Thread: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course? Reply to Thread

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27th May 2019 09:48 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Will I be able to do MSc chemistry integrated course if I didn't have maths in ,12th ??
30th December 2015 09:03 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

I have 51.33% in 2 then I will study in integrated msc and I eligible for integrated msc entrance exam
12th November 2015 09:15 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course

(1)pgp College of Engineering and Technology
(2)Graphic Era University
(3)Jaipuria Institute of Management
(4)Maulana Azad Medical College
(5)Park College of Engineering and Technology
(6)Annamalai University
(7)Kongu Engineering College
(8)Government Medical College
(9)Annamalai University,
(10)noorul Islam College of Engineering
(11)Thiagarajar College of Engineering
27th October 2015 08:05 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

I want govt order issue date and number for computer science integrated course
pls emergency...
12th June 2014 10:45 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

my cut off mark for msc software technology in psg college of technology coimbatore is 286 and sir please inform my rank and inform the cut off marks required for admission (mbc category) email. [email protected]
21st March 2014 02:17 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i like to know the colleges offering masc computer science integrated course
1st June 2013 06:23 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

The Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course are-

Anna university

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

SRM Engineering College

Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.

31st May 2013 10:49 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

dear friend.....

Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course

1.Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.
2.Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
3.Anna university
4.psg College of Technology, Coimbatore
5.srm Engineering College
6.Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
7.Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
8.Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
9.Thiagarajar College of Engineering
10.Asian Academy of Film & Television
11.Kongu Engineering College
12.Sapthagiri College of Engineering
13.Coimbatore Institute of Technology
14.Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
15.Government Medical College Nagpur
16.Jaipuria Institute of Management
6th December 2012 08:41 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
list of colleges in northeastern area having 5 yr. integrated msc cource in physics
tezpur central university
8th July 2012 06:23 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

What is the Scope of Software Engineering(5 year Integrated) course?
10th June 2012 11:54 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

what are the minimum eligibilities for MSc software engineering and how to join the course? where this course is available in TN?
25th May 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

My Daugher have compleated her PU In karnataka in the stream of PCMC and scored 78% and looking
ofr MSc Maths and computer scince integrated course in Banglaore/Mysore, Please help in me in providing the details
I will be very gratefull

25th May 2012 04:56 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

My daughter has compleated her PU in Karnataka with PCMC and scored 78% and wish to join for MSc maths and computer scince
ingrated course, is there any college in Bnaglaore or Mysore for the same Please help me i wll be very gratefull

21st May 2012 10:33 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

when will be the admission form of Msc.integreted course distributed?
21st April 2012 06:20 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?


The Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course are-

Anna university

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

SRM Engineering College

Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.

all the best.
21st April 2012 03:52 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

can you list the COLLEGES HAVING Msc IT in tamil nadu?
14th April 2012 07:53 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
SRI VENKATESWARA UNIVERSITY is the top university in AP offering 5 year Integrated MSc Course in PHYSICS. Further details contact [email protected]
we want to know integrated course in sv university
29th March 2012 07:49 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

I want to know about the colleges in tamil nadu offering integrated MSc in physics.
26th March 2012 01:41 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

my ward is interested to pursue MSc courses in science - Biology, Zoology, forestry, wood science, and related organic agriculture etc. Let me know the name of these institutes in Tamil Nadu and outside the state
18th March 2012 08:54 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

what are the oppurtunities for I.M.SC in maths ? list of colleges ?
10th December 2011 01:48 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i want msc(cst) 5 years syllabus...
4th December 2011 06:49 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

I want to know the details about integrated msc in maths?what is its entrance exam &details of it?jobs offered after doing this?pls give reply.
17th October 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Originally Posted by Bella View Post
the list is as follow
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education University (IASE) - Rajasthan,
Contact No. : 01564220025
Email : [email protected]
Website :
University of Hyderabad
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) - Gangtok,
Contact No. : 913592232041
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Malankara Catholic college,kaliakkavila
26th July 2011 03:15 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

hi dear,
The Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course are-

Anna university

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

SRM Engineering College

Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.

25th July 2011 01:54 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

19th July 2011 06:14 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

how is job oppurtunities for (swe) 5 years integrated course?
7th July 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

How many seats are available in 5years integrated MSc course (Information Technology/Computer Science) in annauniversity chennai?
13th June 2011 11:21 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

How MSc Software Engineering course is called. Whether it is a graduation in BE or in B.Tech
26th May 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

is there any college provide integrated course in animation
22nd May 2011 08:05 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

is there is a scope for integrated msc in molecular biology ?
19th May 2011 01:36 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

There are many institutes providing integrated courses but few best ones among them are:
18th May 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

my daughter has passed 12th but she has a confusion in weather to choose B.E or MSC 5 year integrated course.suggest me something
1st May 2011 06:06 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i want admission in 5year integrated msc or ms courses available in andhra pradesh kindly suggest university and colleges s
25th April 2011 10:12 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Dear frns..................

i need colleges who provide 5 yrs integrated in microbiology....................

frns please send me about it to my id

[email protected]
15th April 2011 07:31 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

List of college offering 5 year Integrated MSc Course
  • Anna university
  • PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar
  • SRM Engineering College
  • Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
  • Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.

All the best...
12th April 2011 05:20 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

hey... plz....rply me whether there are any colleges offering integrated ms cources in karnataka ......if so plz...give thier contact address.... it's an humble request....,
7th April 2011 05:08 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Hi,i want to know about the colleges having 5 year intergrated MSc physics in karnataka.
6th April 2011 08:04 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i want to do integrated course in animation, in chennai
25th March 2011 10:29 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

hi folks,
this is hari, i wrote intermediate exams i am waiting for results i passionate to study five year integrated course ,s.v unviversity is fair to me to study, will u please any one of u assist me when will be notification.
19th February 2011 10:12 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i want to do integrated course in neuroscience. where in india can i find colleges or universities offering such courses?
28th January 2011 04:18 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Hi Friends..
Im looking for colleges having M.Sc (Software Engg) - 5 Years course in Bangalore. Can you suggest pls?

Im currently pursuing the course (8th semester out of 10) in Tamil Nadu - Anna University.
Is it possible to join the 8th semester in Bangalore (or) converting myself as a distance education student?
Appreciate some help on this.
15th January 2011 09:51 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Many college in india who offer 5 year integrated Msc course like:
Anna university.
PSG college.
KIIT university.
SRM university.
Amity university.
These college are the best college for 5 year integrated Msc. So join any one of them.
all the best.
10th January 2011 04:25 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Dear friends

Doing 5yr. Integrated masters course at I.I.T's is beneficial, next to I.I.T's is central universities.
If You wish to join in 5 yr. Physics course it is best at Mysore university, Although government took different steps to encourage this course at university level they are not fetching knowledge to students, even they are not taking classes and there is no good staff to clarify the doubts. So, if u don't get I.M.Sc seat at I.I.T's and C.U's don't get into this course else where.
28th November 2010 02:03 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Many college in india who offer the 5 year Integrated MSc course. some college name are given below. 1- KIIT university, 2- Anna University , 3- PSG college of technology , 4- Amity university etc. thanking you.. Good luck..
25th November 2010 12:49 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am doing 5 years intregated msc chemistry from nit rourkela . i got admisson through aieee.i am very much worry about my future tell me wheather i should leave this and go to engenring or i should continue it
obviously its a very good course i think it would bee fine to go with integrated msc chemistry.
i said so because now-a-days the craze of chemistey is going on and more over it has a good demand and value in the Indian market .
my suggestion is that u go with integrated msc chemistry.
25th November 2010 12:43 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is this course has UGC recognition?
yes this course has UGC recognition in deemed university's
i think it would be cool if u go with a graded deemed universitys
11th October 2010 11:02 AM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

hello dear

Top Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course in India is given below








all the best.................
10th October 2010 02:29 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i am doing 5 years intregated msc chemistry from nit rourkela . i got admisson through aieee.i am very much worry about my future tell me wheather i should leave this and go to engenring or i should continue it
8th September 2010 01:06 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

Dear Friend,

Here i providing you about 5 Year Integrated M.Sc. Courses at the University of Hyderabad

Hyderabad: University of Hyderabad which is ranked among the top 2 Universities of the Country by the Ministry of Science &

Technology, Govt. of India, invites applications from prospective students for admission to their 5 year Integrated M.Sc. Courses

in Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Chemical Science, Systems Biology and Optometry & Vision Sciences. The admission for these

courses are open without any test/interview to all the IIT-JEE 2009 rank holders, extended rank holders and also different

streams of KVPY 2009 scholars and the top rank holder (first rank holders only) of different state boards of education of plus 2

level. Candidates with minimum of 60% marks at plus 2 level of education (Intermediate, CBSE/ICSE/HSC/Equivalent with

Science subjects) are eligible to apply.

Interested and eligible applicants may kindly apply in the prescribed form which is available on the University website enclosing the DD for the prescribed fee. Prospectus and application forms are also available at the academic

section at the University campus in Gachibowli. The filled-in applications must reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic & Exams),

University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 500 046 latest by 6th July 2009. Late applications will not be accepted.

The Admissions to these courses will be held from 27th July to 3rd August 2009. Classes will commence from 3rd August 2009.

For more details kindly visit or contact academic section on 040-23132102 or 23132103.

5 year Integrated MSc Physics Programme at University of Mysore

check the link
7th September 2010 04:07 PM
Re: Colleges having 5 year Integrated MSc Course?

i want to know about malucularbiology
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