Thread: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students? Reply to Thread

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29th October 2014 06:03 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

i completed btech in 2014 i want to do job having good salary for that do i need to learn any course please help me
13th January 2014 03:25 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

which are the navratnas undertakings which require ECE students
4th August 2013 06:38 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

Hai friend
It is best for you to do the following courses after completing your B.Tech ECE and the courses are :

**M.Tech in :

1.Embedded Systems

2.VLSI Design

You can for MBA/MCA or you can appear for gate exam.

Thank You
3rd August 2013 02:46 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

embedded system courses are very important for the students who likes to work in a core company.u can do it in NIIT,chennai.,
Shorterm Embeded Course
Short Term Atml-Pic-C
Diploma in Embedded System
Arm,Rtos Training
C,C++,Rtos,unix,android Training
Embedded Software Design Course
1st August 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

which communication course should i do after my B_tech in ece to get a good job in saudi arabia plz reply to my id....([email protected])
10th July 2012 12:04 AM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

is doing embedded course is good or was opportunity now in india. suggest some good embedded training institute
2nd June 2012 11:38 AM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

Hello, thank you for the valuable information. I just wanted to know from where can we do the above mentioned courses....... Please reply my id is [email protected]
11th May 2012 07:40 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

Hello Sir,

Latest courses for ECE students are mentioned below

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Technology 12
18603 Leadership for Engineers 12
18605 Innovation in Science and Engineering - Theory and Fundamentals 12
18606 Innovation in Science in Engineering - Application 6
18610 Fundamentals of Modern CMOS Devices 12
18614 Microelectromechanical Systems 12
18615 Micro and Nano Systems Fabrication 12
18616 Information Storage Devices and Systems 12
18617 Memory Devices and Systems 12
18618 Smart Grids and Future Electric Energy Systems 12
18622 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design 12
18623 Analog Integrated Circuit Design 12
18629 Special Topics in Circuits: Integrated Microsystems 12
18629PP Special Topics in Circuits: Microelectronics & Micromechanical Technologies 12
18630 Introduction to Security and Policy 12
18630G Introduction to Computer Security 12
18631 Introduction to Information Security 12
18637 Wireless Network Security 12
18638 Mobile Security 12
18639A Special Topics in Security: Intrusion Tolerance 12
18639F Special Topics in Security: Browser Security 12
18639PP Special Topics in Security: Intrusion Tolerance 12
18639SV Special Topics in Security: Mobile Security 12
18641 Java for Smart Phone Development 12
18642 Introduction to Software Engineering 12
18644 Mobile Hardware for Software Engineers 12
18645 How to Write Fast Code 12
18645SV How to Write Fast Code Variable
18648 Real-Time Embedded Systems 12
18649 Distributed Embedded Systems 12
18650 Policies of Wireless Systems and the Internet 12
18660 Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization 12
18667 Design of Integrated Embedded Systems 12
18669 Special Topics In Cad I: Computing and Biology: Theory and Practice 12
18697 Statistical Discovery and Learning Variable
18698 Neural Signal Processing 12
18700 Technology Entrepreneurship 12
18703 Special Topics in ECE: Obtaining Value from R&D in an Industrial Setting 12
18712 Elements of Photonics for Communication Systems 12
18713 Optical Networks 12
18713PP Optical Networks 12
18715 Magnetic Materials and Devices 12
18716 Advanced Applied Magnetism 12
18721 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits Design 12
18722 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Design 12
18723 RF IC Design and Implementation 12
18724 Microelectromechanical System Design 12
18725 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design 12
18729C Special Topics in Circuits: Power Electronics 12
18729E Special Topics in Circuits: IC Technology: 3D System Integration (with VeSFETs) 12
18730 Introduction to Computer Security 12
18730G Introduction to Computer Security 12
18730PP Introduction to Computer Security 12
18731 Network Security 12
18731PP Network Security 12
18732 Secure Software Systems 12
18732J Secure Software Systems 12
18732PP Secure Software Systems 12
18733 Applied Cryptography 12
18733J Applied Cryptography 12
18733SV Applied Cryptography 12
18739A Special Topics in Security: Foundations of Security and Privacy 12
18739C Special Topics in Security: Vulnerability, Defenses, and Malware Analysis 12
18739SV Special Topics in Security: Foundations of Security and Privacy 12
18740 Computer Architecture 12
18741 Advanced Computer Architecture 12
18742 Parallel Computer Architecture 12
18743 Energy Aware Computing 12
18745 Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems 12
18746 Advanced Storage Systems 12
18748 Wireless Sensor Networks 12
18749 Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems 12
18749PP Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems 12
18750 Fundamentals of Telecommunications Networks 12
18751 Applied Stochastic Processes 12
18752 Estimation, Detection and Identification 12
18752PP Estimation, Detection and Identification 12
18753 Information Theory and Coding 12
18754 Error Control Coding 12
18756 Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18756G Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18756PP Packet Switching and Computer Networks 12
18757 Network Management and Control 12
18757PP Network Management and Control 12
18758 Wireless Communications 12
18759 Wireless Networks 12
18759G Wireless Networks 12
18759PP Wireless Networks 12
18760 VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout 12
18762 Circuit Simulation: Theory and Practice 12
18764 In Between Design and Manufacturing of Deep-Submicron Integrated Circuits 12
18765 Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design 12
18769 Design for Manufacturability in Nanometer Era 12
18771 Linear Systems 12
18771PP Linear Systems 12
18777 Complex Large-Scale Dynamic Systems 12
18781 Speech Recognition and Understanding 12
18781SV Speech Recognition and Understanding 12
18791 Medical Imaging Analysis 12
18792 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 12
18793 Optical Image and Radar Processing 12
18794 Pattern Recognition Theory 12
18795 Bioimage Informatics 12
18796PP Multimedia Communications: Coding, Systems, and Networking 12
18797 Machine Learning for Signal Processing 12
18798 Image, Video, and Multimedia 12
18798PP Image, Video, and Multimedia 12
18799 R
15th April 2012 07:34 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?


Some telecom companies also prefering GAte score so better to go with the GATE.

You have to work hard to get gate score.

so all the best for your preparation...

have a good luck........
15th April 2012 07:30 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?


Some telecom companies also prefering GAte score so better to go with the GATE.

You have to work hard to get gate score.

so all the best for your preparation...

have a good luck........
15th April 2012 12:42 AM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

which pg course should i opt for, after completing btech in ece..and i am interested in which course do you suggest me according to my interest
15th March 2012 06:51 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

which course will be best in communication field??
25th January 2012 02:11 AM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

dear friend,
After completion of course in ECE stream you can go for courses like-

M.Tech- If you want to gather more knowledge in your field also to get specialization in your field..
After completion of course you can get a good core sector job..

MBA- If you have interest in management field then you can go for MBA course.
After completion of MBA course you can get a good job management field with better designation..

M.S- If you want to do higher studies from foreign colleges then you can go for M.S course.
For that you have to crack the GRE exam..

All these courses are future prospective , you can go for any of them.
All the best.
24th January 2012 10:50 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

Originally Posted by nitesh rajoria View Post
well m a stuedent of btech(ece 2 year) and i wanna know about latest courses l which are useful for future aspects of ece field so tell me about this

After completion of your its better to continue your studies.

You can go with either MBA/MCA or

For that you better to take CAT and GATE courses.

If you are interested in Jobs of core side better to take VLSI,Embedded systems..etc

Coming to software side better to take .net,Oracle,Java.....etc

All the very best...........
2nd January 2012 07:25 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

what coures can ece pass out student before 4 yrs on hiring for job now want to update evering thing
7th December 2011 08:44 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

please say some details abt electronic cad
5th November 2011 08:28 PM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

what is JRF and MS course after i can join in it?
12th August 2011 11:34 AM
Re: Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

Originally Posted by nitesh rajoria View Post
well m a stuedent of btech(ece 2 year) and i wanna know about latest courses l which are useful for future aspects of ece field so tell me about this
Dear friend,

you have just completed your b-tech degree so you have lots of higher study scope

M-TECH :- you must be cleared the GATE exam.
MBA:- you must be cleared the CAT or MAT exam.
MS:- only b-tech course
JRF:- only b-tech course
PHD:- with valid GATE score.

all the best
12th May 2011 03:38 PM
nitesh rajoria
Latest courses for B.Tech ECE students?

well m a stuedent of btech(ece 2 year) and i wanna know about latest courses l which are useful for future aspects of ece field so tell me about this

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