Thread: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam? Reply to Thread

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15th February 2016 08:58 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

For CBI(central bureau of investigation) you have to appear in CGPE(combined graduate preliminary exam) test organized by ssc(staff selection commission) once in a year.

you should be a graduate in any specialization from a recognized university/institute should be a citizen of india.
age limit should be between 21-27(relaxation of upto 5 years for sc/st and 3 years for obc in upper age limit)
26th December 2012 06:55 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Dear Hitender,

CBI Stands for Central Bureau Of Investigation Department.

The Staff Selection Commission conducts the Combined Graduate Level Examination for the selection of candidates in the CBI.

The Qualifications Required For CBI Examination are :

* you must have completed your graduation from any recognized college/university.

* your age must be in between 18-27 years considering you to belong to General Category.

* There is also a relaxation of 5 years in upper age for those candidates belonging to Reserved Categories.

* You must be Indian.

* You must be mentally fit.

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.

31st October 2012 09:37 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?


These are following Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam--------- must have to complete your graduation in any stream from a reconized college
2.age of candidate should not Exist 27 years
3.there is some relaxation given to SC/ST and OBC students in upper age limit must be in citizen in India.

This should help
thank you
29th October 2012 08:42 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m hitender singh. i want to know maximum age limit to join the cbi, minimum and maximum education as according to post.minimum height. any age relaxation to army family background.i m 30 years old.sir plz reply me.

CBI Central Bureau of Investigation

A candidate who are aspiring to join CBI have to attend and have to crack SSC Exam......

SSC stands for Selection Staff Commission Conducted for Joining Crime Branch Defense Jobs like CBI, CID, Drug Inspector etc....

Age of candidate should not Exist 27 years, There is relaxation is available for Reserved Category +3 Years for OBC and +5 years for SC/ST students....

A candidate must have completed his/her Graduation in any stream from Recognized Universities.......

~~~~~~~~ Books for Reference ~~~~~~~

SSC Combined Graduate Level Guide (Tier-I, Tier-II & Tier-III)
R. Gupta's
Price: Rs. 315

SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-II Exam Practice Work Book
Kiran Prakashan
Price: Rs. 165

SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination
Sanjeev Joon
Price: Rs. 248

SSC - Solved And Practice Test Paper (Graduate Level Examination)
Sachchida Nand Jha
Price: Rs. 212

SSC Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level TIER - II & TIER - III (Paper I & II)
R. Gupta's
Price: Rs. 250

SSC Combined Graduate Level Mains Exam with Solved & Practice Sets (Tier-II)
Expert Compilations
Price: Rs. 188

All the best

With Regards.....
29th October 2012 12:39 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Dear aspirant,

-You can join CBI through CGLE( combined graduate level examination).

-CGLE is conducted by SSC ( staff selection commission).

-You can apply for this exam it is conducted every year .

-For this exam you should be graduate in any discipline from a reocgnised university.

-Your age must be 18 to 27 years if you are general category.

-You have to pass the objective type paper in Tier I and Another objective type paper in TIER II and then interview to get the post in CBI.

28th October 2012 09:38 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?


CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation

To join as CBI officer you need to appear for Combined Graduate Preliminary Exam conducted by SSC(Staff selection committee).

* Candidates should have a graduation from a recognized university.
* The age limit must be within 21 to 27 for general category.
* The age limit must be up to 35 years for SC/ST candidates.
* The age limit must be up to 33 years for OBC candidates.


* Written exam
* Interview
* Medical exam


For General category - 4 attempts.
For SC/ST category - No limit
For OBC category - 7 attempts

28th October 2012 05:08 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

i m housewife,history(hons),31-12-1979 want to do work now have any job for me in any department
9th April 2012 01:39 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

age limit for exservicemen have many obligations in it....for SC/ST and general and OBC also
7th March 2012 11:32 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

eligibility :
qualification : any degree with 60% marks of a recognized university
age limit : 20 to 25 years

Selection procedure :
written test

written exam :
general test
general intelligence & reasoning
general awareness
numerical ability
it contains 400 marks
Interview :
It contains 100 marks
English language
language comprehension
28th February 2012 01:02 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Education qualification:
Minimum graduation degree with any discipline from a recognized university
Age limit:
You should be not less then 20 years and more then 27 years .There is some relaxation given to SC/ST and OBC students in upper age limit .
For SC/ST the upper age limit is 32 years
For OBC : the upper age limit is 30 years
25th February 2012 08:50 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

i am SUNIL KUMAR, i am a constable in CRPF. What is the age relaxation for me.
25th January 2012 12:32 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Education qualification:
Minimum graduation degree with any discipline from a recognized university
Age limit:
You should be not less then 20 years and more then 27 years .There is some relaxation given to SC/ST and OBC students in upper age limit .
For SC/ST the upper age limit is 32 years
For OBC : the upper age limit is 30 years
6th January 2012 02:51 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

is their any physical test for cbi ? What is minimum height require for cbi ? Passu
6th December 2011 11:16 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

what is the age limt for ex-servicemen?
1st December 2011 10:23 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

i heard there are 23postings which conducted by upsc exams,can anybody list out them? thank u
8th November 2011 04:06 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m hitender singh. i want to know maximum age limit to join the cbi, minimum and maximum education as according to post.minimum height. any age relaxation to army family background.i m 30 years old.sir plz reply me.

To join CBI you need to appear for CGPE exam i.e. Combined Graduate preliminary Exam which is conducted by SSC board every year.

Those candidate are graduate from any recognized university with any discipline are eligible for CBI exam.(Criminology)

But your age should be in between 20 to 27 years old.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC category as per govt rule.

The maximum attempts for SC/ST candidate is Unlimited. For OBC candidate it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years.

Also you must be in citizen in India.

The selection process is contain in two stage

In first stage written test:-

1)General question ---------- 200marks
2)English -------------------200 marks

In second stage you can faced an interview which is contain 100 marks.

a. Part I - Written Examination carrying: 400 marks
i. General Test
ii. General Intelligence and Reasoning
iii. General Awareness
iv. Numerical Ability

b. Part II - Personality Test (Interview): 100 marks.
i. English Language
ii. Language Comprehension
iii. Communication / Writing
iv. Ability Test

You can also visit at the below web site for more information on CBI
7th November 2011 07:08 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

this examination is conducted by UPSC every years.
for appear in this exam you must have to complete your graduation in any stream from a reconized college.
the age limit for this exam is 20-27 years.
there are 5 & 3 years of age relaxations are applicable for SC\ST & OBC candidates. respectively.

this exam contain two papers -

6th November 2011 01:50 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Critiria for ex army persion
31st October 2011 09:07 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

For become a CBI officer, you must have clear the COMBINED GRADUATION LEVEL EXAMINATION [CGLE], conducted by SSC [STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION] every years,.

For appear in this examination you must have at least a graduation degree from a recognized college in any stream.

The age limit for this examination is 20-27 years,.
there are 5 & 3 years of the age relaxations are applicable for the SC\ST & OBC candidates respectively,.
20-30 years for the OBC candidates,
20-32 years for the SC\ST candidates .

Examination pattern-

Thank you!!
31st October 2011 09:06 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

For become a CBI officer, you must have clear the COMBINED GRADUATION LEVEL EXAMINATION [CGLE], conducted by SSC [STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION] every years,.

For appear in this examination you must have at least a graduation degree from a recognized college in any stream.

The age limit for this examination is 20-27 years,.
there are 5 & 3 years of the age relaxations are applicable for the SC\ST & OBC candidates respectively,.
20-30 years for the OBC candidates,
20-32 years for the SC\ST candidates .

Examination pattern-

Thank you!!
14th October 2011 05:57 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

this examination is conducted by UPSC every years.
for appear in this exam you must have to complete your graduation in any stream from a reconized college.
the age limit for this exam is 20-27 years.
there are 5 & 3 years of age relaxations are applicable for SC\ST & OBC candidates. respectively.

this exam contain two papers -

16th September 2011 07:33 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

for officer cader what is the required qualification,pl.
10th September 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

how can i join RAW? AGE LIMIT AND MIN. QUALF.?
28th August 2011 12:54 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Pay scale for assistant professor in central university and qualification
25th August 2011 02:12 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?


You must have the degree of graduation in any stream before applying for CBI. The age

limit is in between 20-27 years for general but the upper age limit for SC/ST is 32 years of age.
25th August 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

Education qualification:
Minimum graduation degree with any discipline from a recognized university
Age limit:
You should be not less then 20 years and more then 27 years .There is some relaxation given to SC/ST and OBC students in upper age limit .
For SC/ST the upper age limit is 32 years
For OBC : the upper age limit is 30 years
24th August 2011 10:31 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

To join CBI you have to take CGPE examinations also called SSC which is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission every year .Students can apply for the following post in the CBI while filling the application form depending upon your eligibility and your education qualification .

Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP).
Assistant Public Prosecutor


You should be not less then 20 years and more then 27 years .There is some relaxation given to SC/ST and OBC students in upper age limit .

For SC/ST the upper age limit is 32 years
For OBC : the upper age limit is 30 years

The candidate who is applying for the exam must have passed his graduation in any streams to be eligible for the SSC exam.

Examination structure ::SSC or CGPE examination is done in three modes and students have to appear for all to qualify the examination.There will be single examination for all post .The three phases are divided into ::

Written test
Medical Test.

Written exam mainly consist of questions based on the ::

Numerical Aptitude
English Comprehension
General Intelligence Reasoning
General Awareness
24th August 2011 06:55 PM
Re: Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

which hight riquired for cid&cbi
5th August 2011 12:51 AM
Required Academic qualification and Maximum age limit for CBI Exam?

i m hitender singh. i want to know maximum age limit to join the cbi, minimum and maximum education as according to post.minimum height. any age relaxation to army family background.i m 30 years old.sir plz reply me.

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