Thread: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good? Reply to Thread

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7th October 2012 11:39 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?


try for some scholarships there are plenty of them avialable for economically weaker sections being awarded by directorate of tech. education etc. oterwise i may suggest u to look for jobs like data entry operator etc. that requires diploma in moreover there are govt. jobs also avialable in bsnl,ntpc etc. where u can apply for diploma trainees but most imp. try to continue your studies.after diploma you go to the job
computer science is the good branch and the market is now open for all
so do not worry,yes but in diploma stage your salary is very low like initial condition 8000.00/month.Then it increases to 15000.00

ALL THE BEST.............
6th October 2012 01:45 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

Is it right to take decision to do B.Tech. from AMIE? someone told me that it is too hard to do this. Please suggest
11th November 2011 07:20 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

hello friend

after diploma its better to do but if ur financial condition is not good u can also take lone from bank and study in any govt colg..the fees are very less..
or u can also try in entrance exam and get selected in jobs..and after doing job for some years you can save money for your studies and can continue your higher studies..
31st October 2011 05:17 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I have done diploma in computer science & engg. and i want to do job. how does i get a job.
30th October 2011 11:19 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

Hi sir, I have completed DEEE in the last academic year and now working in a private company,will my future gets affect without BE.If i want to study now what can i do pls guide me sir...
1st September 2011 01:32 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

hey..i am also a student of diploma (CSE) 3rd yr n my family is also execting a job from i ha=v decided to study me n my frnds hv decided to open a consultancy for admissions in govt. colleges n for the proper guidance of students..
so if u want to join a govt college of punjab...u cn contact me
1st September 2011 01:23 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

get admission in govt. engineering colleges of punjab...





note-positive rank in AIEEE,
24th August 2011 04:48 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

sir i hv completed my 10+2 this year.....i was unable 2 get admission in any enggg.. college n looking 2 proceed next year,..................if i will not get admission in any then in your opinion which private college or university would be better for me??????????????
plz reply soonnnnnnn..............
thank u!!!!!!!!!!!
1st August 2011 07:24 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

see friend if possible try for some scholarships there are plenty of them avialable for economically weaker sections being awarded by directorate of tech. education etc. oterwise i may suggest u to look for jobs like data entry operator etc. that requires diploma in moreover there are govt. jobs also avialable in bsnl,ntpc etc. where u can apply for diploma trainees but most imp. try to continue your of luck for future!
1st August 2011 08:16 AM
Re: After plus two what to do if financial condition is not good?

<anees>i am doing +2 vhse in civil after i do in diploma
30th June 2011 03:36 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

hi dear,
CDS Exams Eligiblity -

For I.M.A. and Officers’ Training Academy- Degree of a recognised University

For Indian Naval Academy - Degree in Engineering.

For Air Force Academy - Degree of Recognized University With Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level Or Bachelor of Engineering.

So, After Completing Your, You Are Eligible To Apply for CDS Exams. So, Please Complete Your Degree First Only Then You Are Eligible.

Age Eligiblity -

For IMA - Unmarried male candidates between 19-24 years Are Eligible

For Naval Academy - Unmarried male candidates between 19-22 years Are Eligible

For Air Force Academy- Unmarried male candidates between 19-23 Year Are Eligible

For Officers Training Academy- Male candidates Married or Unmarried between 19-25 years Are Eligible.

30th June 2011 03:34 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

hi dear,
It depends on the matter that how you are being affected by your poor financial condition.
If you think that your family is not able pay for for your further studies but they are good enough to run a normal life without any money expectation from you then it is reasonable issue to stop your studies.
As a matter of fact, If you try to get a job at this level you will hardly earn 12-15,000 and also there won't be any significant saving.
You should go for further studies ie BTech. You can easily get an education loan. The govt. has announced that a student does not have to pay interests on education loan. So, there is no problem at all taking education loan. The education constitutes your college fee, hostel fee and other stationary. Also, you are privileged as you have done diploma so if you go for btech through lateral entry you will have get Btech degree only in three years.
During your studies you can earn a small sum of money by teaching junior students (12th students or diploma) outside the campus in your leisure time.
That will support you very much.
So, undoubtedly you should go for a Btech first then think about job. To place yourself in a safe mode for a job be good in technical knowledge nad communication skills.

21st June 2011 10:49 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I passed my diploma in electrical in 2010 from Nilachal parents now wants job but i want to study more. But they willn't support me in financial aspect due to financial problem.what to do??
Which job will prefered kindly suggest me please.
13th June 2011 06:54 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

after diploma you go to the job
computer science is the good branch and the market is now open for all
so do not worry,yes but in diploma stage your salary is very low like initial condition 8000.00/month.
Then it increases to 15000.00

but i refer to after some year service you go for degree any good college
then your future is bright...........

Good luck.............
28th March 2011 11:15 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

i am also in same condition,after mechanical diploma i m selected in 7 private companies as like L&T,ESSAR,ACC,SURIYA ROSHNI,MAHALAY,GSK,AYOKI.after all i joined the essar power.but after this decision i m not happy.after one year exprience i will left this job and go fot BE.bcoz without degree i will get money but not respect bcoz now its apper to me.
19th March 2011 12:31 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I am completed diplomo in computer. If I join to regular colleges, which certificate want to give for them.
17th March 2011 07:36 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I just completed my diploma in Pharmacy in june 2010. I plan to further studies for degree but due to financial i'm unable to furth study. I tried to apply private hospitals. No. reply from them.
22nd February 2011 11:30 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

please tell me that have value or not and aftr do i will able to get job or not
22nd November 2010 04:23 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

hello friends

i completed my diploma in computer science in 2004, after that i got job and till now iam working. But now i like to do BE. I dont know how to do can you people pls suggest the ways to do engineering.
11th November 2010 12:26 PM
megha ram singh
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I think you should not stop or should not give a break to your studies.

but you can try for job in any govt. or private company or in any bank .you keep on searching for job in the employment news paper you can get various options according to your qualification.

all the best.. and I think today is your b'day, so happy b'day..
11th November 2010 03:40 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

If your financial condition is not good then you can do job right after the completion of diploma.
As a lot of opportunities are available for you after diploma. and when you felt that time is come for futhur studies you can go for the same.
22nd October 2010 09:10 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

I Think you should move forward for higher education because these days are higher education and you could face cob with your diploma degree
I think you have to move for any government colleges , gov. Colleges have less fees charge in comparison to other private colleges
26th September 2010 09:38 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

After can do engineering can enter through lateral entry scheme...Easy loans are available fron different can take loans....and with that you can always find a respectable part time job for you...And education and career forum is always there to help you with your scholarships every fort night atleast it will help you in earning for your small requirements...You need not depend on any body ...
26th September 2010 04:29 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

best thing for you would be that you should try for some job and can carry on your studies from correspondabce medium.
as for better career you need to be graduate atleast.
you can do jobs + studies from universities like IGNOU
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26th September 2010 01:14 PM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

Originally Posted by ashish1111 View Post
i am doing 3rd year diploma in computer science. after that i do not want to do engineering because my parents can't able to pay that much of extra money and fees. please tell me what are the courses after diploma "respect engineering" from which i can get best salary in future.
you can do Engg from IEI IETE or BITS through distance education mode these are offerdable fees
26th September 2010 11:23 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

you should join some job,and apply for an engineering degree from part time college,
by the time you complete your engineering you will have four years of experience and hence chance of getting very good job.
26th September 2010 09:48 AM
Re: After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

Originally Posted by ashish1111 View Post
i am doing 3rd year diploma in computer science. after that i do not want to do engineering because my parents can't able to pay that much of extra money and fees. please tell me what are the courses after diploma "respect engineering" from which i can get best salary in future.
as you have mention your financial condition is not good then you can take education loan
which you will return when your will complete
or you can take job on the diploma basis
and do correspondance which is not so costly
all the best
26th September 2010 07:28 AM
Re: After Diploma what do if financial condition is not good?

after diploma its better to do but if ur financial condition is not good u can also take lone from bank and study in any govt colg..the fees are very less..
or u can also try in entrance exam and get selected in jobs..
good luck.
26th September 2010 05:20 AM
Re: After Diploma what do if financial condition is not good?

Originally Posted by ashish1111 View Post
i am doing 3rd year diploma in computer science. after that i do not want to do engineering because my parents can't able to pay that much of extra money and fees. please tell me what are the courses after diploma "respect engineering" from which i can get best salary in future.
Dear Friend
It depends on the matter that how you are being affected by your poor financial condition.
If you think that your family is not able pay for for your further studies but they are good enough to run a normal life without any money expectation from you then it is reasonable issue to stop your studies.
As a matter of fact, If you try to get a job at this level you will hardly earn 12-15,000 and also there won't be any significant saving.
You should go for further studies ie BTech. You can easily get an education loan. The govt. has announced that a student does not have to pay interests on education loan. So, there is no problem at all taking education loan. The education constitutes your college fee, hostel fee and other stationary. Also, you are privileged as you have done diploma so if you go for btech through lateral entry you will have get Btech degree only in three years.
During your studies you can earn a small sum of money by teaching junior students (12th students or diploma) outside the campus in your leisure time.
That will support you very much.
So, undoubtedly you should go for a Btech first then think about job. To place yourself in a safe mode for a job be good in technical knowledge nad communication skills.
Good Luck
26th September 2010 01:42 AM
rahul k
Re: After Diploma what do if financial condition is not good?

dear friend

Please don't stop your education, try to continue with B.E in any government colleges. Because in now a days B.E is essential for most of the jobs.

And if possible, then please apply for various government exams, if there recruitment will come. If you have clear these government exams, then you will definately get a job as well as you can study with job.

So, if you dont have money for study, then i will suggest you, just apply for various government entrance exams. If you have clear the government exams, then you will do your course with minimum fees as compared to other private colleges.
25th September 2010 07:20 PM
After Diploma what to do if financial condition is not good?

i am doing 3rd year diploma in computer science. after that i do not want to do engineering because my parents can't able to pay that much of extra money and fees. please tell me what are the courses after diploma "respect engineering" from which i can get best salary in future.

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