exam held before that then in which year i get admission.
(6) if i pass entrence exam but fail in diploma then what should i do.
(7) i am in diploma EC then if i will get admission in iit then my field will changes or not.
(8) in which sem i will get admission in iit.
(9) which books should i have to prefer means which auther's or prakashn's.
(10) Between how much AIR a need to get admission.
9th June 2011 06:38 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

I am a diploma student please tell me the the minimum marks required for the IIT university to join in.
1st May 2011 01:16 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

I am a diploma student please tell me the minimum marks required for the IIT university to join in
18th March 2011 12:32 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

I AM DIPLOMA HOLDER AND BSc(IT) can i do IIT entrance will good for me
19th December 2010 09:55 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Dear Sir
I was pass out diploma with 62.61% in 2008 from Govt. polytecnic college Jodhpur (RAJ.) and that time I was selected in TATA (Quality servises division).
I am working in TATA Aug. 2008 to till date . I want ask you please tell Can am applicable for JEE 2011

ID ;
19th December 2010 02:20 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

sir, i"m right now doin diploma in computer engineering in secon year. will i'll be able to appear for aieee or iit-jee for goin in iit or viteee for vit university. plzzzz help me out....
9th December 2010 04:02 AM
Soumalya Ghosh
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

sir, i am a diploma holder what should i have do, to do B.E?
24th November 2010 10:05 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

can diploma holder with 54% join IIT-JEE
10th November 2010 04:03 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

i am a diploma holder in civil engg. can i do condense B.E. night course? what's the time of form fill up?
3rd November 2010 04:45 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

2nd November 2010 08:24 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

the syllabus of IIT-JEE entrance exam for polytechnic diploma appearing(3rd year)studenta.
21st October 2010 11:23 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

i am a diploma holder in electronics & telecommunication engg. can I do the night course condense B.E. On my stream?
18th October 2010 03:10 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

can i give exam related to computer filed.because i need number of cetificate to do new thigs
6th October 2010 03:54 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

ok dear as you want to join IIT then i want to tell you that there is only one option have that you should give entrance exam for IIT JEE in which you have to score good rank. then on that basis you can get IIT.I think now have words.there is no criteria for diploma student to take direct admission in 2ND YEAR IN IIT.
6th October 2010 01:17 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Originally Posted by vsgawli View Post
hello,sir when starts the entrance exams of iit for deploma holder student?
Dear friend,

sorry to say that there is no seperate entrance test for diploma holders at need to go through the iit-jee test.

keep prepraring.

good luck.
6th October 2010 12:06 AM
Kunwar Deep Singh
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

prepare well and go 4 it
but your one year would be waisted as u will get admission in 1st year so according to me u should try..
dont think a lot because iit has the best placements.
6th October 2010 12:05 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Mostly it will be around 3 to 2 month later only, because now only for engineering is going on
5th October 2010 11:55 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

You can answer IIT JEE as a diploma holder. No issue about that but you wont be admitted to direct 2nd year unlike other colleges which take direct 2nd year entry

So give JEE as try and if you want to get into IITs then giving away 1 year wont harm your prospects
5th October 2010 11:41 PM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

it is learnt that after diploma in engineering now one can take admission in B Tech in 3rd far it is correct pl let me know
22nd September 2010 09:37 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Dear friend

In IITs, there is no any lateral entry scheme, If you want to take admission

in IITs then you have to appear in JEE.But, If you interested in taking

admission in 2nd year of BTech course through lateral entry scheme,for this i

am providing the name of some government colleges that are equivalent to

IITs. The name are as follows:

1.Jadavpur university(west bengal)

2.Kalyani government engineering college (west bengal)

3.Shibpur engineering college (west bengal)

to get admission in above colleges you have to appear in the exam named

joint entrance exam for lateral entry scheme.After qualifying in in this exam ,

you get admission according to your rank.There are also some private

colleges in all over india where you can take admission by giving exam of

respective colleges.

Best of luck.
22nd September 2010 09:34 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

Dear friend

In IITs, there is no any lateral entry scheme, If you want to take admission in IITs then

you have to appear in JEE.But, If you interested in taking admission in 2nd year of

BTech course through lateral entry scheme,for this i am providing the name of some

government colleges that are equivalent to IITs. The name are as follows:

1.Jadavpur university(west bengal)

2.Kalyani government engineering college (west bengal)

3.Shibpur engineering college (west bengal)

to get admission in above colleges you have to appear in the exam named joint entrance

exam for lateral entry scheme.After qualifying in in this exam , you get admission

according to your rank.There are also some private colleges in all over india where you

can take admission by giving exam of respective colleges.

Best of luck.
20th September 2010 07:11 AM
Re: IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

IIT-JEE doesnot have any quota for engineering entrance for the diploma holders and you also might try other private engineering colleges as facility of lateral entry is available there.
19th September 2010 10:37 PM
IIT entrance exams for diploma holders

hello,sir when starts the entrance exams of iit for deploma holder student?

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