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5th May 2016 10:10 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I have completed my B.E in Biotechnology and applied for M.S in biotechnology.I got acceptance from a couple of universities but I am really confused with what subjects to take and which University to choose. I hope someone can help me with deciding on it asap.
Thank you.
27th January 2016 07:04 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

27th February 2015 09:26 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Hi sir I hope all are fine and Happy now I come on my topic I completed Biotechnology from India now I am in America I am Greencard holder my question is can I get good job related my field on my Indian degree or I need to do ms again in USA. If I need to do again ms then which field is better for me like Masrer in healthcare addministration, master in drug regulatory affairs, Ms in biotechnology etc I hope I get answer as soon as possible Thank you in advance
7th August 2014 07:55 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I have recently completed my bachelors in biotechnology,and planning to do my masters in U S.
could you kindly assist me by suggesting me good universities for stem cells specialization.
15th January 2014 09:40 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I am an mbbs graduate from India and I am interested in doing MS Biotech in usa....Wat are the job opportunities in the u.s ?Are all students well placed?Is it worth doing?Wat kind of carrer options are available?What s the scope in India?
21st October 2013 09:03 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Hi I just completed my in Biotechnology. some one are saying that you dont have oppurtunities even if you do ms in Biotech. please tell me that oppurtunities after ms
9th October 2013 10:23 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I am in the 4th year of my M.Tech Integrated degree in Biotech. I want to pursue MS further.

1) Which subject among these (Microbiology, Food industry, Downstream processing, Environmental biotech and Cell biology) is good to go with in MS?
2) Which universities are good for which of the above subjects?
3) What are the job opportunities along with very good salary after MS?

I badly need guidance.
Please help.
Thank you.
21st December 2012 05:13 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i have completed my b'tech in biotechnology, i want to get some managerial post in biotech companies, den which course shd i do MBA or MS,, and which subject i shd take.. and i am thinking to pg in canada,, which is better path for my carrier,, please give me a kind sujjestion
18th November 2012 03:07 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i wanna do ms in biotech in usa but i want a job in hyderabad with gud salary packages after i cmplt my masters there n come here..wil i b abl to get?
28th February 2012 11:51 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hii, you can go for,

1.Research and development field. can work in biotechnology companies like "biocoN". can work as lecturer in any government colleges. can write any mtech in biotechnolgy. can also be done, you can be an scientist.
25th February 2012 03:20 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I am pursuing M.Sc. Biotechnology degree and going to move in USA on immigrant visa. Do american employers accept Indian M.Sc. biotechnology degree and give jobs???? or I must study further and get degree over there?
If i need to study over there, which course would be better for me?
5th February 2012 09:54 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Recently My daughter completed MS in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University.There are many girls along with her who went with this "Hype" of demand in USA. But, everybody is finding difficulty in getting the jobs. Even,the jobs they got are very poorly paid. So I can Say that doing MS in Biotechnology is more a Hype than reality

30th January 2012 04:36 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

After In agriculture, you will have limited jobs but after completing your There will be many options.
Now you can apply as a field officer in any state,
agriculture graduate trainee,
apply for bank po exams,
you can go for mba also. But i will suggest you to complete master degree to have better options.
The salary after will be no more than 15,000 to 20,000/- per month.
27th January 2012 08:59 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

15th January 2012 06:31 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi friend...

there are plenty of job oppurtunities for biotechnology.... you can very well do your MS IN usa.... i would say you can do immunology because its got a very good scope and UNIVERSITY OF MISSISIPPI.... offers course in immunology....
if your marks are really high the university offers stipend to study...

best of luck
13th January 2012 10:08 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I Passed my M.Sc (H) in Medical Biotechnology.Now i want to go abroat.what should i do?
26th September 2011 08:18 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i have done my in computers
n mw m thnking to do M.S in USA bt m confudes which subject i should do
in which field jobs are more with good salary
22nd September 2011 11:35 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Hello friends am sort of in a fix! I have completed my undergrad in Biotechnology from India and want to pursue Masters in the same area ! But i donot want to get into the research side of Biotechnology. What are my options? I wanna pursue the Business side of Biotech. Where do i start? And what are the requirements for these courses regarding marks and scores?
18th September 2011 12:49 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
dont go for it george town university is average one and if they r telling that course is for 1 year then it might some fraud...........
I think you have not chekd the ranks in US, Georgetown university is rankd 22 in national ranking and it os one of the lowest acceptance rate university so if sumone is getting an opportunity to go to georgetown u must o for it .. Its a great and one of the best university
7th September 2011 02:46 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i've done msc biotechnology,then i want to do phd from abroad,
please guide me about it
21st August 2011 11:50 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I'm presently doing bsc biotechnology I'm in the second year right now n i wanted to pursue my msc from aboard n then thinking of go for ms................ can anyone suggest the best country for studying
msc in biotechnology n any good colleges in there too????????????????
plz do answer.............
24th July 2011 12:05 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Can any body suggest any universities offering MS Biotechnology (without GRE score) in connecticut state
17th July 2011 06:29 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi i'm frm nigeria i did my btech in biology education can i go for Ms in immunology or cell biology?
10th July 2011 08:37 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi i am doing my 3rd year in Btech in biotechnology...having an idea of doing MS in molecular or cell biology or are the job oppurtunities in India after doing MS.and is it a must that i need to finish my phd..please reply
hey there are plenty of oppurtunities for Mol Bio n immunology in US .Just start preparing for GRE and TOEFL . US is far more better than india in oppurtunities providing jobs for BIOTECHNOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!
11th June 2011 10:26 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi friendzz...i have been offered admission for M.S in Molecular biology at Georgetown University and the course is for 1 year.. Can anyone guide me as to is it really possible to complete the course in such a short span and are there good job opportunitioes out there after M.S??
dont go for it george town university is average one and if they r telling that course is for 1 year then it might some fraud...........
13th May 2011 09:49 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Hi dear,

You are going to the right way,the M.S from U.S.A matters a lot. The M.S scheme of american universities were better than India. They provide world class faculties and education system for students from all around world.

There are many subjects in Biotechnology, but i suggest you must go for Molecular Biology, Cell Biology. This subject gives you great opportunities in many multinational company and chance for research.

Many of the American universities provide part time jobs to their learning students. the amount given by these university will sufficient for the students needs.

So you are on right path, don't think much, just go for it!!!!
American university calls you.
24th April 2011 10:48 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

What is the scope of job opportunities after doing M.S. in biotechnology from US?
28th March 2011 05:52 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

is 12th marks important for placements in good companies in usa after doing ms in usa itself????
22nd March 2011 11:23 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

According to me -
You are going to the right way,the M.S from U.S.A matters a lot. The M.S scheme of american universities were better than India. They provide world class faculties and education system for students from all around world.

There are many subjects in Biotechnology, but i suggest you must go for Molecular Biology, Cell Biology. This subject gives you great opportunities in many multinational company and chance for research.

Many of the American universities provide part time jobs to their learning students. the amount given by these university will sufficient for the students needs.

So you are on right path, don't think much, just go for it!!!!
American university calls you.
All the best.
11th March 2011 10:52 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi i am doing my 3rd year in Btech in biotechnology...having an idea of doing MS in molecular or cell biology or are the job oppurtunities in India after doing MS.and is it a must that i need to finish my phd..please reply
10th March 2011 03:11 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hey i also got admitted to georgetown, any1 kno here abt the salary opportunities after ms from there?
15th February 2011 07:07 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i am doing btech biotechnology,, want to go to us do MS but i am confused to take for genetics or immunology???
which will give me better chances of jobs...and what are the oppurtunities that we get doing in any..of the course???????
please guide to to take acorrect step....
14th February 2011 01:48 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i have done BDS in India n i am planning to do MS in biotechnology....... what is the scope there........... should i do GRE..... what r the universities providing the course....... is it worthit doing after studing bds.......
26th January 2011 11:51 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

i am doing B.Sc. Biotech in india and after some month me and my family were immigrating to US. And i want to continue my studies at there for master degree in biotech. So, should i get admission over there and what are the things necessary for the admission over there?
20th January 2011 05:44 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi .......
i am doing my btech biotech n am confused what nxt.should i take up ms in chemical engineering or biotechh itself.pls guide me..........
7th January 2011 07:43 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

ive completed my biotechnology and want to do my ms in canada or hoping 4 a job in food or beverage industry.
i need to know if..
1.canada or singapore has better scope both subject and job wise??
2.subjects to opt for to join industry.
3.universities offering courses in the above.

need help badly.. thank you..
2nd January 2011 08:24 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

MS in biotechnology in US:

the demand for students who have completed there masters in biotechnology is huge,
you have the right thinking going now,doing ms from the us is the best option,
you can choose the subject as biotechnology and also there is great scope for research work also

good luck.
23rd December 2010 01:17 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi friendzz...i have been offered admission for M.S in Molecular biology at Georgetown University and the course is for 1 year.. Can anyone guide me as to is it really possible to complete the course in such a short span and are there good job opportunitioes out there after M.S??
2nd December 2010 09:28 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi frnz ve already completed my msc in biotech in india ..nw i plan to do again ms in us in biotech den think 4 phd so is my decision wise plz help..nd wht are the job opportunities in us after ms
21st November 2010 08:48 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Doing my Bsc biotech nw.i would like to know the scope and also the universities for FOOD TECHNOLOGY in as well as outside INDIA.
21st November 2010 08:44 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

currently i m pursuing my BSC BIOTECH. I am really confused with what to do next?? planning for an Msc but also thinking of an integrated course.(probably out of INDIA). is the education costly out of India?? I have heard that v need to hve 16yrs of education complete, with this bsc course ill b completing 15yrs, Is it compulsary to get 16 yrs of educaton????
15th November 2010 11:43 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

I know few friends who are still in school doing M.S. Biotechnology in USC, Keck, IIT Chicago, University of Houston at Clear Lake (UHCL) and few are searching for jobs in Biotechnology field after completing Masters. Here’s list of Universities offering masters in Biotechnology.

University of Wisconsin – Madision – M.S. Biotechnology

California State University – Channel Islands – M.S. biotechnology and Bioinformatics, M.S. Biotechnology and MBA Dual Degree

University of Maryland University College – M.S. Biotechnology ( No GRE Required)

Georgetown University – M.S. Biotechnology, M.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GRE Not Required)

Northeastern University – PSM Biotechnology

Indiana University School of Medicine – M.S. Biotechnology – GRE Scores Not required

John Hopkins University – M.S. Biotechnology/MBA

University of Rhode Island – M.S. Clinical Laboratory Science GRE Not Required ( Biotechnology, Cytopathology, Clinical Laboratory Science). M.S., PhD Cell and Molecular Biology tracks (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics) GRE Required

University of Florida – M.S./MBA Biotechnology

University of Texas at Dallas – Masters in Biotechnology ( Molecular and Cell Biology )

Marywood University – Masters in Biotechnology, PSM program (GRE Not required)

University of Central Florida – M.S. Biotechnology - GRE Scores Required

Roosevelt University – M.S. in Biotechnology and Chemical Science

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia – M.S. Cell Biology and Biotechnology – GRE Scores Not Required

East Carolina State University – M.S. Cell Biology and Biotechnology – GRE Scores Required

Texas Tech University – M.S. biotechnology – GRE 1100+

University of Buffalo – State University of New york – Masters in Biotechnology

Polytechnic University of New York – M.S. Biotechnology

University of Houston at Clear Lake – M.S. biotechnology (Molecular Biology, Cell Biology)

There are many subjects in Biotechnology, but i suggest you must go for Molecular Biology, Cell Biology. This subject gives you great opportunities in many multinational company and chance for research.
19th August 2010 08:48 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

what if we cannot afford to do a phd after completing MS in the US and come back to india.. what are the best opportunities den in india to apply for a PhD??
4th August 2010 05:54 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

Hello friend,

You are going to the right way,the M.S from U.S.A matters a lot. The M.S scheme of american universities were better than India. They provide world class faculties and education system for students from all around world.

There are many subjects in Biotechnology, but i suggest you must go for Molecular Biology, Cell Biology. This subject gives you great opportunities in many multinational company and chance for research.

Many of the American universities provide part time jobs to their learning students. the amount given by these university will sufficient for the students needs.

So you are on right path, don't think much, just go for it!!!!
American university calls you.

Wishing you good luck!!!!!!!!
4th August 2010 05:10 PM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

the demand for students who have completed there masters in biotechnology is huge,
you have the right thinking going now,doing ms from the us is the best option,
you can choose the subject as biotechnology and also there is great scope for research work also
all the best
4th August 2010 09:34 AM
Re: MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

hi friend...

there are plenty of job oppurtunities for biotechnology.... you can very well do your MS IN usa.... i would say you can do immunology because its got a very good scope and UNIVERSITY OF MISSISIPPI.... offers course in immunology....
if your marks are really high the university offers stipend to study...

best of luck
4th August 2010 01:44 AM
MS in biotechnology in US: Subjects? Opportunities? Jobs?

dear sir/madam

i have recently finished my biotechnology and thinking of doing M.S in biotechonlogy in U.S. i need a suggestion regarding following qns

1.what course would be better to take in M.S i.e to takeM.S biotech or any related like molecular biology,immunology,genetics etc it advisable to do in M.S in U.S r not since it requires a lot of money is it worthy spending this much of money
3.are there any job oppurtunites there for the students who had completed there masters in biotech.

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