Thread: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry? Reply to Thread

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15th June 2015 07:58 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Name of government college of msc chemistry in ahmedabad with physical and organic chemistry?
7th January 2013 12:23 AM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

give the college name for Ph.d research under the gujrat university.
1st July 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

plz give the list of in che collage
31st October 2011 08:37 PM
ravi gour
government in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

how many % is must in Bsc to take the admission in Msc for good college like banstalhi or AMU[/QUOTE]
25th September 2011 05:54 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar-

1.Government Arts, Science College, Gandhinagar

2.Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

3.Gujarat University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat

4.Bhavnagar University - Bhavnagar, Gujarat
9th September 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

how many % is must in Bsc to take the admission in Msc for good college like banstalhi or AMU
23rd June 2011 11:49 PM
sanjay kumar saini
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar-

1.Government Arts, Science College, Gandhinagar

2.Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

3.Gujarat University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat

4.Bhavnagar University - Bhavnagar, Gujarat
23rd June 2011 09:52 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Chemistry colleges in Ahmedabad:
1. Nirma University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat
2. Gujarat University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat
23rd June 2011 06:58 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

give the name of government colleges of M.Sc of chemistry in ahemdabad and gandhinagar with analytical chemistry
These are the Government Colleges in Gujrat and Even near by Gandhi nagar and Ahmadabad

Government Arts, Science College, Gandhinagar

List of Other Colleges under Gujrat University

Plz....inform the date of submission 4 msc. chemistry, amd
For Further Details you need to Click here GujratUniversity Website
20th June 2011 10:23 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Plz....inform the date of submission 4 msc. chemistry, amd
20th June 2011 08:37 PM
Re: Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

Govt college for MSc chemistry in Ahemdabad and Gandhinagar:

1>Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

2>Gujarat University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat

3>Bhavnagar University - Bhavnagar, Gujarat

4>Government Dental College Hospital
Ahmedabad, Gujarat

i hope this information help you to go for your MSc.

all the very best
22nd May 2011 08:08 PM
Gupta Urvi D
Names of government colleges of MSc Chemistry in Ahmadabad and Gandhinagar with Analytical Chemistry?

give the name of government colleges of M.Sc of chemistry in ahemdabad and gandhinagar with analytical chemistry

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