Thread: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply? Reply to Thread

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26th November 2012 01:27 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

What is the procedure for applying TAICO Bank recruitment?
14th June 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

hii m Amandeep Kaur from Surat
i had jst given my 1st yr xams..
as m a fresher, m searching details n procedure for how to give a banking xams for a gud post...
8th May 2012 05:14 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

can i apply for bank exams after 12th.
29th March 2012 11:42 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Public Sector Banks like the Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, Central Bank of India, PNB, SBI, UBI, UCO Bank and the like. These banks advertise their recruitment needs from time and time, conducting exams for recruitment to various posts including Probationary Officers, clerical cadres, etc. Aspirants need to apply based on the requirements; on successfully cracking the written exams, candidates are called for interviews, which is usually the last hurdle for securing a job in the banking sector.
13th March 2012 12:27 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

i have 58% in my from computer science...will i be eligible to apply for bank jobs??
28th February 2012 03:49 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Dear Friend,
As you are interested in bank jobs and already have completed your B.TECH i think now it is the right time to crack the bank po(probationary officer) exam.


>>DEGREE IN ANY STREAM from a recognized university.The percentage to be obtained varies as per the bank for which you apply.
>>AGE: 21-28


THE WRITTEN TEST COMPRISES OF QUESTIONS ON: aptitude,general awareness,verbal and logical reasoning. It is purely objective type exam. I think with an ample preparation it can be cracked well. Generally the coaching costs you around 5000 to 6000
Once you clear the written test you can attend the interview based upon the short list.

IBPS(INSTITUTE OF BANKING PERSONNEL)PO EXAM is a common entrance exam for recruiting probationary officers in the 19 national banks in India.This is conducted twice for an year. SBI is not a part of the participating banks. So apply for the exam . You can expect a starting pay of 25,000 per month.
If you are interested in higher studies it is your wish but for the post of the probationary officer it is not required.
So dude go as per your interest.

Good luck...........
18th February 2012 12:19 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

i want to know about the banking sector jobs. how to apply for these kind of jobs. what are the procedures of selection of jobs as well as bank in which you want to work.
apart from that i want to know about several govt entrance exam which can be given side by side. and the qualification are required for banking job aswell
5th January 2012 11:33 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

wat are d subjects covered for tis banking exam? wen s d next exam? i need an urgent n detailed reply plz.... n do v ve negative marking?
5th January 2012 10:40 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

i want to know about the banking sector jobs. how to apply for these kind of jobs. what are the procedures of selection of jobs as well as bank in which you want to work.
apart from that i want to know about several govt entrance exam which can be given side by side. and the qualification are required for banking job aswell
26th November 2011 05:46 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

You can apply for the banks PO post & clerks post through the IBPS [INSTITUTE OF BANKING & PERSONALITY SELECTION].There are almost 19 banks are here , which conducts their exam through IBPS.
For apply in PO & CLERK post through IBPS , you must have at least a graduation degree from a recognized college in any stream.
You must have computer knowledge regarding MS WORD,MS OFFICE, MS EXCEL, MS ACCESS TALLY, etc etc.

The age limit for the PO ,is 21-30 years, there are 5 & years of the age relaxations are applicable for the SC\ST & OBC candidates. respectively..

The age limit for the clerks post is 18-28 years, with same years of relaxations criteria for the reserved category as in PO post.

Thank you!!
2nd October 2011 03:33 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Any entrance exam to get govt. job while pursuing engineering in EE?
26th September 2011 07:15 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Banking jobs :

For clerical :
Criteria :
1.You must pass 12th standard with minimum60% marks.
2.Your age must be within 18 to 28 years.

For PO :
Criteria :
1.You must be a graduate.
2.Age would be within 21 to 30 years.

If you want to apply online please visit
26th September 2011 06:34 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

hi dear,
you can first graduate through like CPT exam(ca).for finding a job in have scored 60% marks in 12th and 55% marks in graduation, then you are
eligible to appear in bank exams.

Mostly government bank was recruited on the basis of Entrance exams, but private banks are recruited on the basis of entrance as well as experience based.

26th September 2011 04:26 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by rahul k View Post
dear friend

If you are interested in banking jobs, then for this, you have to give the bank exams.
If you have clear the bank exams, then you have to face interview. If you have also
clear the bank interview, then you have selected in bank.

But, if you have scored 60% marks in 12th and 55% marks in graduation, then you are
eligible to appear in bank exams.

Mostly government bank was recruited on the basis of Entrance exams, but private banks are recruited on the basis of entrance as well as experience based.
what if we have the qualification of 12th can we write the exam for bank jobs whether it is eligible ?
21st September 2011 09:41 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

heyy frnds :-)
I m a SYBBI student..
I need to prepare a project report on Employment selection and placement training in Public Sector Banks..
I have no idea about how to start and work on it and procedure followed in PSB...
Just need a bit of assistance..ASAP
pls advice..
13th September 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

my name is balu,how i can find to requirement of bank clerk.
25th August 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

How I can find requirement of bank clerk
25th August 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

my name is adarsh , i am doing my final year B.E.,i would like to enter in any nationalised bank,
how much salary i can expect , right after my B.E ?
27th July 2011 12:52 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

13th July 2011 03:25 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

which bank exam is there for assitant mananger
11th April 2011 10:28 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

how to prepare for bank exams after compliting B.A.
6th April 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Its very simple to apply for the bank jobs.

Whenever vacancy will be out, you will get the notification in the respective bank's official website.

You can apply for the Posts like clerks, probationary officers, assistant officers etc.

For clerical post, 12th marks is required (minimum 60%)

For PO post, graduation marks is required.(minimum 55%)

You have to download the challan from the bank's website and take a print out of it.

Then fill the challan and deposit the fee at the nearest branch of that bank.

Then fill the form online as per rules.

Only online method is available.

To know about the various bank job vacancies, read the newspaper or visit this forum.
26th March 2011 06:25 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

There are many banking exams which you can give.

To Apply:

You can apply for the exam by visiting the official website of the exam.
CBI PO Bank -
25th March 2011 04:19 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

I want to find the date of clerical exams
14th March 2011 10:01 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

You did not mention the qualification what you have and with which you want to enter into banking sector.

You will be given several profiles in the banks as per the qualification what you possess.

I think you might be a candidate who have completed either graduation or post graduation.

The entry level positions into various public sector and private sector banks with 10+2 qualification is Clerical.

The selection for this will be by written test and interview. You need to secure a maximum of 60% in your 10+2 to appear for exam.

With graduation or post graduation as the highest qualification, you can eligible to appear for the PO- Probationary officer in banks.

For this also the selection procedure will be by written test and interview.

One need to have an age between 21-30 years to appear for the exam.

As per academic requirements, one need to secure 55% in graduation and 60% in 10+2 in order to appear for the exam. However there is some relaxation for other categories.

You can find the recruitment notifications in employment news.
As a online resoruce, is very helpful
7th March 2011 01:09 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

hi. i am a graduate but i did it through i fill for bank po
28th January 2011 10:10 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

I am a software professional with 6 years experience.i am married so i am planning to switch over to bank job as i have to take care of both my family & career.let me know the suitable position i have to apply for the banking sector jobs
25th December 2010 08:25 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to know about the banking sector jobs. how to apply for these kind of jobs. what are the procedures of selection of jobs as well as bank in which you want to work.
apart from that i want to know about several govt entrance exam which can be given side by side.

please visit the following link and search job here
25th December 2010 08:04 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, myself rakesh meena (UCE) from kota....i m a final year student in i.t.
i want to get government any bank or tell me the post and salary for which i should have to apply.....
Various banking sectors are offering various pay scale, you are from IT stream you have so many options available for government sectors.Other than rail and Bank there are so many telecommunication sector absorb IT students.Read employment news regularly,you will find your place.

All the best.
25th December 2010 08:00 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want 2 prepare for bank exams....could u tell me wat book to study for bank exams? How the question difficulty will be?Is it enough to concentrate on aptitude questions only?
At book store various types of books available.Pick the best which you easily understand because gist are same.You need to be practice.Update GK and general awareness is must.And command over English language is better.

All the best.
25th December 2010 07:58 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is banking?

Bank is a financial organization which transaction money from people through various system.System like various type of loan,Accounts up-dation,Fixed deposits etc etc.

To organize the system there is a certain principles,rules and regulations.These system is called banking.

All the best.
25th December 2010 02:18 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, myself rakesh meena (UCE) from kota....i m a final year student in i.t.
i want to get government any bank or tell me the post and salary for which i should have to apply.....
see, there are numerous Govt. jobs . U should have to decide upon ur interest
where can u work well
As u r asking about bank jobs (payscale-8,000)refer the following

U could attempt IES exam for details refer above link

for railway jobs

for railway jobs u can expect 8,000-12,000

lecturer refer KVS(kendriya vidyalaya sangathan provided from the first link)
salary 15,000-20,000

decide u r interest provided from the various opportunities
25th December 2010 02:42 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

sir, myself rakesh meena (UCE) from kota....i m a final year student in i.t.
i want to get government any bank or tell me the post and salary for which i should have to apply.....
17th December 2010 12:02 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to know about the banking sector jobs. how to apply for these kind of jobs. what are the procedures of selection of jobs as well as bank in which you want to work.
apart from that i want to know about several govt entrance exam which can be given side by side.
Most of the banks carry out their own recruitment exam. There are different posts to which banks need qualified applicants like clerical post, PO’s and management trainees. The recruitment notice of individual banks is published in the official website and also in newspapers. Candidates are asked to read the requirements and apply if qualification criterion is met. Most banks provide online as well as offline application method.
16th December 2010 03:35 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?


for bank jobs:


after 12

and after graduation

procedure :

vacancies are available in newspapers and forms are available at the book stands and on internet also

good day.......
16th December 2010 12:14 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

hi all,
actually i m ryt now working in Infosys (software compay ) as a software engineer but i want to switch my prifile to HR side .
I was also wondering about bank job as an option .
So can anybody help me out reagrding which exam do we have to giv fr govt banks
Syllabus fr that
and all doer info i wil gather from emplyment times
but i would like to know what is der pay scale.
can anybody help me in dat.
kindly mail me
22nd October 2010 04:09 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

It is very simple get upto date with bank website
In thier bank websites all necessary information is given to thier customers regarding thier works
Here you could also find about employment in thier bank
Good luck
15th October 2010 07:57 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to know about the banking sector jobs. how to apply for these kind of jobs. what are the procedures of selection of jobs as well as bank in which you want to work.
apart from that i want to know about several govt entrance exam which can be given side by side.
dear friend,

you have to give the bank exams in all india basis.after clear written test you have to face interview board.if you clear interview then you are selected candidate.

for banking examinations you have a background of 60% marks in 12th and 55% marks in graduation, then you are eligible to appear in bank exams.sometimes it reduces to 50% in 12th.depending upon banks who are taking examination.for probationary officer your basic qualification need is graduation,for clerical grade you need to be 12th pass.

good luck.
14th October 2010 06:42 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is banking?
banking is such a financial institution where all the money transactions take place, lends loan, etc
14th October 2010 01:07 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

what is banking?
11th September 2010 08:55 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

i want 2 prepare for bank exams....could u tell me wat book to study for bank exams? How the question difficulty will be?Is it enough to concentrate on aptitude questions only?
19th July 2010 04:20 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

the minimum qualification is for good jobs in banking sector is graduation..and you will employment newspaper where the notification of bank exams are announced..and there is a website called
you can know the information, job vacancies and all the notifications of all the banks..good luck
30th June 2010 12:49 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Hi Friend
You first need to be an graduate ,then you can apply for the posts of the several national and private banks.

the application form are announced in the employment newspapers,so keep in touch with the papers.

All the best.
29th June 2010 02:56 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

I want to prepare for clerical exam.So i want to know that shall i prepare by books or i will take any coaching centre.Pls let me know that which book is best for preperation and which coaching centre is
best in west delhi.
24th June 2010 04:34 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Considering that you are speaking of govt. jobs, I believe that you are talking of Public Sector Banks like the Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, Central Bank of India, PNB, SBI, UBI, UCO Bank and the like. These banks advertise their recruitment needs from time and time, conducting exams for recruitment to various posts including Probationary Officers, clerical cadres, etc. Aspirants need to apply based on the requirements; on successfully cracking the written exams, candidates are called for interviews, which is usually the last hurdle for securing a job in the banking sector.

Apart from the Banking Exams, you can also appear in exams held for recruitment in different Central/State Government departments, in Public Sector Units, etc.
24th June 2010 04:24 PM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

dear friend!!!
you hasn't given information about your qualifications and type of exam you wan't to give than it's not possible to give you details.

there are immense job opportunities in india as well as abroad in banking sector but the most important qualifications need for all of these exams is graduation.

Just start reading magazines such as "pratiyogita darpan"; and "employment news" to get updated with job opportunities . You may also refer to books of "upkar prakashan" and "R.K. AGRAWAL" for preparing exams such as bank probationary officer (P.O.) exams....

The international recruiters are very particular when it comes to qualifications. The candidate needs to be a graduate from a wide range of degree subjects. For specialist roles within a bank, a candidate could be a graduate in the following disciplines:


-Business studies

-Banking and finance

-Financial services


In the banking sector, the bank personnel are employed at 2 levels :

CLERICAL : This level entails the maintenance of the account books and the documents, and attend to customers at the counter.

MANAGERIAL :The duties include organizing, controlling and supervising Bank Job Openings India activities and holding overall charge of one or more departments or branches.

various banks has various eligibility criteria's and exam patters so for it , you have to visit the official websites of them.

so be precise and reply back for more views ...
24th June 2010 01:11 PM
rahul k
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

dear friend

If you are interested in banking jobs, then for this, you have to give the bank exams.
If you have clear the bank exams, then you have to face interview. If you have also
clear the bank interview, then you have selected in bank.

But, if you have scored 60% marks in 12th and 55% marks in graduation, then you are
eligible to appear in bank exams.

Mostly government bank was recruited on the basis of Entrance exams, but private banks are recruited on the basis of entrance as well as experience based.
24th June 2010 10:49 AM
Kumar Mayank
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

The bank post recruitment forms are available seldom.
You just need to fill up the forms and post it to the required place.
An admit card will be sent to you containing the date,time,place of exam.
You need to clear the written and then the interview.
"Best of luck"
24th June 2010 08:58 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

Dear friend,

To apply for these jobs you should be a graduate from any stream.

The notifications of several national and private bank exams are given in newspapers or employeement magazines.

Keep eyes on those notifications.

With respect to those ,apply for those bank/po clerical exams.

The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final interviews.

All the best.
24th June 2010 08:39 AM
Re: Banking Jobs: Exams and Procedure to Apply?

dear friend

for this u have to keep on checking EMPLOYMENT NEWS

There u will get complete information about banking xams ,their dates ,location, application form.

so check it continiously.

GOVT.xams of different banks along with their dates will be published their.

best of luck.
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