Thread: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise? Reply to Thread

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8th July 2020 12:12 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is TCS(TATA CONSULTANCY SEVICES) a public sector undertaking?
TATA Consultancy Services Limited is an Indian multinational information technology service and consulting company with headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is a subsidiary of Tata Group ( Source - Wikipedia )

It is types Public because it's shares are listed in Stock Exchanges.

Unless an entity is not owned 51% in stake by Govt(Central or Central and State combined) it is not a State Owned Enterprise or PSU

TCS may take projects from Govt, provide it's services to Govt. So, on ground one may ind employees of TCS in Govt offices but these employees are paid by TCS and not govt. they are not govt employees.
13th March 2020 12:11 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

CPSEs are those enterprises which have been established/founded by the Govt. from its own exchequer whereas PSUs are those entity which were initially not owned by Govt. but subsequently acquired under its control.
19th November 2019 04:55 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Any one please give brief difference between psu and pse?
22nd July 2017 09:58 AM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
difference between public limited and public sector undertaking
Simple understanding between undertaking and enterprises is that ,undertaking refers to activity undertake by government of India ,like BSNL,MTNL,VSNL in which government owns more than 51% holding by its department like Department of Telecommunication, It can also be termed as PSU,PSE,CPSE ,as India is federalism country with dual structure of government any central or state can hold shares by appointing their nominee,as the majority of shares held by govt so for any decision required approval of cabinet ..In General Enterprise may be HPCL,IOCL, which are involved in manufacturing activities ,they are also governed by their respective ministry ,as PSU /CPSE are company limited by shares registered under the law of land ,so all the provisions of companies act,2013,Sebi laws(if listed ),applied and if govt find that without any controlling shares it's enterprise can do better business or for its long term sustainability it comes with disinvestment or merger plans ,Generally disinvestment for getting the same into private hands while merger for write off the debt extreme cases it may also be wound up ..Normally in recent times due to lack of market approach by psu for share capital it need to rely on hefty debts ..which creates bankruptcy of these PSU so as to reduce it govt disinvest or merge it with other profit making psu ..hope it clears nos
24th February 2016 10:45 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Hi guys . I read ur comments. a simple question to above said answer. I m working in BHEL (a PSU) and our customer NTPC (PSE) both are govt. controlled.then y is this difference.actually as far as I got to know from my peers is that psu and pse depends upon share holding pattern
bhel : govt. share 62% around and ntpc : govt. share 91 or 87% around.but both r psu or pse . no body can give u clear answer except department of pulic enterprises.
26th August 2015 07:09 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

thanks igot my doubt clarified
17th August 2015 02:36 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

In some sign board, they are writing as " A Govt. of India Undertaking" whereas in some other places they mention " A Govt. of India Enterprise". Why so ?
27th June 2015 11:06 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Whether TCS is Central Govt. enterprise. What is Nuclear Power of India Ltd. Please clarify.
10th January 2015 09:51 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

The difference between a PSU and Public Sector Enterprise is that in PSU government holds 51% or more shares whereas in PSE, government holds 100% shares. A PSE is fully owned by the government.
5th December 2013 01:20 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Is TCS(TATA CONSULTANCY SEVICES) a public sector undertaking?
12th July 2013 05:07 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

12th July 2013 12:54 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

difference betweena goverment of india undertaking and goverment of india enterprises
28th May 2013 01:14 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Is the stste farm corporation of india ltd is like a government company?
29th January 2013 08:11 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
difrence weetween Public sector undertaking & Public sector enterprise
Helo, its a very good question friend!!

Actually, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) can be classified as Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs), Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Public Sector Banks (PSBs).

That means- "Public Sector Enterprises is a part of Public sector Undertakings."
29th January 2013 06:09 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

A public sector undertaking (PSU) is any enterprise or corporation established and managed by government not necessarily in the utilities sector. PSU is the term in India, "Government Owned and Controlled Corporation" (GOCC),and "State Owned Enterprise" (SOE)

on other hand public sector enterprise the business units owned, managed and controlled by the central, state or local government are termed as public sector enterprises or public enterprises. These are also known as public sector undertakings. A pubic sector enterprise may be defined as any commercial or industrial undertaking owned and managed by the government with a view to maximise social welfare and uphold the public interest. Public enterprises consist of nationalised private sector enterprises, such as, banks, Life Insurance Corporation of India and the new enterprises set up by the government such asHindustan Machine Tools (HMT), Gas Authorityof India (GAIL), State Trading Corporation (STC) etc
29th January 2013 05:45 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

difference between govt dept govt enterprise and govt undertaking
19th July 2012 04:04 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

What is difference between Central Public Sector Company and Public Financial Insitution ?
26th June 2012 06:42 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

difference between public limited and public sector undertaking
3rd June 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

what does disinvestment mean and how is it done??? How was it rationalized in CIL and HCL where GoI approved 10% disinvestment?
14th December 2011 12:10 AM
Re: Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

Public Sector Enterprises is a part of Public sector Undertakings.

The government-owned corporations are termed as Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India. In a PSU majority (51% or more) of the paid up share capital is held by central government or by any state government or partly by the central governments and partly by one or more state governments.

Classification of Public Sector Undertakings

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) can be classified as Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs), Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Public Sector Banks (PSBs).

The Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) are also classified into 'strategic' and 'non-strategic'. Areas of strategic CPSEs are:

Arms & Ammunition and the allied items of defence equipments, defence air-crafts and warships
Atomic Energy (except in the areas related to the operation of nuclear power and applications of radiation and radio-isotopes to agriculture, medicine and non-strategic industries)
Railways transport.

All other CPSEs are considered as non-strategic.
22nd June 2011 12:48 PM
Difference between Public Sector undertaking and public sector enterprise?

difrence weetween Public sector undertaking & Public sector enterprise

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