Thread: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success? Reply to Thread

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16th August 2013 07:05 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

How to prepare for CAT and MAT exams?
18th April 2013 11:36 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

List of Books for CAT exam:

14th April 2013 01:26 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Best Books for CAT Exam:

13th April 2013 03:53 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

These are good CAT Exam Books -

7th January 2013 07:23 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

I have currently completed 1 year in a MNC,pune. I want to start preparation for CAT exams. Please suggest me some good books to build the basics before I go to any coaching centre.
14th November 2012 11:19 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

CAT Stands for Common Admission Test and this examination was Conducted by IIM's Every year and the Notification of this examination was Published in the CAT Official website in the Month of September.

At this stage you should write atleast three mocks in a week and properly analyse the solutions to judge your high speed and high accuracy areas.It will also help you in identifying your weak areas to put e. After getting an adequate knowledge through these books you can use some online website for CAT preparation that will help you in time management and some mock paper practice will boost up your confidence.

Good Books for CAT exam:-

Quant Aptitude by Tata Magraw Hill , Author:Arun sharma

Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations Tips, Techniques, And Short-cut Methods by Guha Abhijit

Nishit Sinha's DI LR book by Pearson

Guidence book for CAT - Muhamed Muneer

Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Exams by Guha Abhijit

R.S. Agarawal books on verbal reasoning.

Quantitative Aptitude - Nishit K Sinha

2nd October 2012 11:20 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Originally Posted by Hrishi0903 View Post
sir please tell me the name of the books through which i will prepare for cat exam 2011.....and tell me how can i read that book in proper manner to get success ..........
Top Books To Follow For CAT:-

Mathematics For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations (Set of 3 Books)
by Time
Publisher: Pearson Education

Latest, CATest & Quickest A Practice Book for Prometric CAT 2012
Publisher: Arihant Publications

The Pearson Guide To Verbal Ability And Logical Reasoning For The CAT
Publisher: Pearson

An Introduction To The CAT: Tips From An IIM Alumnus
by Sidharth Balakrishana
Publisher: Pearson

Data Interpretation for the CAT and Other MBA Examinations
Publisher: Pearson

Verbal Ability Guide For CAT And Other MBA Entrance Exams
by Disha Experts
Publisher: Disha Publication

Quantitative Aptitude for CAT & other Entrance Exams
Publisher: Disha Publication

Hope this helps :-> :->
21st September 2012 11:01 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

hi. i am a 2nd year student i am preparing for cat 2014 so can somebody please suggest me the best books for cat especially for quantative aptitude
and i have passed my 12 th standard from commerce without maths so please suggest me books according to that
7th June 2012 02:07 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?


6th June 2012 10:32 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?


Some of the recommended books for CAT preparation is as follows.. just go through the books to get deep knowledge of each section in the CAT exam..

Cat – 2011 (Cd Rom)
Author: Upaveda Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 8192082652

How To Prepare For The CAT
Author: Muneer
ISBN: 0070635781

How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma
ISBN: 0070703426

How To Prepare For Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma
ISBN: 0070704813

How To Prepare For Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay
ISBN: 0070704821

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency For CAT
Author: B S Sijwali
ISBN: 8183482716


Most of the MBA college choose the candidate thorough CAT exam.The Best MBA college in India through CAT score is given below.
Indian Institute of Management Ahmadabad
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
Indian Institute of Management Indore
XLRI Management Institute Jamshedpur
IIFT – Indian Institute of Foreign Trad
FMS – Faculty of Management Studies

15th March 2012 09:14 AM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Books by Arun Sharma. Arun Sharma `s books are of good standard. There are 3 books from Arun sharma for preparationof CAT Exam
Quantitaive Aptitude by Arun Sharma
D.I by Arun Sharma
English by Arun Sharma
12th March 2012 11:45 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

i am suganya doing 3rd year Information Technology. Is maths equally important for clearing CAT comparing to other subjects ?
14th September 2011 05:25 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Every question lists 4 responses out of which you have to select the right answer. ... The duration of SNAP 2011 entrance exam is 120 minutes. ... You should be a graduate from a recognised university with a minimum score of 50%. ... correct answer; Read a lot of newspapers, magazines and even short stories or books. ...
13th September 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

please tell me guide of books upsc exam...
18th August 2011 08:36 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

I am 4th year B.E. studnt . should i take coaching class from now or will prep at home be sufficient dnough to clear C.A.T. ? pls reply at the earliest...
12th August 2011 05:41 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

I am 3rd year b.e student.i want to crack cat exam.should i take coaching clases from now itself or frm 4th year?
20th July 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Which book to be preferred for preparation of pnb deputy manager it??
12th June 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

U.P.S.C 2011 is this essential I.P.S guide book.
15th May 2011 05:58 PM
mohd haider
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

How do you say RIMC has been fair? Till date, RIMC's website is NOT updated and no news of what happened to the results of Dec 2010 exams! Why are they not announcing the results as committed in their own published information brochure? Nobody at RIMC office answers with any responsibility when we call them! We received curt, ungentlemanly responses for asking about the results. Replies never come to e-mail enquiries. Being a Cat-A defence establishment, their website is still archaic, not up to date, none of their web page links works!!! They should immediately publicly announce / display the marks scored by all the candidates irrespective of whether they scored below or above the qualifying level. There has to be complete transparency in the admission process. RIMC is not a private school; they must remember that it is a govt.-run public institution, being funded by public money, with equal opportunities to everyone eligible, not only for some influential persons. There have been a number of instances, during the exams also it has been observed that the children of serving military officers are favoured and openly helped to qualify, by supplying them with answers by the invigilators themselves! So, where is the sanctity of the hollowed institution now, which is an Alma-mater to some exemplary, eminent soldiers? The current administrators of RIMC seem to be thinking high of themselves, and arrogate to themselves an unquestioned status and feel not answerable / accountable to to the public. Where and why is the secrecy in the whole process of admission? It cannot be a classified information. If not for manipulating the results to favour the vested interests, they sure would have put up the results by now in a complete transparent manner. Are the authorities concerned listening? Are they sensitive to public opinion and anguish of parents? Please do not allow the renowned institution to crumble

Read more here: Q4jHjLO
14th May 2011 04:23 PM
Re: Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

Originally Posted by Hrishi0903 View Post
sir please tell me the name of the books through which i will prepare for cat exam 2011.....and tell me how can i read that book in proper manner to get success ..........


Some of the recommended books for CAT preparation is as follows.. just go through the books to get deep knowledge of each section in the CAT exam..

Cat – 2011 (Cd Rom)
Author: Upaveda Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 8192082652

How To Prepare For The CAT
Author: Muneer
ISBN: 0070635781

How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma
ISBN: 0070703426

How To Prepare For Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma
ISBN: 0070704813

How To Prepare For Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension For The CAT
Author: Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay
ISBN: 0070704821

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency For CAT
Author: B S Sijwali
ISBN: 8183482716

-> Just try to buy the recommended books which concentrates on different sections of CAT exam, and go through each section for a day and do it for every week.

-> Just keep the weekends for revising the sections which you studied in the weekdays. Continue this process till the end of the exam, if so for sure you can score well in the exam.

All the Best...
5th May 2011 10:18 PM
Which books should be referred for CAT entrance exam? How those books should be referred to get success?

sir please tell me the name of the books through which i will prepare for cat exam 2011.....and tell me how can i read that book in proper manner to get success ..........

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