Thread: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.? Reply to Thread

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30th August 2012 03:37 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by tan View Post
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"],
I would like to to know :
1) Why is there a constant need of B Tech or MCA qualification over Bsc in the software programming field???
2) What is are the difference in the course design of Btech and MCA with Bsc (taking into account only the programming job skill requirements).
3) Lastly,on what areas should a Bsc Graduate improve his/her knowledge in order to compete with Btech or MCA degree holders while on the interview table.


B.Tech and MCA both are Better than B.Sc , Because both have lot of Job security and more Job Opportunity. so that you are safe from future side.

>> B.Tech is a Undergraduate course.

>> M.C.A. is a Post Graduate Course.

>> B.Sc is a Undergraduate course , you also can make a good future with this but it is a question mark on your future , because it is very risky to play with our future,

>> so choose that side, which gives you more opportunities for job.

>> Job opportunities for B.Tech students:
  • Software developer,
  • Mechanical Engineer,
  • computer operator,
  • civil engineer
  • Indian Civil Service
  • various govt. sectors job
  • public sector companies are like BHEL, BEL, ECIL, NPCIL

>> Job opportunities after M.C.A.
  • Trainee programmer
  • software tester
  • software analyst
  • software engineer
  • software administrator
  • as a software programmer

All the best.
29th August 2012 06:42 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

which one is better option either do btech in electrical or bsci agriculture from hau?
6th February 2012 11:58 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.? is technological coursethat means a student have sence of math,physics and all.but a student is only specialished in one subject. has more practical and student have more experiance in industrial perpose.but student have more theoritical concept but not more practical concept. is 4 year course and is 3 year course so student have extra posative side.
20th November 2011 11:43 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

hi friend,

there's a lots of difference in between btech and like :

1)first of all btech is a 4 year course and bsc is a 3 year course,that means 1 year of more studies in btech,so of course it will have + point over

2) is much bookish where as is much practical

3)more lab classes are there in than

4) has more industrial exposure than

good luck
6th November 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

B.Sc is a graduation course that is of 3 years, and is a par below that the B. Tech, BCA, MCA etc.

These courses are totally technical, and involve a lot of more studies , more no of subject covered during the graduation period.

In fact the also have entrances for most of these courses, but B Sc is available based on your 12th performance.

Also it has more value in the market, and so its considered better that
16th September 2011 12:15 AM
manoj rajpurohit
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Dear friend,

the and the MCA are the technical courses and the is the only in the physics, chemistry and maths only, no any further subjects, but in the engineering you can read more then 48 subjects of the different field.

the job opportunity is better in these and the MCA degrees in compare the b.cs.

so go to the and the BCA ana MCA.

best of luck.
19th August 2011 01:48 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Bsc, and MCA students are only trying to pass the exam. They are unawared of the industry. All courses are entry level to the industry. If u develop ur skills even with a BSc you got better job without B.Tech or MCA. When u are in the job, you can upgrade ur qualification through recognised universities/institutions. My friend with Bsc Physics+PGDCA working in US Technology.
14th July 2011 05:58 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Should i do bsc(h) comp. Sci from du or btech from prabhu dyal memorial college pdm ,bahadurgarh.
which has wider scope?
24th June 2011 09:36 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

wich has more career oppurtunities btech or bsc?
18th June 2011 09:11 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

should i possess strong math knowledge for b tech as i have only studied biology in my 2 carreer and what are the best college in india providing b tech knowledge
12th June 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

for doing mtech in mechanical engeneering which is better btech or bsc
3rd June 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

i have passed 12. i am confused between and what do i do
23rd April 2011 10:57 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

sir,i have completed my 2......wat field should i opt 4 so that i have a bright future?
16th February 2011 01:32 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

definitely a BTech or MCA will be more preferred than a BSc graduate as the later is just a mere graduate in general science whereas the fore are the specialize courses...
19th November 2010 08:30 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?


B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.
Bsc is much more theoretical than Btech , after Btech u can go for job straight away as the institutes train u for industries but in bsc. u r not specifically trained for industries , and job opportunities may not be that much compared to former , u can also go for MCA after bsc for better job prospects which in turn will be better than Btech.And at last it doesn't matter whether you are choosing B.Sc or B.Tech. If you have true interest on anything, you can succeed.

good luck..
19th November 2010 08:29 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Dear friend,

Definitely there is a difference for B.SC and Btech students.
In B.Sc.You may be subjected to some other subjects like mathematics, physics and some other subjects in addition to that of computers.

So depth of the technical knowledge or computer knowledge will be more in BTECH than in B.Sc.

you may do full time projects in Btech, not possible in B.Sc.

So, MCA will definitely be easier for a Btech student.

While in the cases of recruitment also, much preference will be given to the Btech candidates.

So all the best.
19th November 2010 07:39 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which one is better- b-tech or mca
Both of the course have its own value.Only B.Tech means related to all trades like Mechanical ,electrical,civil,Chemical etc it is obiviously better.but MCA means only related to computer studies,which you can persue either from BCA background or Bsc in Math /Statitics background.

according to job prospect B.Tech is better than MCA.Choice is yours.

All the best.
19th November 2010 07:13 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
recently i passed 12class in non i am confused.i have no proper knowledge about which course i taken admission. i want to go that course which have lot of requirement in future
if you studied with your heart and soul then all stream will be valuable in if you deside to take engineering as a career option then do that what you got.

all the best.
19th November 2010 07:07 PM
mohit brh
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

There is no doubt that these course is better than B.Sc. some reason given below.
1- B.Tech and MCA are professional course.
2-so They have great scope in private sector and public sector.
3- Every student choose these course due to great demand in both sector.
4-B.Tecg and MCA student have great knowledge compare to B.Sc student and communication skill.
19th November 2010 07:00 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to go for a career in research and lecturership. also explore my prospects abroad. should i go for btech or bsc?
Both option are avaliable for you.If you wish to do B.Sc then after M.Sc you can persue Phd from a foreign university,Same as B.Tech you can do M.Tech or phd from foreign university.

statitics shows that research in basic science explore best,because most of the noble winners are from basic science background.but engineering have more demands in practical field.

all the best.
19th November 2010 04:15 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by tan View Post
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"],
I would like to to know :
1) Why is there a constant need of B Tech or MCA qualification over Bsc in the software programming field???
2) What is are the difference in the course design of Btech and MCA with Bsc (taking into account only the programming job skill requirements).
3) Lastly,on what areas should a Bsc Graduate improve his/her knowledge in order to compete with Btech or MCA degree holders while on the interview table.


before 10 years there are huge difference in students of Btech and MCA with Bsc but nowdays bsc guys also doing same thing what guys doing even company diiff them in a huge scale
19th November 2010 03:36 PM
rahul k
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which one is better- b-tech or mca
Dear friend

Both these courses are good, to make your future bright. is a bacholar degree course, while MCA is master degree course.

So, if you have graduation passed with maths Or CS, then according to me, you have to go for MCA.

MCA is a good course in now a days, if you want to make your future in computer related field.

So, please choose field according to your personal interest.

If you like MCA, then go for it. Because if you graduation passed, then MCA is the best option. So dont waste your year in
5th September 2010 02:12 PM
avinash kr.
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

because this is the technology stream in this field more jobs are avaliable then the bsc. thanking you
20th August 2010 03:19 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

whether mca is better or B tech in computer science
6th August 2010 06:58 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

which one is better- b-tech or mca
31st July 2010 07:15 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Mca is better than Btech.

Mca is a postgraduation cource.Every Mca student should study six years for completing their accademic studies(PG UG).

Btech students have only four year accademic studies.It's a bachelor degree only.

In my opinion Mca is equivalent to Mtech. Both are pg cources(For completing both of them we have to study six years)

Al the best......
18th June 2010 10:23 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

please someone answer??
17th June 2010 10:43 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

should i do btech from an okishh college or bsc from du wid some diploma degree of sap or dotnet etc mca after that..???
please suggest which one is better??
15th June 2010 11:08 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

as because its a four years course,while mca is just a special reserved for computer applications.
9th June 2010 01:41 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Bsc from du or Btech from Guru Jambeshwar university
7th June 2010 01:32 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

recently i passed 12class in non i am confused.i have no proper knowledge about which course i taken admission. i want to go that course which have lot of requirement in future
13th May 2010 10:45 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

dear friend
btech and MCA are considered importantthan simple bsc due to the following main reason:
1btech and mca provides industry oriented courses and teaches how to apply in the industry
2 diring its 4 year course it provides all round development growth to a student
3 it gives more stress on practicals
ok all the best
10th May 2010 11:38 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

i want to go for a career in research and lecturership. also explore my prospects abroad. should i go for btech or bsc?
24th April 2010 11:46 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

B.Sc is more realated to science. those people who want to become scientist they can opt bsc.because
it is more theoritcal and research
3rd April 2010 06:22 PM
rahul k
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

dear friend,
bsc is not a professional course, it gives you onlt basic knowledge,
without any practicle, but if you do and mca your future
will secure and both give you practicle knowledge as well as
knowledge about the industries....................
18th February 2010 06:24 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Bsc gives you fundamental knowledge ..
no practical knowledge , but
b tech and MCA gives practical knowledge with
fundamentals ,application , and manegerial knowledge ,,,
so this is the reason btech and MCA are more
prefered by any company....
17th February 2010 02:50 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

both the course have their own specility,
the job opportunity for and mca is better than it can be understand that and and mca having more benificial than,
but takes 1 year less time that of b.teck,
also is really a world of science.
14th January 2010 03:57 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

hi friend,

there's a lots of difference in between btech and like :

1)first of all btech is a 4 year course and bsc is a 3 year course,that means 1 year of more studies in btech,so of course it will have + point over

2) is much bookish where as is much practical

3)more lab classes are there in than

4) has more industrial exposure than
14th January 2010 11:49 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

All course are better.. B. sc for basic concepts and B.TECH and MCA are professional courses for getting a job in software fields.
13th January 2010 02:25 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Hello Friend
As you know its difficult to intake but definitely B.Sc doesn't value that much as B.Tech and MCA do.
13th January 2010 11:54 AM
rohit kumar singh
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.? and MCA are professional course ..they have better industry exposure than bsccandidate and can understand thing technically and can manage things in better manner
2-if you are talking about computer science (b.Tech).than there is no more difference...both are demanding fields in industry
3-both courses are which field you want to compete ,i dont know...well go for doctrate will have professor post as same which a candidate can get after phd
13th January 2010 01:11 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

simply because the students who do and in India are not good .they are students who does not get admission in engineering and have no choice other than doing
31st December 2009 06:04 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

in the job sector bsc course is considered as the basics over course.....
if you are a bsc holder and want to compete with students then you should gain a lot of experience by internship.....and gain professional courses certificates which a student does not have..........

best of luck
29th December 2009 05:31 PM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.? or MCA combined with are getting more jobs nowadays in the it fields because all the it consultants require you to possess a vivid knowledge of the software tools so it is in demand nowadays.
29th December 2009 12:43 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

because the best students in India go for engineering,so they are the cream and bsc is easier than engineering/.
3rd December 2009 06:00 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

the students of and mca are ready for the industry
2nd December 2009 02:31 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

Bsc is much more theoretical than Btech , after Btech u can go for job straight away as the institutes train u for industries but in bsc. u r not specifically trained for industries , and job opportunities may not be that much compared to former , u can also go for MCA after bsc for better job prospects which in turn will be better than Btech.And at last it doesn't matter whether you are choosing B.Sc or B.Tech. If you have true interest on anything, you can succeed.
30th November 2009 11:44 AM
Re: Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.? provides you all the knowledge and principles and fundamental of software technology.

where as or mca sare the industrial exposure oriented subjects,they teach how to apply it in industry.

but dont worry from 2011 some of best universitirs of india like-banglore university,BHU are planing to introduse 4years long which will provide supremacy to students.
25th November 2009 10:04 PM
Why B.Tech. and MCA are considered better than B.Sc.?

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"],
I would like to to know :
1) Why is there a constant need of B Tech or MCA qualification over Bsc in the software programming field???
2) What is are the difference in the course design of Btech and MCA with Bsc (taking into account only the programming job skill requirements).
3) Lastly,on what areas should a Bsc Graduate improve his/her knowledge in order to compete with Btech or MCA degree holders while on the interview table.


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