Thread: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons? Reply to Thread

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26th June 2015 09:56 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

Which sub i choosed in b.s.c hons if got 56 in math 55 in physics and 76 in chemistry ????
10th June 2015 02:15 PM
shyamsundar tyagi
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc H hons has 2 subject.if u take hons in maths than your subject are maths and physics. And if u take hons chemistry than your subjet are chemistry and physics means physics is compulsory in hons..both subjet physics, maths or chemistry each have 4-4 exam papers.
23rd May 2015 01:15 PM
[email protected]
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc H
1st October 2013 01:49 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

What's are biochemistry?
9th November 2012 06:08 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

list of all collages providing bsc hons. near H.P
21st September 2012 10:35 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?
2nd September 2012 10:35 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

is there any entrance exam in bhu for bsc biotech???
14th June 2012 08:09 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

how many years is required to complete bsc honors????
14th June 2012 07:54 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

difference between bsc(hons) or bsc gen
20th January 2012 03:27 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

which is better for any student bs hons or bsc hons???what is the time period of bs hons or bsc hons????is bs hons equivalent to the masters???after doing bs hons we directly do m.phil????
3rd December 2011 11:05 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

What are the requirement for a bsc general?
23rd November 2011 01:20 PM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

can i get addmitation for bsc hons by distance edu. after 12th sci group
12th November 2011 01:52 AM
Re: Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?


there is having a no big difference in between that .
both are the graduation degree just it is called in institutes.
some are called only and some are called hons in
that's it
good luck.
11th June 2011 07:14 PM
Difference between BSc Hons and BSc General? How many subjects are there in BSc Hons?

What is the difference between bsc hons and bsc genral?
How many subjects in bsc hons?

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