Thread: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)? Reply to Thread

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8th November 2016 05:16 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

Sir, pls send me the study material for ugc net in management paper 2 and 3, in my email id [email protected]
Thank you.
27th November 2012 01:06 PM
mustafa tahasildar
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

Originally Posted by Nandini Roy View Post
may i get the study material of net exam for management(paper II and paper III)
Study material for NET exam for Management

please refer the attached files below
23rd November 2012 10:14 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

Originally Posted by Nandini Roy View Post
may i get the study material of net exam for management(paper II and paper III)

Study Material For NET Management

These are some of the books which you can prefer for your preparations for the UGC NET Exam :-

Also go through these papers and I hope they will help you out in your preparations for the NET Exam..

Click Here for more details about the exam..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
23rd November 2012 05:03 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

NET is very different from MBA syllabus. As you must be aware, paper 1 is common for all. It is a mix of Logical reasoning, GK and teaching ability. Second paper is a mix of all subjects within management. Till last year 3rd paper was a long answer type specialization paper. But now the entire NET exam is objective type and even third paper is no longer specialization. It has questions from Marketing, HR, FM, Operations etc.

I would recommend that you go for study material that is consolidated and covers syllabus from exam point of view. Look at Human Peritus study material and test series. It is a very good coaching center in delhi. Even their test series is good. It has a very explanatory answer key, which in itself serves as good study material.

Good Luck

10th August 2012 10:01 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

Sir, pls send me the study material for ugc in management, my email id [email protected]
Thank you.
20th March 2012 11:44 AM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?


I am Rinki

Can you please suggest me some books for Paper I preparation?
5th March 2012 07:04 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

plz how to prepare for management paper 3 for net exam??
6th February 2012 09:02 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

Hi, as per latest trend, UGC has made all the three papers objective from June 2012. For better preparation, one should first download the paper 1 syllabus from ugc net website, you will find a complete set of topics in bullets that you need to prepare. If you have got a laptop or PC, better make an MS Word file for offline access to that document. Then topic wise search the topics on google, read them and copy paste the best material and views on your doc file. I am sure you will get an amazing choice of words, information and widen your knowledge as the topics are generic in nature. That is one way of doing it. Other way is to purchase it from for some around Rs1500. Rest same applies to Paper 1 and 2. You need to go through the topics on internet and then download some sample papers uploaded by many and have a fair idea about the pattern. Am sure this should help and suffice. Enhance your fast reading capability also and improve your vocabulary by having an online dictionary always open.
1st June 2011 04:33 AM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

I also want to net study material for management, because i m outside from india, if anyone have plz mail me on [email protected]
12th May 2011 02:30 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

what would be the pattern for paper 3 and study material for paper mail id is [email protected] do rply..thnx
15th March 2011 07:11 PM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

I want to net study material for management ?
plz help
10th March 2011 01:12 AM
Re: Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

As the study material is not available on the website but always keep in mind that the paper is fully based on your post graduation syllabus.So go through your Post Graduation books .You can download the previous year papers from the website & solve them completely.That papers are enough to make one more practicable.

The pattern of paper II is objective type.So your knowledge & observation applies here.
But the pattern of paper III is theoritical one.So detailed concept of each & every part will be mentioned.
31st October 2010 12:15 PM
Nandini Roy
Study material for NET exam for Management(Paper 1,2 and 3)?

may i get the study material of net exam for management(paper II and paper III)

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