Thread: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology? Reply to Thread

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15th February 2016 05:19 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Good evening sir, I am Saranya Saminathan. doing microbiology, I am interested in pursuing in Biotechnology. Is it possible to go for it? could you please give me the details about in biotechnology. What can I do for it? Thank you.
16th January 2015 07:39 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Originally Posted by megha ram singh View Post
After your graduation you can go for masters and in microbiology, from this you can get very good jobs

many pharmecuetical companies are in search for the candidates with this qualification,
or you can go in agriculture department, teaching profession or can opt for research do you P.hd. and after that post doctorate..

after that you'll get chance to go abraod..chioce is yours..all the best..
hiii Meghaji i just want to know that right know Im doing Bsc microbiology... After that which field i have to choose for Masters?
16th October 2011 12:08 AM
raju bhai
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Hi dear,

Medical microbiology has very good future aspects.

You can do M.Sc or MS in medical microbiology from a good institute.

There are also scopes of doing Master's in clinical psychology.

But one thing to say, only doing Master's can't give you an assured or permanent job, you should do Phd research works in the special subject of your Master's degree.

The institutes offering PG in medical microbiology are:

University of Delhi ,

Kurkshetra University,

Guru Nanak Dev Univ., Amritsar

Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Nagpur University,

15th October 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

there is scope for this course in foreign countries i would advice you to go for ms in microbiology,also there are lots of research work going on this subject in foreign countries.
in India its still in starting stages
all the best
15th October 2011 10:17 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

there is scope for this course in foreign countries i would advice you to go for ms in microbiology,also there are lots of research work going on this subject in foreign countries.
in India its still in starting stages
all the best
16th September 2011 10:47 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

kya hum microbiologist ko Dr.kah sktay hain...............
14th September 2011 11:28 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

what will be the scope for BSC industrial microbiology students in medical field?
6th September 2011 07:11 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

what will be the scope for msc medical microbiology students in medical field????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????
5th September 2011 11:58 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

I am MD.SHARIFULL ISLAM I completed B.Sc in Microbiology from Gono Bishwabidyalay,Bangladesh.I want to get a job in the Medical laboratory as a Microbiologist any country in the world.My E.mail is please response my question.If any one response my question give me an E.mail in my E.mail.Tank to all.
24th August 2011 01:19 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

which one is better medical microbiology or general microbiology?
23rd August 2011 04:26 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

is b.a.m.s eligible for msc microbiology?
2nd August 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

give me the name institutions providing phd in medical microbiology.
26th July 2011 03:33 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi dear,
It is one of the good study for post-graduation as microbiology as enermous application in medical. there is a good clinical setup of microbiology in each hospital and in Pakistan very less people are specilized in microbiology so i think you should proceed in this field and i hope it will be best for you if you also have interest in this field.

19th July 2011 05:46 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

what is the scope of microbiology?
30th June 2011 01:03 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Originally Posted by swetharamesh View Post
hi.. Im in my final year Thinking of doing medical microbiology for p.g.. Does this have scope??
i complate my microbilogy in 2009
12th June 2011 02:42 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

which is better b pharma or bsc microbiology?
4th June 2011 02:14 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi i wanna do bsc in microbiology.........does it have a gud scope or shall i proceed fr any other choice n i even wanna knw wat will b d payscale fr a bsc in micro or an msc in micro???????????plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me i am in gr8 confusion.........
21st March 2011 08:23 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hai,i'm sahiti
i'm dng my 2nd year bsc with combinations microbiology,biochemistry & clinical biochemistry.i'm comfused whether to go to msc in medical college or clincal research plz help me but i want to work more on cancer biology so which subject shud i opt for my msc whic can help me work in my interested field??? plz reply
7th February 2011 02:35 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

i have done Bsc medical microbiology and secured 69%.please guide me what to do further
1st January 2011 07:23 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

I have done BSc medical microbiology and secured 73 % . Please guide me what to do further
28th December 2010 10:10 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

can u becom a lecturer in medical colleges after doing ur msc medical microbiology
13th December 2010 03:48 PM
akram mansuri
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Originally Posted by Swetharamesh View Post
Hi.. im in my final year B.Sc.Microbiology.. thinking of doing medical microbiology for P.G.. does this have scope??
i am akram mansuri iask to you can i open own pathology laboratories after or medical microbiology
3rd December 2010 11:27 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi,can anyone kindly let me know the oppurtunities for either studying or working in dubai with bsc microbiology background?
2nd December 2010 05:14 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

is there any other job oppurtunity for an MSc microbiologist in a hospital apart from pathological laboratory????
25th November 2010 12:00 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi, am doing B.Sc Microbiology....
7th November 2010 08:15 PM
megha ram singh
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

After your graduation you can go for masters and in microbiology, from this you can get very good jobs

many pharmecuetical companies are in search for the candidates with this qualification,
or you can go in agriculture department, teaching profession or can opt for research do you P.hd. and after that post doctorate..

after that you'll get chance to go abraod..chioce is yours..all the best..
5th November 2010 01:48 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi, i am a b.h.m.s graduate. now working as a medical officer, i want to do msc.microbiology, can i do this? if i will do in distance mode, is it helpful for my carrier? can i open my own pathology laboratory after Msc microbiology?
13th September 2010 07:44 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi i have done in medical microbiology in i want to do phd in from where i can do phd and what is the processe to registered in some colleges which conduct phd and there date of entrance exams
31st August 2010 01:11 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

i'm currently doing msc medical microbiology i jus wanna know about career aspects in this field where do i get jobs
21st August 2010 08:46 PM
sanskriti gautam
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

i am doing MSC(microbiology).where should i apply for jobs.Which are the companies in India which appoint microbiologists.
18th August 2010 02:32 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

dear friend,

after it will be more beneficial to in the pg in medical microbiology.since

this branch is a part of the medical science,so the scope in India is very

good.and there is also a great job you are thinking about good go on this tracks
17th August 2010 11:36 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

wether M.Sc(Microbiology) or M.Sc(medical Microbiology) or M.Sc(Applied Microbology) is same or diffrent postion ? kindly clarify
11th August 2010 02:58 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

11th August 2010 02:53 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

9th August 2010 09:26 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

yes friend medical microbiology for P.G is varous scope in india.if you complete bsc with good percentage then you can direction get admission in microbiology of any top university.
9th August 2010 01:24 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Ya bro there is lots of scope in it. Infact there is scope in everything. Its you who builds the scope. All my fellow friends have mentioned above where all you can get a job, but i will say that if you are the best then why wont they hire you? think about that.

So go for it wholeheartedly and best of luck
6th August 2010 04:57 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Microbiologists find opportunities in large pharmaceutical industries, hospitals,clinics, food, beverage and chemical industries, education ,business. They are absorbed in the public sector too. Medical microbiologists work in Health Protection Agency laboratories..You can be appointed as general microbiologist, agricultural microbiologists, Industrial microbiologists, Marine Microbiologists. Microbiologists are appointed by the universities, research institutes and industrial companies to do basic research in environmental, healthcare and agricultural research.
6th August 2010 03:11 AM
Sushant Roy
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

It is one of the good study for post-graduation as microbiology as enermous application in medical. there is a good clinical setup of microbiology in each hospital and in Pakistan very less people are specilized in microbiology so i think you should proceed in this field and i hope it will be best for you if you also have interest in this field.
5th August 2010 07:35 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Dear friend,

Medical microbiology has very good future aspects.

You can do M.Sc or MS in medical microbiology from a good institute.

There are also scopes of doing Master's in clinical psychology.

But one thing to say, only doing Master's can't give you an assured or permanent job, you should do Phd research works in the special subject of your Master's degree.

The institutes offering PG in medical microbiology are:

University of Delhi ,

Kurkshetra University,

Guru Nanak Dev Univ., Amritsar

Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Nagpur University,

All the best!
5th August 2010 01:48 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

hi i m Parvinder i've done B.Sc in basic science with 53.55%. Is microbio and bioinformatics better choice after doing PGDCA?
4th August 2010 06:16 PM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

there is scope for this course in foreign countries i would advice you to go for ms in microbiology,also there are lots of research work going on this subject in foreign countries.
in India its still in starting stages
all the best
4th August 2010 10:08 AM
Re: Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

its good to know that you want to do post graduation in medical microbiology its got scope .. even better one is immunology and life science so that you can go into research and also job also ... its your decision
4th August 2010 12:44 AM
Scope of Post Graduation in medical microbiology after B.Sc. Microbiology?

Hi.. im in my final year B.Sc.Microbiology.. thinking of doing medical microbiology for P.G.. does this have scope??

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