Thread: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector? Reply to Thread

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7th April 2016 12:18 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I have done B.A. I want detail information regarding District Collector. I want to know about the exams which subjects are important for post of district collector . plz tell me how to prepare for collector exams

Thanks & Regards
31st August 2015 05:04 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Hey I want to know that If I write the csat exam then I become IAS officer after that if I attended this three exam then what I become ias office or collector plz let me know full details plz
9th February 2015 02:56 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hi sir
my name is rahul i have a one question for you can you tell me what is the crietaria for applaying for ias exam and whats about syllabus
3rd February 2015 10:06 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hey.. I Am studying In second year of Bsc. Plz Give me the Guideline to go become a district collector.
19th May 2014 05:44 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

i have to apply for district collector i am in bcom 2nd year so i want to ask that how can i apply for it what is the procedure for applying
7th February 2014 01:01 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I have done bcom in commerce field and I m a married.
But I want to give this examination but how to give and wat proccedure.
And wat is formality of form just tell me my age is 26
20th January 2014 03:03 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

How to become a District Collector?
When is the district collector exam?
How could I become a district collector after passing B.Tech Mechanical? What are the qualifications for the same? What type of knowledge and which books are to be referred?
Basic requirements for becoming an IAS? On what basis they select a candidate for District Collector Post?
Can I become a Collector through UPSC exam after MSc?

20th January 2014 03:02 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

[QUOTE=apndt;270691]Respected Mam/Sir

I have done S.Y, I want detail information regarding District Collector. I want to know about the exams which I have to clear for becoming District Collector.

Thanks & Regards
Aakash S. Mohite
8th November 2013 08:03 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

when tamil nadu state government conduct psc exam
13th October 2013 11:15 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

If we pass the exam then we got job direct
2nd October 2013 04:32 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hello sir! i am a mining engineer.i want to make a district collector so who we can do?plese give me answer my email address
9th September 2013 10:33 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Respected sir/madem

*I want to be a DISTRIC COLLFCTOR,What is the exam ya other entering procedure of it...?
*from the child hood i want to be a collector,
*i am in diploma 5th mechanical,,

14th May 2013 12:35 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

how to become district collector in up state please give me steps to pass this exam
22nd April 2013 04:14 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

What is the payment nd power of the collecter?
5th April 2013 10:32 AM
bpraveen b
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?


I will appraise you to become the district collector. for this You have to appear for IAS(civil services Examinations) conducted by UPSC.
It consist of all departments of civil services like revenue,administration, lokasabha, rajyasabha, Parliaments & many more,
The minimum qualification required for appearing this exam would be
A graduate degree from any university/institute.
The candidate should be in the age 21-32 years with relaxation for SC/ST and OBC candidates.

IAS EXAM consist of 3 different stages
Preliminary exam
Main exam

After successful selection of the candidate, he/she has to undergo training. After successful completion of training the candidate will be posted as sub-collector, project director, etc, and after having 3-4 years experience the candidate will be posted as district collector.

for futher any information please visit
All the best
4th April 2013 10:02 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hi dear,

You have to appear for IAS(civil services) conducted by UPSC.
the minimum qualification required for appearing this exam would be
A graduate degree from any university/institute.
The candidate should be in the age bracket of 21-32 years with relaxation for sc/st and obc candidates.

the examination is conducted in 3 different stages
Preliminary exam
Main exam

After successful selection of the candidate, he/she has to undergo training. After successful completion of training the candidate will be posted as sub-collector, project director, etc, and after having 3-4 years experience the candidate will be posted as district collector.

All the best
4th April 2013 09:40 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Originally Posted by apndt View Post
respected mam/sir

i have done I want detail information regarding district collector. I want to know about the exams which i have to clear for becoming district collector.

Thanks & regards
if you want to become a distric collector you have to appear upsc exam. That is ias exam. You have to clear prelims, mains and interview. Then you will become a district collector
4th April 2013 05:20 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hello I have passed 10th class now i want to know that which subject i have to choose to become a district collector is commerce with maths is a good option and please also tell me all the details of exams, syllabus,age limit, to become a collector please also tall the salary and the facilities a collector get?
and is to become a collector in future is a good choice pls pls reply me.......?
26th March 2013 03:49 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

i want to be a district collector. now i am doing AMIE degree.with this i want to start preparation of IAS. So which books am i going to refer for IAS????
13th February 2013 10:10 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hello im studying in final......wat i should do become an collector
2nd February 2013 12:58 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?


I want to become a district collector,I am student of T.Y.BCom,which exam i have to clear for becoming district collector. please email me on
30th December 2012 03:56 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I am in std 9 what side should I take after my 10
22nd November 2012 08:48 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

after becoming a collecter what is the power of a collecter. How much area is coverwd by a collecter . What is the work of the collecter.
10th November 2012 11:29 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I am in std 9 what should I do to become an collector n what side should I take to become an collector
10th October 2012 10:07 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

i m std 9 what side should i take after compliting 10 for isp MY DREAM IS TO BECOME AN ISP OFFICER
23rd September 2012 05:32 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

respected sir
is there any different rules and regulation for district collector exam in madhya pradesh
2nd September 2012 11:48 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Manisha Patil
Re:-Detail information about the age limit for appearing in IAS exams.

Sir i want to know that what is the age limit for IAS exam. I had completed my graduation in commerce stream. Now i am 31 years old and want to appear in exam. So kindly give information about the age limit and complete procedure of it.
25th July 2012 07:35 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I am graduate and near to complete my cs course but I am not Completed 21 Year , Whether I am appearing in such examination
30th June 2012 04:04 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

The District Collector is a bureaucrat of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). They are responsible for the entire district of a State. Besides this, they are also the most influential government executives of the region. They are recruited by the Central Government of India. It is their task to handle the law and order of that particular district, collect the revenue and taxation. He/she is also in charge of the planning permission as well as the managing of man-made and natural crisis.

Qualifying Exam

The students who aspire to become District Collector are required to write the Civil Services examination that is carried out by the Union Public Service Commission. The exam has three parts. They are: Preliminary exam, Main exam and Interview. The advertisement for this exam will be proclaimed in all leading employment news papers. They will also be displayed in the authorized website of the respective State PSC.
30th June 2012 01:43 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hi..i am shree , 21yrs old n complete my graduation in BCS,n really want to become district collector,but actually i dont have any idea about study,exams,basic things,so please suggest me most important thing which are neccassary
24th June 2012 09:30 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hello dear

your interest to become a district collector is really appreciable

as you completed your graduation your eligible for the exam

first of all you have a desire to become IAS officer be determined till you acheive your goal

to become an IAS officer you should appear for CIVILS examination conducted by UPSC

for writing this you're eligible only if you have a degree from any indian university

and you have to have the age of min 21 and max 30

now about exam

its 3 stage exam







and you have to pass all the stages consequently

and the notification of the exam will be out in november month of every year

for all further details and all the updates regarding the exam you can log in to following links

all the best

thank you
24th June 2012 01:43 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

i want give IAS exam
27th May 2012 02:40 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I am student from science stream.
so which sub-stream would i choose to complete my graudation.
to be a collector
19th May 2012 09:24 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

from which subjects I should do my graduation to become a collector.divya
19th May 2012 08:49 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

respected sir/Mam . I am in 10 classs and I want to become a collector and I want to know that from which subjects I should do my graduation?plz email me on
19th April 2012 12:52 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

You have two ways to reach your aim.But you need to complete your graduation course before eying your aim.
You can write the state level examinations PSC where you have to choose the Grade 1 level.
You can even go through the CSAT examination conducted by the UPSC where you can choose the field of your interest.The exam comprises of three stages.

You can visit the following link for the notifications and other such details

all the best
19th April 2012 12:11 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hey!!!!!!!!!! i am interested in becoming a AIS?????? i have some inquiries relating to the procedure of becoming AIS?????
and from where to give entrance exam as i am from mumbai?????
i am in my last year of bcom. please suggest me some important details about above questions as soon as possible????????
and also inform me about the eligibility and some important websites relating to this??????
6th April 2012 08:57 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

I want to become a District collector , i am a student of TYBA , what is the syllabus to crack this exam please send me the detailed info on my email id:
2nd April 2012 07:36 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

what do you think about all civil service exams. if you give 100% effort to crack the then you have to achieve the what to u have dream for. please answer me?
28th December 2011 03:14 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

your interest to become a district collector is really appreciable

as you completed your graduation your eligible for the exam

first of all you have a desire to become IAS officer be determined till you acheive your goal

to become an IAS officer you should appear for CIVILS examination conducted by UPSC

for writing this you're eligible only if you have a degree from any indian university

and you have to have the age of min 21 and max 30

now about exam

its 3 stage exam







and you have to pass all the stages consequently

and the notification of the exam will be out in november month of every year

for all further details and all the updates regarding the exam you can log in to following links
27th December 2011 07:55 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

You need to give state level exam for civil services(first priority)
or upsc exam
27th December 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

i am finalyear mechanical engineering student & wants to become dist. collector. what is the procdure to aply?
Dinesh upadhyay
Please send reply at email
14th December 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how to preparetion for mppsc pre exam
My aim To become a IAS officer.MPSC exam need for IAS exam.What I do to becoma a IAS ? Please sent e-mail on my e-mail
5th December 2011 10:51 AM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

hi sir
which type of exam system in ias exam?
23rd October 2011 07:11 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Hello i am 12th class student can i give district collector exam
22nd September 2011 03:36 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

which graduation is best for become a collector after 12th
15th September 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Get the Computerised Copy of your Land Records (ROR) from the Tehsil Apna ... District Collector, SP and other officials at VC Studio in NIC District Centre, Baran ... on UNIX platform in Oracle database and verified well before the target date. .... In this type of examination system, candidate appears for examination on the ...
14th September 2011 04:27 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Respected sir, while continueing the B.Com (final)can we appear the upsc exam? pl submit ur response in my email Id -
28th July 2011 05:50 PM
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Dear Sir
I have completed 12th science, n part time I have done diploma of secretary from Davars.
I want to know which subjects should I take n complete my graduation.
n what r the minnimum percentages required for appearing UPSC exams.
Rohit :
18th July 2011 11:48 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Detail information about district collector? Which exam to clear to become a district collector?

Hi dear,
You can surely write the civil service exam. But you have to finish your UG degree from any of the UGC recognized universities.
After that you are eligible to write upsc exam.
From now onwards, you can start preparing for the exams.
Refer the website like etc.,
I am sending the syllabus in attachment .
All the best.
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