6th June 2014 12:35 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College Does any of the universities like banglore ,madras or kerala universities offers B.Sc hons in genetics or biotechnology.if so give the course details, fees structure. |
8th July 2013 02:59 PM | |
Annu 44 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College HELLO SIR Top M.Sc genetics Colleges : Andhra University Banaras Hindu University Osmania University Vellore Institute of Thecnology Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Punjab Agricultural University Rajendra Agricultural University Madurai Kamraj University Gurunanak Dev University University of Kerala Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya |
21st June 2013 03:01 PM | |
Anand Patil 95 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College Best M.Sc genetics Colleges : Vellore Institute of Thecnology University of Delhi Osmania University Punjab Agricultural University University of Kerala Madurai Kamraj University Rajendra Agricultural University Banaras Hindu University Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya Gurunanak Dev University Andhra University BEST OF LUCK |
15th June 2013 01:35 PM | |
Srushtibitti |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College M.Sc genetics Colleges : Andhra University Madurai Kamraj University University of Kerala Gurunanak Dev University Banaras Hindu University Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya Osmania University Vellore Institute of Thecnology Punjab Agricultural University Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Rajendra Agricultural University |
31st May 2013 08:22 PM | |
Srushti Krishna |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College HELLO SIR >>>>>>>>>> M.Sc genetics Colleges : Punjab Agricultural University Madurai Kamraj University University of Kerala Banaras Hindu University Osmania University Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Rajendra Agricultural University Gurunanak Dev University Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya Andhra University Vellore Institute of Thecnology ALL THE BEST >>>>>>>>> |
23rd May 2013 02:37 AM | |
Bittitai |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College HI Best colleges offering M.Sc Genetics:- Vellore Institute of Technology, University of Kerala, Padmasree Dr.DY Patil University, Rajendra Agricultural university, Punjab Agricultural university, Madurai Kamaraj university, Banaras Hindu university, Osmania0 university, Barkathulla Vishwavidyalaya, Andhra university, University of Delhi |
17th November 2012 09:21 AM | |
dhirajen18 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College List of Colleges offering M.Sc. Genetics in India:- -Vellor Institute of Technology -University of Delhi -University of Kerala -Banaras Hindu University -Osmania University -Andhra University -Gurunanak Dev University -Madurai Kamraj University -Rajendra Agriculture University -Barkathula Viswavidyalaya -Punjab Agricultural University |
16th November 2012 08:23 PM | |
chinook |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College hi,,,, Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation & have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College============== 1.banaras hindu univ. 2.vellore institute of techno. 3.osmania university 4.univ. of delhi 5.andhra university 6.madurai kamaraj university 7.guru nanak dev university 8.university of kerala 9.rajendra agriculture university good by************** all the best--------------- |
16th November 2012 04:14 PM | |
sahoop |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College hi,,, Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation 1.university of delhi 2.osmania univ. 3.univ. of kerala 4.gurunanak dev univ. 5.andhra univ. 6.rajendra agricultural univ. 7.banaras hindu univ. 8.punjab agricultural univ. 9.vellore institute of technology. thanks**************** |
15th November 2012 10:03 PM | |
snack |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College HI, These are Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation------------------ Vellore Institute Of Technology Banaras Hindu University University of Delhi Andhra University Madurai Kamaraj University Rajendra Agriculture University Gurunanak Dev University. Best of luck, Thank you------------------- |
11th November 2012 07:25 PM | |
nellipudi.santhoshkumar |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College ![]() List of Best colleges offering M.Sc Genetics:- **University of Kerala **Punjab Agricultural university **Osmania0 university **Andhra university **Madurai Kamaraj university **Banaras Hindu university **University of Delhi **Sri Ramachandran medical college and research institute **Rajendra Agricultural university **Barkathulla Vishwavidyalaya **Vellore Institute of Technology **Padmasree Dr.DY Patil University all the best............. |
6th November 2012 09:41 PM | |
sirimulla srikanth |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College BEST M.SC GENETICS COLLEGES: University Of Kerala Vellore Institute Of Technology Banaras Hindu University University of Delhi Andhra University Madurai Kamaraj University Rajendra Agriculture University Gurunanak Dev University Punjab Agriculture University ALL THE BEST.... |
4th November 2012 04:25 PM | |
ranjith1438 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College Hai, List of Best colleges offering M.Sc Genetics:- Osmania0 university, Andhra university, University of Kerala, Padmasree Dr.DY Patil University, Punjab Agricultural university, Banaras Hindu university, University of Delhi, Vellore Institute of Technology, Rajendra Agricultural university, Madurai Kamaraj university, Barkathulla Vishwavidyalaya, Sri Ramachandran medical college and research institute, GuruNanak Dev university. |
4th November 2012 12:07 PM | |
Ravikanth2027 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College ![]() Best M.Sc genetics Colleges : University of Delhi Osmania University Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya Punjab Agricultural University Madurai Kamraj University Banaras Hindu University Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Gurunanak Dev University Andhra University Vellore Institute of Thecnology University of Kerala Rajendra Agricultural University Padmashree Dr D Y Patil University |
4th November 2012 12:04 PM | |
Ravikanth2027 |
Re: Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College ![]() Best M.Sc genetics Colleges : University of Delhi Osmania University Bharkathulla Vishwa vidyalaya Punjab Agricultural University Madurai Kamraj University Banaras Hindu University Sri Rama Chandran Medical College & Research Institute Gurunanak Dev University Andhra University Vellore Institute of Thecnology University of Kerala Rajendra Agricultural University Padmashree Dr D Y Patil University |
16th January 2012 07:42 PM | |
Unregistered |
Colleges offering MSc Genetics in Post Graduation? I have done BSc Zoology Hons from Hansraj College hey i am doing bsc.zoology(hons) from Hansraj college ..i want to do msc.genetics in my post graduation..please tell me all the colleges offering this.. |