Thread: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved? Reply to Thread

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19th August 2021 10:27 PM
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Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Yes, Vinayaka Mission University is recognized by UGC under Section 3 of the UGC act 1956.

Vinayaka Mission University has been offering Educational Programmes in the field of Medicine.
14th August 2021 08:52 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have completed in mathematics in the year 2014.Is it valid for school service?
24th December 2020 09:09 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

how can get govt order for m.phil incentives through distnce mode in vmu salem for the year 2007-2009 for maths, zoology, chemistry and other subjects.
29th October 2020 08:41 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir is distance education for MPhil is eligible to get incentive in Tamilnadu state Government for 2009
29th April 2020 07:29 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is this university ugc granted
The Vinayaka Mission University is listed in the UGC official site list for UGC recognized universities in India.
9th April 2020 05:09 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Vinayaka missions University and vinayaka missions research foundation sane
10th January 2020 10:29 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir l had pass out of session 2011_2014 is it valid ? My subject was physics
17th September 2019 10:56 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir I have completed my B.Com graduation from vmrf 2013-2016 in distance mode. am I eligible to apply for government jobs or not plz tell me sir
15th August 2019 10:55 PM
Md Abdul Mannan Akhtar An
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Respected sir ,,, my Name is Md Abdul Mannan Akhtar Ansari Rahi . I'm also completed B. Lib from vinayaka mission University Salem Tamil Nadu so please give me approval Letter. My contract is 9931416068
29th May 2019 01:15 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

23rd December 2018 08:40 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have past MSc maths course year 2013 to 2015 from Vinayaka Mission University Salem I was worked 2nd grade teacher in government school can I got incentive for higher education if yes give me latest government order and UGC approval copy
20th October 2018 07:44 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have passed M.Phil. course year 2013 from vinayaga mission university salem. I was worked B.T.Asst. in . Can I got incentive for higher education. If yes, please give me Latest Government Order and UGC approval copy.
16th June 2018 01:17 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir , I have completed Bsc in the year 2014 may under distance education from vinayaka mission university salem Tamil nadu . Is this degree valid for my govt. Job in my promotion
1st June 2018 12:43 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir I have completed my masters in English from vmu in 2014 how to get original certificate, whether postal do will dolls ans
26th November 2017 01:28 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I am have done M.A in English from Vinayaka missions University in Agartala study centre in July, 2010 and marksheet got in December, 2010, is my degree valid?
15th April 2017 05:26 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I've completed my m. Sc chemistry in vmu by distance mode. Am l eligible to get incentives and promotion in my govt job?
31st March 2017 09:58 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have done M. Phil in Geography in the year 2008 under your university. Will it be valid to apply for assistance professor in any college under UGC. Ningthou Kamei from Manipur
23rd March 2017 03:17 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have completed in 2 year radiology I am planning for bse radiology in a distance mode in this university.old replay me
13th December 2016 09:10 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have pass out msc chemistry from vinayaka distance education Chandigarh zone (universal college)during 2013_2014 but i have not received my msc marksheet of final year from the centre Please help me out in this matter
3rd October 2016 07:53 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Can I do graduation from vmu and applied for ma in Mumbai university
17th May 2016 11:30 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

sir iI have completed B.E. Civil in 2008, is eligible for membership for insititution of engineers, India (Calcutta) Please answer the question.
7th April 2016 02:22 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Hello sir this p. sivaprakasam my question is i have completed M.A. English (2010-12) vinayaga mission in distance education. This degree is eligible for incentive and promotion. plz give the elaborate details . Our school HM refused this degree for incentive and promotion.
2nd April 2016 06:50 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir my name is jiwan sir my question is vinayaka mission university distance education valued for Punjab sir please wait for you're answer
6th February 2016 04:18 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have completed m.phil part-time maths 2015.can I get incentive from tamilnadu school education department. Please give approval G.O
28th August 2015 10:17 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Hi,I have passed my m.phil from vinayak mission unv in 2008 but yet not received my certificate.How is it pissible to get it?Can i do my ph.d from this unv?myself has done my m.phil in polsc and want to do my ph.d in public administration.
17th August 2015 02:54 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

If someone does B.A distance course from your university in 2013-16. Will it be valid?
3rd August 2015 05:33 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Is vinayaka mission university is a valid university? I have doing BSc in this university. Does it help in getting promotion in govt job if i submit it.
24th June 2015 11:25 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

If someone does B.A distance course from your university in 2013-16. Will it be valid?
23rd June 2015 11:15 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have completed my computers in vinayaka missions university salem in 2014
2011-2014 Sankari Main Road, NH-47, Ariyanoor, Salem, Tamil Nadu now can I join for mba with that certification
is that vmu aplicable for further studies ?
plzzz answer my question detaily
17th June 2015 09:03 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir this university is ugc approved or I give msc exam in march 2015 so I am eligible to set exam or not pls answer this question .
16th June 2015 09:23 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have completed my BBA in vinayaka mission university.. But i always feel that i have made a wrong choice by choosing this university... What should i do?
1st June 2015 06:11 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

I have passed out BA through BPP without having academic qualification, can take admisssion in law
27th May 2015 01:07 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Sir my HRD was not accept my MBA Cert. He was write a letter this univercity was not listing. so not upgrade my MBA get suggestion I will do the compliant at Court
20th March 2015 10:33 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

What is the Academic session of Vinayaka Mission Distance university?
15th February 2015 01:06 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Plz tell me sir, that vinayka misson university pgdca diploma by distance edication in 2011 ,sir this university pgfca diploma is approved in rajasthan govt. Job,
9th January 2015 09:32 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

i am rameshkumar i completed mphil course in 2009-10( in distance mode). is it eligible for getting incentive increment? please give clear cut answer for my question.
5th January 2015 10:33 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

i have passed m.a economics in June 2012from vmu .and i want to know if i'm eligible to get promotion in hp ?
26th December 2014 10:23 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Is VINAYAK mission university of director of distance education approved by ugc for 2014 to upto
10th October 2014 12:16 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Distance course of mca is also approved by the aicte?
7th October 2014 08:33 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

bsc melt session sept.2008 to sep2011 is valid from vinayaka mission university Salem through distance ?
7th September 2014 05:11 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

i had completed my mphil english in vmu salem in 2008-09 th batch , as per by ugc norms my mphil degree is eligible or not?
please confirm any one to my request...
21st July 2014 05:25 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Is Vinayak Machine University is approved by UGC & AICTE..? If YES then provide me the proof.. I want to do my M.Tech there so asking
8th June 2014 06:50 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

mphil in physical education by vmu in year -2006-07 is valid degree.because vmu having post- facto recognition till year 2005 and then after from year 2007.
22nd April 2014 02:08 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Originally Posted by deepk mistri View Post
has the approval of vinayaka mission university salem tamilnadu been cancelled by mhrd and ugc/aicte after the case against the deemed university. if so then what will the students (passed&newly registered)do?has there been any verdict of the honourable supreme court against vmrf
I am passed out MPhil library and information science on Jan 2009, Is eligable for recruitment of librarian post in first grade college in india,
7th February 2014 09:28 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

if vmu is approved by UGC , why the vmu, tamil nadu is not listed at present in UGC approval list ?
9th January 2014 11:56 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

is vmu (m.phil coures ) is approved by tamil nadu government school education deparment ?
4th January 2014 09:33 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Its vinayaka mission university distence aprooved by ugc and Dec yes or not and all mark sheet all India valid or not. Pl replai me. My email id [email protected]. mo no 09451434526
4th January 2014 12:18 AM
how can i get a duplicate copy of my certificate?

Respected sir,
I had done msc. Maths from vmu, but l have lost my degree certificate in train
Now how can i get a duplicate copy,please tell me the possible way outs.

25th December 2013 01:11 PM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Hi sir
I just want to know that m.a. in education is legal ftom vmu. If I do so then can I take part in government job by using this course...
7th December 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Is Vinayaka mission university UGC approved?

Kya B.A. ko ugc approved hai
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