Thread: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications? Reply to Thread

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3rd June 2014 10:10 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

hi, which is the best couse? bsc mathematics or bsc matematics with computer application? what s the career option for both?
15th October 2013 10:50 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

what can i do for after,maths with computer applications?
14th June 2013 11:35 AM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

i am doing final year bsc maths with computer application is there is any way tojoin bl after completing my course?
15th May 2013 06:00 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

hai! i am saranya.i am doing final year maths with computer there any way to joint b.ed after completing my course?
14th May 2013 10:07 AM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

which is the best course in science or bsc mathematics with computer application?
14th May 2013 10:02 AM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

which is best with in computer science or mathematics with computer applications?
23rd April 2013 07:18 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

after completing mathematics with CA any job is in have
18th February 2013 08:31 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

after completing mathematics with CA any job in software field?
14th January 2013 08:01 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

Can I do M.Tech after completion of B.Sc.(math )?
25th August 2012 06:42 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

what is the difference between bsc computer science and bsc maths and computer application
21st July 2012 11:33 AM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

Which is better during bsc math or physics honours?
22nd March 2012 01:14 AM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

Originally Posted by c.shannu View Post
what i can do after my bsc mathematics with computer applications?
hello friend
you could go straight into work and a strong Bsc in maths can lead you anywhere in a science related field, or you could do a post grad qualification or even continue on to an Msc.
It's probably best that you talk to your careers centre in your university since they will know what is available in your area and often have access to resources of information which is not widely publicised.
21st March 2012 11:54 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

hai buddy..
you have many options after completing B.Sc..
Like MBA, MCA , M.Sc..
Its depends on ur interest in which field you want to plan ur carrer..
so all the best.. plan well
21st March 2012 09:57 PM
Re: What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

There are many courses which you can apply after completing B.Sc course. The course selection should be made on the basis of your interest and skills. If you are interested you can apply for M.Sc course in the same subject area. MCA is also a good option after completing B.Sc mathematics. You should attend the entrance examination to secure admission for this course. You can also build your career in the field of management by pursuing MBA. You should attend either CAT/MAT or similar kind of exams to secure admission for this course. You can also apply for government jobs after completing B.Sc.
9th March 2012 05:01 PM
What can I do after my BSc Mathematics with computer applications?

what i can do after my bsc mathematics with computer applications?

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