Thread: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau Reply to Thread

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15th December 2014 09:59 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz snd me previous ib intelligence bureau assistant central intelligence officer (executive)grade 2 paper to my mail.............................................. .....................
[email protected] sir....
7th February 2014 02:09 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir please sent me the previous years question papers with answers of intelligence bureau at my mail id - [email protected]
29th August 2013 02:41 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

ls send me fully solved question papers of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (AICO) IB to my mail address:[email protected]
4th December 2012 08:04 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me previous IB Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central IntelligenceOfficer (Executive) Grade-II Exam papers to my mail ................ [email protected]................. plz i will be thankful to u
12th October 2012 09:18 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me previous IB Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central IntelligenceOfficer (Executive) Grade-II Exam papers to my mail [email protected].......... ....... plz i vil be thankful to u
4th October 2012 07:46 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

when there will be availabilty of the aciio question paper fully solved,the exam which held in 23th sep 2012??????
23rd September 2012 01:19 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

[QUOTE=Unregistered;2625819]pls send me fully solved question papers(AICO) IB to my mail....!!

[email protected]
22nd September 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir medium hindi ya english
21st September 2012 10:53 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Send me few sample papers.if possible can u pls send me original paper.

[email protected]
21st September 2012 10:39 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau


[email protected]
21st September 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

GM............. plz send me previous IB Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central IntelligenceOfficer (Executive) Grade-II Exam papers to my mail ................ [email protected]................. plz i vil be thankful to u
21st September 2012 01:51 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

hi dear

please send me the few fully solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau on my email id [email protected]
19th September 2012 06:06 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

pls send me exam paper for Ib
[email protected]
18th September 2012 06:01 PM
mohit brh
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

ACIO IB paper are available and attached with this.
ACIO paper conducted from last 2 years continue 2011 and 2010 and now in 2012.
if you will score more then the 50% you may be selected.
18th September 2012 05:27 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Pls, mail me previous yr papers of IB exam, i m appearing on 23 sep. my id is [email protected] in advance
18th September 2012 05:09 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Please send me ACIO intelligence beau solved examination paper to my mail for last past year

[email protected]
18th September 2012 04:22 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please send me the few fully solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau on my email id - [email protected]
18th September 2012 03:05 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please send me ACIO intelligence bureau solved examination paper to my mail

[email protected]
18th September 2012 01:50 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

my email id is [email protected]
17th September 2012 11:01 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please send me ACIO intelligence bureau solved examination paper to my mail

[email protected]
17th September 2012 01:36 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please sir send me last 5 years solved question papers of intelligence bureau in my email id[[email protected]]
17th September 2012 01:30 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plzzzz send me previous question papers of intelligence bureau
17th September 2012 11:32 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me previous year central bureau executive exam papers on my mail [email protected]
16th September 2012 06:31 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please send me ACIO intelligence bureau solved examination paper in my email Id- ( [email protected])
15th September 2012 09:29 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz sir send me last yr question papers of intelligence bureau[acio] grade 3 on my email id [email protected]
14th September 2012 10:33 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

can u please send me the previous years question papers.............
14th September 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me last 3 year solved question paper of acio grade 3 ib in my email [email protected]
14th September 2012 12:31 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Hi dear,

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer or the ACIO is an officer who works for the Intelligence Bureau, India's first intelligence agency under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs since 1947.

Intelligence Bureau is India's first external intelligence agency. The first Indian director of the IB wanted to operate it on the line of MI6, which is similar agency for England. You must know about it from the James Bond franchise.

However his dreams suffered major blow as the lack of manpower and the responsibility of gathering internal and external intelligence because too much for the agency. It failed to predict the Indo China War which immediately followed by India Pakistan war. Such a massive failure meant that agency was ineffective.

This planted the idea of having two separate agencies, one to gather internal intelligence and second to gather external intelligence. The idea was approved by Indira Gandhi who ordered to create a far more effective external intelligence agency called R&AW.

It meant that the role of Intelligence Bureau was now limited to only gathering internal intelligence. However the task certainly is not easy. First it was terrorism in Punjab which followed by terrorism in Kashmir that later spread in other parts of India and resulted in various terror attacks. Another issue emerged for India called Naxalism. It also became the duty of IB to monitor naxal activity.

Over the years Intelligence Bureau learnt more tricks to gather intelligence. It is believed that Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) have their informants in various parts of India who give valuable intel which is later forwarded to the concerned state home ministry. In cases ACIO has to work as undercover officer, however these are all speculations and never proven since Intelligence Bureau remains mum on the exact role of ACIO.


1. Must be Indian Citizen.

2. Age limit for ACIO is 27 years.

3. There is relaxation for the SC/ST candidates.

4. Must have graduation degree in any stream from a recognised university.

Exam Pattern

There are two sections of the ACIO Exam:-

1) Written Test

2) Interview

Please take a look at the following link for previous years paper

If you are preparing for the ACIO Exam then the following books would be very handy for you.

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officers Exam Guide By R.Gupta

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (Executive) Grade 2 by Lal & Jain

Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam (Hindi) By RPH

13th September 2012 10:32 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

13th September 2012 07:31 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir/madam, plz send last year solved paper of AICO grade-2 executive exam on my mail my mail is [email protected] thanks & regardsdinesh

13th September 2012 07:31 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir/madam, plz send last year solved paper of AICO grade-2 executive exam on my mail my mail is [email protected] thanks & regardsdinesh

13th September 2012 12:41 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

pls kindly send me previous 2 3 years questions paper for ACIO II exam at my email id [email protected]
12th September 2012 11:46 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir plese send me intelligence bureau entrence question paper in ACIO II exam solved and sample [email protected]
11th September 2012 11:00 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Please send me intelligence bureau entrance question paper in ACIO II exam solved at my email id [email protected]
11th September 2012 10:55 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plzzzzz send me previous 2 3 question papers of ACIO II exam at my email id [email protected]
11th September 2012 09:11 PM
piyush g
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me previous year question papers for assistant central intelligence bureau grade 2 exam on [email protected]
10th September 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Please send me intelligence bureau entrance question paper in ACIO II exam solved and sample paper ..... [email protected]
8th September 2012 05:17 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

[email protected]
8th September 2012 11:30 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please send me some questions rlated intelligence bureau Email Id:- [email protected]
7th September 2012 03:59 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me last year solved paper of ACIO grade-2 exam paper on my mail id is [email protected]
7th September 2012 04:49 AM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Please kindly send previous years solved/unsolved question papers of Intelligence Bureau for ACIO [email protected].
6th September 2012 07:33 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me last year solved paper of ACIO grade-2 exam paper on my mail id is [email protected]
6th September 2012 05:43 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me solved question paper of acio grade II ib exam id is [email protected]
4th September 2012 11:32 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

sir/madam, plz send last year solved paper of AICO grade-2 executive exam on my mail my mail is [email protected] thanks & regards parvesh
4th September 2012 07:30 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me solved question paper to my id [email protected].
4th September 2012 07:28 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plz send me solved question paper of acio grade II ib exam id is [email protected]
3rd September 2012 05:53 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

[QUOTE=fathimaxaxa;2619802]plz send me fully solved question paper //
plz send the solved question papers to my mail [email protected]
3rd September 2012 02:17 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

plzzzzz send me fully solved papers for Ib acio post at [email protected]
thank u
2nd September 2012 07:17 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer or the ACIO is an officer who works for the Intelligence Bureau, India's first intelligence agency under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs since 1947.

Intelligence Bureau is India's first external intelligence agency. The first Indian director of the IB wanted to operate it on the line of MI6, which is similar agency for England. You must know about it from the James Bond franchise.

However his dreams suffered major blow as the lack of manpower and the responsibility of gathering internal and external intelligence because too much for the agency. It failed to predict the Indo China War which immediately followed by India Pakistan war. Such a massive failure meant that agency was ineffective.

This planted the idea of having two separate agencies, one to gather internal intelligence and second to gather external intelligence. The idea was approved by Indira Gandhi who ordered to create a far more effective external intelligence agency called R&AW.

It meant that the role of Intelligence Bureau was now limited to only gathering internal intelligence. However the task certainly is not easy. First it was terrorism in Punjab which followed by terrorism in Kashmir that later spread in other parts of India and resulted in various terror attacks. Another issue emerged for India called Naxalism. It also became the duty of IB to monitor naxal activity.

Over the years Intelligence Bureau learnt more tricks to gather intelligence. It is believed that Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) have their informants in various parts of India who give valuable intel which is later forwarded to the concerned state home ministry. In cases ACIO has to work as undercover officer, however these are all speculations and never proven since Intelligence Bureau remains mum on the exact role of ACIO.


1. Must be Indian Citizen.

2. Age limit for ACIO is 27 years.

3. There is relaxation for the SC/ST candidates.

4. Must have graduation degree in any stream from a recognised university.

Exam Pattern

There are two sections of the ACIO Exam:-

1) Written Test

2) Interview

Please take a look at the following link for previous years paper

If you are preparing for the ACIO Exam then the following books would be very handy for you.

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officers Exam Guide By R.Gupta

Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (Executive) Grade 2 by Lal & Jain

Intelligence Bureau ACIO Exam (Hindi) By RPH
2nd September 2012 04:33 PM
Re: Solved question papers of ACIO intelligence Bureau

please If Any Budy Want To Help me, SEnd AT [email protected]
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