Thread: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering? Reply to Thread

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11th June 2015 12:14 AM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I am completed my diploma with 82% in government aurangabad ..can I get admission in govt. CLG....
23rd August 2014 01:41 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I want the cut-off list of direct second year admission after diploma for Mechanical engineering in pune
29th June 2014 01:50 AM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I want cutoff list of direct second year degree after diploma in mechanical engineering
16th August 2013 03:31 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i am competed my diploma with 61.08% in government autonomous college can i get admission in mumbai university n in which college can i get admission? please suggest me colleges in mumbai umiversity......
15th June 2013 11:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i am completed my diploma with72% in pbn from LHW can i get admission in pune university
27th May 2013 07:06 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I have scored 80% in civil engg. Can I get admission in ymca faridabad mechanical eng in 2nd year?
13th April 2013 07:33 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

im having 81% in finals of diploma in mechanical. can i get admission admission in mumbai university n in which college can i get admission?
6th August 2012 04:12 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I have completed my Diploma from V.J.T.I with 73% in Mechanical Engg, so where can I get admission? I belong to SC caste.
6th August 2012 03:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I have completed my diploma from V.J.T.I with 73% in Mechanical Engg, so where can I get admission to Direct Second year in Autonomous college?
19th July 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i have got 67.52% in diploma,can i take admission in pune university?
17th July 2012 12:52 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can i get the admission in direct second year in puna univercity with 52%
The cut off of pune university in last year was 69.24%
And pune universities cutoff for direct 2nd year admission has never went below 65%.
But if you are of SC caste then there is 19% reservation for you, but with 52% in diploma is nearly impossible to get direct second year admission in pune university

but you can try for other universities also
Best of luck
17th July 2012 11:52 AM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

Cutoff list of direct 2nd year admission in Pune University? List of top 10 colleges for Mechanical Engineering?
11th July 2012 03:18 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

what is the merit for direct second year after diploma in mechanical engg?
27th June 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i secured 69.50% in diploma in mechanical engg .suggest minority colleges of pune university & list of minority colleges names.
10th May 2012 08:16 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

can you please tell what is the procedure of getting admission in B.E MECHANICAL ENGG in the government colleges ,I HAVE 88 % IN DIPLOMA
9th March 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

can you please tell what is the procedure of getting admission in btech in the government colleges in up after completing diploma from uptu
6th March 2012 01:06 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i want cut off list of last year mechanical engg branch for 2nd year degree admission
3rd February 2012 01:47 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i secured 75% in my diploma in mechanical can i gt admission directly for 2nd year for engineering in mumbai university ??
28th January 2012 07:31 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I have complited meck diploma 53% can i get admission 4 direct 2nd year engg in any coll of pune. but coll should e of pune university only....
13th December 2011 08:08 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i want the cut off list of all engineering colleges in pune for direct second year mechanical engineering
28th November 2011 06:19 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

no its too difficult to get through punaa universiry eith such a low percentage
better you try in some other colleges
2nd November 2011 12:06 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

can i get the admission in direct second year in puna univercity with 52%
30th October 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

i want admission direct 2nd year mech egg in mumbai.plz give mi cutoff list of vjti mumbai
3rd October 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

Dear sir/mom
i am c.p.balamurugan. I have complete diploma mechanical engineering.
24th September 2011 08:33 PM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

Seats available in different colleges in Maharashtra forSecond year admission for mechanical engineering
12th September 2011 09:45 AM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

I want admission in second year mechanical engineering. I have complited diploma 64% by GTU
20th August 2011 09:57 AM
Re: Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

display cut off list of engineering collage for 59.11%
23rd June 2011 09:06 AM
Cutoff list for direct 2nd year admission in Mechanical Engineering?

what is cut off list for direct second year mechanical engg. Admission for diploma pass out student?

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