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29th June 2015 08:58 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

I am in class 11 and I want to become an IFS .
Please give me some tips that how should I prepare for it from now onwards.
5th June 2015 10:17 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

I have just Completed 12th.with science stream.. Now i am going for B.Sc in physics.. How would i prepare for civil services..pls guide me
16th May 2015 04:07 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

I have done mine 12'th with commerce stream , with 59%
.i haven't studied for mine exams , if i would study it seriously , i would be getting more than 75% or 80%
What should i do , i want some technical feild related to logical jobs , Money Outcome is mine Main Motive , i want maximum money from the feild , Suggest Please .....!!
2nd May 2015 02:48 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Sir,greetings,Im Brinda. I have completed my 12th std and im in my holidays. I would like to pursue my dreams in Indian forest should i prepare myself to accomplish UPSC exams and is it necessary to join a coachjng class for sure?
8th January 2015 12:37 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hello....sir I m Prajakta.I m studying in 12th std.sir i want to become IPS officer plz ....Can u guide me?
3rd November 2013 02:45 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hi, Sir myself Dipankar Das from kolkata, i am interested to face those exams.Presently i am pursuing Ba from Ignou no honers paper in general 2nd year.I want to start preparing from now so please help me out. My email ID is [email protected].
24th June 2013 11:06 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hi dear..............

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service
IPS Indian Police Service
IFS Indian Forest Service

This all are the exam which is conducted through UPSC every year for this the interested candidates can appear Civil Service exam.

The eligibility criteria are as follows....

Educational Qualifications:

Any Graduate with minimum pass marks from recognized University can eligible to apply for this exam, The final year candidates those who are interested can also apply for this exam.

Age Limits:

A candidate must have attained minimum 21 years and not maximum 30 years .
For SC/ST candidates-21-35Years
OBC candidates-21-33Years.

No of Attempt:
General - 4
Sc/ST - Unlimited
Obc - 7

For more details log on to..

Good luck.................
24th June 2013 06:08 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

what should i do to become health minister ? i have appeard for neet ug 2013 scored 246marks i.e87percentile.i also intersted for upse in futuree
14th April 2013 04:55 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

can one prepare for becoming a scientist and ifs officer simultaneously ,i am in 11th with bio
15th November 2012 11:55 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?


The candidates must be a citizen of India.Candidate must hold a degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

Those who have appeared in the final year & waiting for results can also apply but they would have to produce proof of passing the exam
with their application for the Main Exam.

Age: The candidate must be between 21 and 30 years of age as on August 1 every year for the exam.
8th November 2012 12:30 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec

Hi !!!
Dear !!!
You wants to serve the nation, I appreciate it. As you just have passed class 12th, so, you must have to focus on the completion of the Graduation degree .
The graduation degree in any stream , according to your wish & capability.
The only requirement for appear in this CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION i s a graduation degree in any stream, but from a recognized college.

This civil service examination is conducted by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (UPSC).
Through this civil service exam, one can apply for the INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE (IAS), INDIAN POLICE SERVICE (IPS), INDIAN FOREIGN SERVICES (IFS) etc etc.

This civil service examination have three stages to be clear-


Educational requirements-

A graduation degree from a recognized college, whatever may be the stream is ..

CSAT exam pattern-

No. of optional subjects in CSAT --

MAINS exam's optional subjects--

Age limit--

21-30 years for the GENERAL candidates,
21-33 years for the OBC candidates,
21-35 years for the SC\ST candidates,

You must have Indian nationality.

Thank you!!!
8th November 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hello friend,

,this all are civil services exams are conducted by UPSC (UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION)
This Civil Services Examination is a challenge to every candidates for achieving success in the exam, it is very important to study in a focused manner, both for the Preliminary as well as for the Main Exam.

The examination consists of two parts:
the Preliminary Examination (objective type),
which is a qualifying examination, and a Main Examination consisting of written examination
and interview.
The marks obtained in the Preliminary Exam are not counted in the Main Exam
and it is only a screening exam.
The Preliminary Exam is an objective type test.
One can appear in the Main Examination only after passing the Preliminary Exam.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) holds the Preliminary Examination in May/June and the Main Examination is held in October/November. The notification for the Preliminary Examination
is published in December every year.
The exam is held in many cities in India & you can opt according to your wish.


Educational Qualifications: The candidate must hold a degree in any discipline from a recognized university.

Those who have appeared in the final year & waiting for results can also apply but they would have to produce proof of passing the exam
with their application for the Main Exam.

Age: The candidate must be between 21 and 30 years of age as on August 1 every year for the exam.

NATIONALITY : The candidates must be a citizen of India.

NOS OF Attempts:

For General - 4.
For SC/ST - No limit
For OBC - 7


PATTERN OF Preliminary Examination:

The Examination CONSISTS OF compulsory papers of 200 marks each.

Paper I - (200 marks) Duration : Two hours
Paper 1 :- is on General Studies , this includes areas like
Indian National Movement, Indian Polity, Basic Economic Understanding, Geography ,While the dynamic part includes current affairs, GK and has no proper definition and syllabus making quite vast.

Paper 2 :- includes English, mathematics, reasoning, analytical ability, and interpersonal skills. General mental ability
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. - Class X level) .

How to Apply:
* Candidates apply Online by using the website, .
Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above mentioned website.


BEST WISHES...........
8th November 2012 05:08 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?


UPSC - Union Public Service Commission conducts CSAT - Civil Services Aptitude Test for these services.

IAS - Indian Administrative Services
IPS- Indian Police Services
IFS -Indian Foreign Services.

For all three positions you will have to clear CSAT exam.

There are three stages of this exam -

1- Preliminary exam
2- Main exam
3- Interview

Eligibility criteria for CSAT-

1. Candidate should be of Indian origin.

2- Graduation in any discipline from a recognised university.

3- Age - 21-30 years.

Visit for next exam dates.
7th November 2012 09:16 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

IAS is an central service and also deeply regarded as the most prestigious job in the civil services.

As you don't know the basic eligibility criteria for this I will try to explain the basic eligibility criteria require for this

The main basic eligibility criteria for Civils Service Examination

->Candidate must have 21 years of age

->Candidate must complete at least degree from a recognized Indian University

this is all about the basic eligibility criteria of CSE

As per your qualification i.e., M.Tech (5Years) course You will be eligible for the exam which will be conducted by UPSC Delhi

You can go through the examination code for Civil Service Examination in the official website of UPSC


The exam will be conducted by UPSC this exam is conducted every year with the name of Civil service examination.

For this exam there will be a huge competition so you have to be well prepared to face the examination

the exam is conducted in the three stage format



In this way the exam will be go on for a year duration till you complete the full procedure but one note that if you fail in any of the stage you have to appear again from the first so it is the game with a little risk

hope you will clear in your first attempt only
all the best
5th September 2012 05:18 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

I am twelth paas and I am 31 yrs old (SC catagory). I want to become a IAS, IFS OR IPS officer.plz guide me.
1st September 2012 01:55 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hi my self shabaz what I do after complete the 12th (commerce)
25th August 2012 08:36 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Respected sir,
I am Himanshu Bhandare currently doing my TYBms, am i eligible for ips frm this course and is it necessary to give upsc exam for IPS? what should i do after my TY....
29th April 2012 11:16 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Good morning sir,
myself Shradhanshu Shrivastava sir please tell me which is the best coaching for I.A.S preparation & how many total fees for I.A.S preparation.
25th April 2012 07:36 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

well good moorning sir ,
i am hari krishan kumawat, i want to made ips so please tell me about ips exam
7th April 2012 01:10 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

It is very good that you are aspiring for IAS/IPS/IFS after 12th, so that you will get ample time to slow and steadily can prepare for this and able to easily appear for this exam after Graduation.


To become IAS/IPS/IFS officer you have to appear and crack Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC once every year.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years which the upper age relaxed up to 5 years for SC/ST/PH candidate and up to 3 years for OBC candidate.

The selection is through three stages:-

CSAT-Civil Service Aptitude Test-Preliminary Exam comprises of all objective type questions.

Civil Service Main Exam comprises of subjective type question from the prescribed syllabus as selected.

Personal Interview

There are certain prescribed Physical Standard to be maintained for those applying for IPS.

For more information you may log on to
7th April 2012 11:54 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

for being a IPS,IAS and
IFS. You need to be
graduated with any
stream like
Eligibility criteria:
You should be a citizen of india.
The candidate should be complete graduation from any recognised university.
The candidate age limit should be 21 to 30 years, the age relaxation for obc candidates is 3 years, and the sc/st candidates in 5 years.
For more details visit the website
All the best.
27th March 2012 10:53 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hi ,myself salman.i am studying b-tech 2nd yr of electrical branch.which books should be bought for i.a.s?is i.a.s or i.p.s.or i.f.s are of same level?
17th March 2012 08:14 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

i m a student of 12th class (ICSE) commerce stream..
pls suggest me what should i do after go for civil services
15th January 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec
Firstly I.A.S/I.P.S/I.F.S exam is have no compulsion.
All the student who pass the graduation from any stream are eligible for the exam.
I.A.S exam exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.

Qualification:- Pass graduation with any stream fron recginiced university.

Age limit:-
For Open category:- 21-30 year
For OBC category:- 21-33 YEAR
For ST/SC category:- 21-37 year

Number of Attempts:-
For open category:- 4 attempts
For ST/SC category:- 7 attempts

You chose what you want don't see what others are doing.
You have to qualify the exam.
So work hard in those subject in which you are interested and in which you have good command.

26th November 2011 01:30 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Is manonmaniam sundarnar university tirunelveli a recognized university for ias,ips & ifs exams?
17th November 2011 06:13 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

which book should be best for ips preatin
16th November 2011 08:58 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Hi, myself is Ankoosh waghmare, i have done B.Sc specializing in Mathematics.i am thinking to appear for civil examination i.e UPSC exam,and i dont know much about it
i dont know what is optional and compulssory subject.Plz help me out with maximum information regarding this civil examination.
- from Ankoosh Waghmare
13th November 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Is there any scope to apply for IAS,IFS or OAS while I am pursuing 3rd year of my B.B.A(Bachelor in business administration).Please give information about this ,because I am very much passionate to do an Administrative service.
1st November 2011 10:22 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

how to prepare for upsc prilim & mains exam?
please give me information prepartion for IPS officer.
plase tell me on my contact no 8793906164
from sandip waghmare.
27th October 2011 12:58 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

how to prepare for nda exam. please send ans on my contact no. 9873747356 please send the ans.
29th July 2011 12:34 AM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec
Hey friend,

IAS - Indian Administrative Service
IPS - Indian Police Service
IFS - Indian Foreign Service

IAS,IPS,IFS are Indian Civil Service exam and all the 3 exams are conducted by UPSC and they are held every year.

All the exams have the basic eligibility criteria's and they are:

  • The candidates must be a citizen of India.
  • The candidates must have a age limit of 21-30 years.
  • For SC/ST - 35
  • Fro OBC - 33
  • For Ex-service men it is 5 years exception.
  • The candidates must have a degree in any discipline from a recognized university.
  • The candidates who are writing their final degree exam can also apply for the exam.
  • The candidates who have been selected as IAS or IFS cannot be a IPS and must be a member of that service.


For SC/ST - No limit
For OBC - 7
For General - 4.

For IPS:


Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm


Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

Thank you.
26th July 2011 12:09 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Sir I am BSC.AGRI student. I know very little information about IAS IFS. so please help me! for preparation of IAS IFS
22nd July 2011 03:33 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

i'm 2nd year b .tech(it).i want to face ias exam is it possible with my branch,if yes then how many paper in this exam & suggestion about preparation
13th July 2011 09:41 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec
For such type of exam you have to do so much hardwork. and first of all you have to finished your post graduation for qualify for exams..
you can do prepration by using special books for exams, solved question papers and u can also join nearest good coaching classes.
best luck for your prepration.
13th July 2011 04:25 PM
sumit 1989
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec
Hello, Ajay, after 12th first you have to complete your graduation then only you are eligible to apply for CIVIL SERVICES.Well , as you asked what shall be the best choice, let me tell you mostly arts is the choice of candidates and it get you maximum marks, but then you should decide on your own.

And Biotech also offers you a wide range of careers, and a fast growing industry . there is huge growth in this sector.

Best of luck. Feel free to ask if doubts remain.
13th July 2011 03:17 PM
[email protected]
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

for ias,ips,ifs the min requirement is,u can choose sc,comm,arts any thing.but arts will be preferable.
after some years biotech will have good,u can try in that field also
13th July 2011 02:39 PM
Re: Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

Originally Posted by ajay akade View Post
what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec
for being a IPS,IAS and IFS. You need to be graduated with any stream like b.s.c,,b.a,,b.a
you can join IPS after completion of graduation most important thing ir this the graduation bachealor degree you are have it should be from a recognised university and UGC granted
minimum 55percent at graduation level
age 21 to 30
and univesity where graduation is done should be recognised university
best wishes and choose any stream in which you are best.
13th July 2011 11:01 AM
ajay akade
Required preparation for IAS, IPS and IFS after 12th?

what type of preparation is required after twelth or in which field she should (arts , com , sci , engg ,medi,bio tec)complet the degree for IAS,IPS,IFSwhat is the best option , & of which field maximum students are IAS,IPS IFS officers,and what were the subjects choosen by maximum students secondly how is the future in bio tec

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