23rd January 2013 07:20 PM | ||
Onkar Kaur |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Hello Friend, As you have for the new pattern of syllabus for IAS exam, I'm providing you the complete detail of that. IAS stands for Indian Administration Service. This exam is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) through CSAT exams means Exams for Civil services. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Candidate must be graduate in any stream from reognized University with any grade. 2. Must citizen of India. 3. Age Limit: 21-30 years (Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates. No. of Attempts: 1. General Candidate: 4 2. OBC: 7 3. SC: Unlimited Exam: Exam can be divided into three main sections: 1. Preliminary Exam: It can be divided into two main papers, one is general Knowledge which is compalsory for all. Second is optional, candidate can select according to his/her choice. PAPER I: -History of India and Indian National Movement -Current Events of National and International Importance -Indian and World Geography -Indian Polity and Governance -Economics and Social Development -General Science -General Issue on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and climate change PAPER II: -Comprehenssion -English Language Comprehension -General Mental Ability -Logical Reasoning and Analytical ability -Decision Making and Problem solving -Basic Numeracy -Interpersonal Skills 2. Main Exam PAPER I: GK PAPER II: any optional Subject PAPER III: Language English This exam will be of 2300 marks as total. 3. Interview List of optional Subjects: 1. Geology 2. Botany 3. Zoology 4. Indian History 5. Agriculture 6. Geography 7. Sociology 8. Statics 9. Medical Science 10. Political Science & International Relations 11. Economics 12. Phsycology 13. Management 14. Chemistry 15. Maths 16. Physics 17. Civil Engineering 18. Philosophy 19. Mechanical Engineering 20. Animal Husbandry 21. Vetinary Science 22. Anthropolgy 23. Commerce and Accountancy Best BOOKS: 1. CSAT 2. Gateway to successful career and powerful Memory 3. IAS PRE English Guide Wish you all the very best........ |
23rd January 2013 07:18 PM | ||
Onkar Kaur |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Hello Friend, As you have for the new pattern of syllabus for IAS exam, I'm providing you the complete detail of that. IAS stands for Indian Administration Service. This exam is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) through CSAT exams means Exams for Civil services. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Candidate must be graduate in any stream from reognized University with any grade. 2. Must citizen of India. 3. Age Limit: 21-30 years (Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates. No. of Attempts: 1. General Candidate: 4 2. OBC: 7 3. SC: Unlimited Exam: Exam can be divided into three main sections: 1. Preliminary Exam: It can be divided into two main papers, one is general Knowledge which is compalsory for all. Second is optional, candidate can select according to his/her choice. PAPER I: -History of India and Indian National Movement -Current Events of National and International Importance -Indian and World Geography -Indian Polity and Governance -Economics and Social Development -General Science -General Issue on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and climate change PAPER II: -Comprehenssion -English Language Comprehension -General Mental Ability -Logical Reasoning and Analytical ability -Decision Making and Problem solving -Basic Numeracy -Interpersonal Skills 2. Main Exam PAPER I: GK PAPER II: any optional Subject PAPER III: Language English This exam will be of 2300 marks as total. 3. Interview List of optional Subjects: 1. Geology 2. Botany 3. Zoology 4. Indian History 5. Agriculture 6. Geography 7. Sociology 8. Statics 9. Medical Science 10. Political Science & International Relations 11. Economics 12. Phsycology 13. Management 14. Chemistry 15. Maths 16. Physics 17. Civil Engineering 18. Philosophy 19. Mechanical Engineering 20. Animal Husbandry 21. Vetinary Science 22. Anthropolgy 23. Commerce and Accountancy Best BOOKS: 1. CSAT 2. Gateway to successful career and powerful Memory 3. IAS PRE English Guide Wish you all the very best........ |
19th November 2012 01:59 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? I am also doing my b.tech 2nd yr(ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION) .. how can i start preparing for IAS prelims may i get suggestion frm you sir!? Please send ur suggestions to my id ......... may i know what u did got from him swetha? or else give me some peice of adivise regarding this situation..... |
16th November 2012 01:08 AM | ||
eduforall |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Hi, IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services. Exam for IAS is conducted by UPSC inthe form of CSAT - Civil Services Aptitude Test. Eligibility criteria for CSAT- 1. Candidate should be of Indian origin. 2- Graduation in any discipline from a recognised university. 3- Age should be between 21-30 years. There are three stages of this exam - 1- Preliminary exam 2- Main exam 3- Interview 1.Civil Services Preliminary Examination or Civil Services Aptitude Test(CSAT):- The exam contains questions on – General Studies, comprehension skill, verbal and quantitative aptitude and communication skills. 2.Main Examination- Those who qualify Preliminary round appear for Main examination. The Main examination comprise of following papers. Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper English Qualifying Paper General Essay type paper General Studies(Paper-I&II ) Optional subject-I(Paper-I&II ) Optional subject-II(Paper-I&II ) Those who qualify Main examination are called for Interview. For more details visit www.upsc.gov.in |
15th November 2012 10:17 PM | ||
sandeepsaini.saini522 |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? hi, IAS is conducted by UpSC every year in month of June and December, for becoming an IAS officer a candidate have to apply for Civil service examination and also have to crack it with good score.... Eligibility and Criteria: >> A candidate must have completed their Graduation Study in any Discipline from Recognized Universities.... >> Final years student who are waiting for their final result can also apply for it.... Age Limit: General Age Limit is 21-30 years. but there is relaxation is available for reserved category.... No. Attempt: General category student:- 21-30 years. OBC relaxation in upper age +3 years. SC/ST relaxation in upper age +5 years. Exam Pattern: The exam have three stages: Prelim Exam Main Exam Personal Interview All the best With Regards |
15th November 2012 04:51 PM | ||
vikasjha39 |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Quote:
In I.A.S exam there are three stage Of selection:- > PRELIMS EXAM > MAINS EXAM > INTERVIEW > MEDICAL EXAM(FOR I.P.S) In prelims exam:- > General Studies > Civil Services Aptitude Test In mains exam:- > > General Studies > > Two optional subject chose by you. List of option subject:- Agriculture Management Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science Mathematics Anthropology Mechanical Engineering Botany Medical Science Chemistry Philosophy Civil Engineering Physics Commerce & Accountancy Political Science & International Relations Economics Psychology Electrical Engineering Public Administration Geography Sociology Geology Statistics Indian History Zoology Law |
14th November 2012 11:51 PM | ||
AAI .. |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? HELLO SIR.......... IAS Exam consists of three stages the first one is CSAT, the second main, and the finally the interview. The CSAT is common for all the candidates and the exam pattern is objective type. candidates who clear the CSAT have to appear for main which has two optional subjects each carrying 300 marks, General Studies, ad General English. The candidates who clear the main exam have to appear for the interview. ALL THE BEST............ |
14th November 2012 02:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Can IAS exam be cracked by self studies only and not attending any coaching...... |
12th November 2012 04:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? I HAVE COMPLETED MY ENGINEERING (MECHANICAL) AND I WANT TO START FOR IAS EXAM PLZ SUGGEST ME ABOUT THIS ABHISHEK TIWARI [email protected] |
9th October 2012 10:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? I am doing my b.tech 2nd yr .. how can i start preparing for ias prelims may i get suggestion frm you sir Please send ur suggestions to my id Tis is Swetha |
6th June 2012 02:09 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? which books should we refer to crack IAS exam? |
30th April 2012 10:46 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? i have completed my graduation from distance learning program. Am I eligible for IAS exam. |
30th April 2012 10:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? i have done my graduation from distance learning. Am I eligible for IAS exam. |
16th April 2012 07:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? @ Above I'm afraid to tell you that even if you are eligible for this exam, with this kind of english expertise you are definitely not going to crack it....improve your english skill to a drastic level.... |
30th March 2012 12:03 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? why question paper is difficult |
28th February 2012 02:04 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? What stream should we opt in class 11 for further preparing of ias???plzz reply soon... |
27th February 2012 11:20 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Sir, Is SOCIAL WORK subject available as optional papers? |
19th February 2012 11:38 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Hlo i am raj from ferozepur. I telling u that i'm get dagree for Elem university sikkm i eligible in ias . |
30th December 2011 08:33 PM | ||
imira |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? The new pattern of IAS Exam consists of three stages the first one is CSAT, the second main, and the finally the interview. The CSAT is common for all the candidates and the exam pattern is objective type. There will be two papers in CSAT. The topics in first paper will include current event, history of India, India and world Geography, Indian Political System and Governance, Economic and Social development, Poverty, social sector Initiative, etc. The second paper will consists of Comprehension, Interpersonal skills including communication skills, general mental ability, English language, etc. The candidates who clear the CSAT have to appear for main which has two optional subjects each carrying 300 marks, General Studies, ad General English. The candidates who clear the main exam have to appear for the interview. |
30th December 2011 04:07 PM | ||
rahul k |
Re: What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? Quote:
Civil Services Examination is conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission every year for the recruitment to various services like the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service and Indian Police Service, as well as Group A and Group B Central Services. To apply for this examination you have to complete your Graduate degree course in any discipline from a recognised University and Your age should between 21 to 30 Years, Upper age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC Candidates. General candidates have to cracked this examination in 4 attempts. OBC Candidates will gets 7 chances and No limits for SC/ST Candidates. The selection in this examination are based on these stages : >> Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) >> Civil Services Main Examination (Written) and >> Final Interview Preliminary examination is Objective and there are 2 papers in this examination and both are of same marks and Duration and if you cracked this examination, Only then you are eligible to appear for Main examination. Main examination is Descriptive and there are 9 papers in Main examination and you have to choose the subjects in NET on the basis of Graduation. So, Here I am Providing you the Preliminary examination pattern, So please check the given pattern and Keep Practice for this examination Accordingly and for more Information check official website. http://upsc.gov.in Preliminary Examination Pattern : ----------------------------- |
30th December 2011 12:33 AM | ||
sonam lingayat |
What is the new pattern of IAS Exam? Syllabus to prepare for this Exam? respected sir , i m sonam lingayat.sir i want the syllabus of ias examination because without syllabus i cant start my preparation.so plz can u send me sylabus n whats new in ias pattern on my id.thank u |