Thread: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam? Reply to Thread

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19th June 2014 11:12 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Dear all,

I want to prepare for Civil Service examinations. But my chest size is only 76cm (normal without expansion), I am male. Please tell me if I am eligible for any of the posts for which recruitment is done through UPSC- CSE.

Thanx in anticipation
23rd January 2014 04:42 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

hello there im kavya..i m doing my BE nd i hav a dream of becoming an ips my vision is week nd i use glasses so m i eligible pls do answer...
22nd July 2013 04:36 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Physical Requirements for IPS

6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye.
6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.

You should not be suffering from color or night blindness.


Male - 165 cm for General/SC/OBC candidate and minimum of 160 cm ST.
Female - 150 cm OBC/SC/General candidate and 145 cm ST.


Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm Expansion 5 cm.

To become an IPS Officer you have appear and clear the prestigious Civil Services Exam

Eligibilty to apply for the UPSC Civil Services Exams

Educational Qualification :

A Bachelors Degree in any discipline from a UGC/AICTE recognised University.
Final year appeared/appearing candidates can also apply.

Age Limit :
General Category-21-30yrs on 1st August of the year of exam

Attempts :
General Category-4 times
OBC-7 times
SC/ST-Unlimited times
22nd July 2013 09:56 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by bimal.sarkar View Post
what is the physical eligibility of IPS exam?

Please inform me!
IPS- Indian Public Service

Physical eligibilities are :-

Height :-

1) Pahari Male and general category- 165 cm and ST(not SC/OBC) -160 cm

2) Pahari Female and general category -150 cm and ST(not SC/OBC) - 145 cm

Chest Width

1) Male -84 cm , expansion 5 cm

2)Female -79 cm, expansion 5cm

Eye sight

6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye.
6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.

Near vision:-

Good eye - J1
Worst eye - J2

Blood Pressure

23 years - 123
24 years - 124
25 years - 122
28 years - 124
30 years - 125
32 years - 126
34 years - 127

Ear :-
Good listening and normal ear cavity .
1000-4000 frequency hearing impairment should not be more than 30 decibels.

Age limit is 21-30 years.
20th July 2013 11:32 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

i have lost a kidney in a operation can i compete this examination?
8th September 2012 02:17 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

is the person having lower surface of leg flat is eligible for ips
28th May 2012 04:19 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Physical Fitness for IPS:

Height -
Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) - 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm
Chest -
Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
Many people fail in this test of chest expansion.
Eye sight - 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.
28th May 2012 04:16 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Physical Fitness for IPS:

Height -
Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) - 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm
Chest -
Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
Many people fail in this test of chest expansion.
Eye sight - 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.
13th April 2012 11:03 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Important dates :

Date of Notification : 19.2.11

Last date for receipt of application : 21.3.11

Date of Examination : 12.6.11

Last date of submission was already over.

More details,visit the official website :
6th January 2012 08:16 PM
4G Solutions
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by bimal.sarkar View Post
what is the physical eligibility of IPS exam?

Please inform me!
Physical Eligibility for IPS i.e. Indian Police Service

UPSC asks for certain physical requirements from aspirants who want to become an IPS officer. They are as follow...


For Men- 165 cm & there is some relaxation of 5 cm for those who belonging to ST, and some particular races like Assamese, Gorkhas, Garhwalias, etc.

For Women- 150 cm & there is some relaxation of 5 cm for those who belonging to ST, and some particular races like Assamese, Gorkhas, Garhwalias, etc.


For Men- Minimum 84 cm., Expansion 5 cm.

For Women- Female Min 79 cm, expansion 5 cm.


Eye sight- 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. & 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. No inherent night blindness.


Good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000
frequency hearing impairment should not be more than 30


  • For Age 23 not more than 123
  • For Age 24 not more than 124,
  • For Age 25 not more than122,
  • For Age 28 not more than 124,
  • For Age 30 not more than125,
  • For Age 32 not more than 126,
  • For Age 34 not more than 127.

In Medical Test of IPS, you will go through these test to check your Physical fitness.

Thats all....

Good Luck...

6th January 2012 02:44 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

which coaching center is best for upsc
29th November 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Should i go for any course for preparatiion of IPS/OPS exam
29th November 2011 11:34 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Dear Sir,I am physically strong,150 cm height,weight is 57kg.26yrs old,i have done my BA in political science Hon's & MBA in HR Specialization,i want to go for IPS,OPS exam.but my left eye has some problem,can i go for IPS/OPS
18th October 2011 10:05 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Sir my name Rakesh,
I know that height required is 165cms but I am 163cms. My chest is 90cms. I have gone gym for 2years id. But mine is height problem. Is there any chance of eligibility. I am general. Plz help
18th October 2011 09:55 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Sir my name Rakesh,
I know that height required is 165cms but I am 163cms. My chest is 90cms. I have gone gym for 2years id. But mine is height problem. Is there any chance of eligibility. I am general. Plz help
7th October 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Dear pal,
you need to satisfy physical criteria in addition to the education criteria. on clearing the civil services mains exam you have to meet certain physical requirements to be eligible for IPS.

Minimum height
Men-165 cm and
Women -150 cm

Min Chest girth fully expanded:
Men 84 cm and
Women -79 cm .

5 cm for Men and Women.

Total amount of Myopia should not exceed minus 4.00 D and total amount of Hypermetropia should not exceed plus 4.00 D
Presence of Squint is a disqualification

All the best.I wish you will satisfy all
7th October 2011 10:41 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

hi sir,
I am sushilkumar istudying B.A. PART 2. and my height 5.5 inch. can i fulfil criteria of height.
30th September 2011 07:02 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Services are divided into technical and non-technical. Technical services are IRTS, IPS, DANI PS, CISF, RPF & other Police organisation. The Medical standards for Technical Services are stringent.

For IPS-

Height -
Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) - 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest -
Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
(Those can't expand the chest go to next service. If expansion is less during 1st Medical, i.e. just after interview; during second Medical, i.e. after the result, or appeal, expansion can be shown.)

Many people fail in this test of chest expansion. (I know some people who have cleared this exam during the second Medical Test, i.e. after the Medical Exam conducted after the declaration of Final result)

Eye sight - 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.
Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye.
The correction is by lenses only.
High standard for the Colour-blind test.
No inherent night blindness.
Vision should stereoscopic.
23rd September 2011 07:53 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

hi dear,

Physical Eligibility for IPS exam
Height –

Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest –

Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

Eye sight –

6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness-

Vision should stereoscopic.

Blood pressure (High) –

Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127.

Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.


good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.

candidate should not stammer while speaking.

1st September 2011 03:32 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

sir iam devraj from raichur.............
now iam studying engg.........but iam not intrested in engg....
intrested in ias/ips so tell me the best institution to study
physical test given follows.........
5th August 2011 10:05 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by bimal.sarkar View Post
what is the physical eligibility of IPS exam?

Please inform me!
dear friend,

this the physical measurements for the ips.

Height :

Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm

Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest :

Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.

Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

Eye sight :

6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. The correction is by lenses only. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic.

Blood pressure (High)

Age 23 – 123,
age 24 – 124,
age 25 –122,
age 28 – 124,
age 30 –125,
age 32 – 126,
age 34 – 127.

Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.

Ear :

good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.

Nasal :

candidate should not stammer while speaking.

all the best.
5th August 2011 12:48 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the education qualificetion for ips exams?
Educational Qualification for I.P.S Exam :

If you become an I.P.S officer . You should be qualified in under graduation with 60% percentage of marks in any stream ( ie : science or commerce ) from recognized university .

Age Limitation for IPS Post :

Your age should be 21 to 30 years . The relaxation period is given to sc/st and obc candidate for 5 years and 10 years for the handicapped and widows .

Physical Fitness for I.A.S Post :

You should be physically fit ( ie : height ,weight , health , and eyes.,
chest ) the physical fitness are essential for the for I.A.S . you should be practice for 60 mins in rope climbing ,horse riding ,for the training purpose .
4th August 2011 09:47 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

[COLOR="Green"]hie friend !!!
i can just help you with this quicklink
go for it and prepare well !!!
gud luck my friend !!!/COLOR]
4th August 2011 04:42 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

i have -2.25 in right and -3 in left eye. Is I`m eligible for IPS
23rd July 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

candidat are marraid or unmarraid
13th July 2011 11:26 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

what is the education qualificetion for ips exams?
18th June 2011 08:07 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Hello Sir/ Madam,
I am Geeta Waghmare, 21 years of age, I want be an IPS
Just need a suggetion on female IPS,
How we can prepare ourself to become a best IPS officer
My Email Id is:
2nd June 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

26th May 2011 02:22 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

what is minimum qualification for appreaing IPS?
21st May 2011 02:00 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

i have a mild squint about 0.5 am i eligible for IPS , I came to know that or - sight about 4 is allowed in IPS
Send me response to
12th May 2011 06:29 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

hello sir ;
i am kumar. i had diploma in mechanical engg in 3 years course . i am sc candidate and my weight is 55 kg & height is 160 cm.
what about weight? can i apply this ips exam? because diploma is not a degree so only i raise the question.
7th May 2011 05:39 PM
sagar odelwar
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by souvik1233 View Post
what is the legal procedure op ips exam, how many charges taken aprox? what is the exam course physicial & writen exam please kindly tell me.
dear sir,
if i have a rod in my hand, due to accident can i try to i.p.s exam
26th March 2011 11:06 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello sar please tell me exam date

Important dates :

Date of Notification : 19.2.11

Last date for receipt of application : 21.3.11

Date of Examination : 12.6.11

Last date of submission was already over.

More details,visit the official website :
26th March 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

hello sar please tell me exam date
20th March 2011 12:39 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

I m suffering from polio still i dream to be an I P S officer it is a minor defect in my left leg just a difference of 1.5inch .is it possible for me to give an exam
13th March 2011 04:28 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Physical Eligibility for IPS exam:

  • Height – Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm
    Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm
  • Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
    Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
  • Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic.
  • Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127.
    Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.
  • Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.
  • Nasal- candidate should not stammer while speaking.
For more details see the notification in employment news dated 19.02.2011
5th March 2011 11:14 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

Can students with diabetes be selected?
25th February 2011 06:20 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

physical eligibility for civil services
22nd January 2011 07:54 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

what about weight ,is there any rule for that..if someones weight is a bit high then what?cant he fulfill his dream as ips??
21st January 2011 01:02 AM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

for ips standard of fitness must be better than the other posts under UPSC Civil Services Post. and also you must be physically fit and physical disability is not entertained for IPS post. For the complete details about IPS physical standards please visit
good luck......
15th December 2010 05:18 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

what is the legal procedure op ips exam, how many charges taken aprox? what is the exam course physicial & writen exam please kindly tell me.
6th December 2010 09:31 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?


Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Civil Services Examination. 2010 as per guidelines given in Appendix-III of Rules for Examination published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 2nd January, 2010.
For IPS you need extra fitness than other posts. No functional disability will be entertained.
6th December 2010 07:58 PM
Re: Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

The physical standards are important for the job profile and the rigorous training at the NPA, which includes weekly run for 10 k.m. in 60 minutes, route march for 25 k.m. UAC, horse riding, rock climbing, assault course, PT obstacles, rope climbing etc.

Services are divided into technical and non-technical. Technical services are IRTS, IPS, DANI PS, CISF, RPF & other Police organisation. The Medical standards for Technical Services are stringent.

For IPS-

Height -
Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) - 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm

Chest -
Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
(Those can't expand the chest go to next service. If expansion is less during 1st Medical, i.e. just after interview; during second Medical, i.e. after the result, or appeal, expansion can be shown.)

Many people fail in this test of chest expansion. (I know some people who have cleared this exam during the second Medical Test, i.e. after the Medical Exam conducted after the declaration of Final result)

Eye sight - 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye.
Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye.
The correction is by lenses only.
High standard for the Colour-blind test.
No inherent night blindness.
Vision should stereoscopic.

Blood pressure (High) - Age 23 - 123, age 24 - 124, age 25 -122, age 28 - 124, age 30 -125, age 32 - 126, age 34 - 127.

Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.

Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity.
1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment should not be more than 30 decibels.
5th December 2010 04:29 PM
Physical Eligibility Criteria of IPS exam?

what is the physical eligibility of IPS exam?

Please inform me!

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