Thread: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem? Reply to Thread

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13th November 2020 06:43 PM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

If we write name and address in the back side of DD then is it create some problems or not?
13th November 2020 06:40 PM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

When we write our address in the back side of DD then is it create problem or not?
5th December 2012 08:33 PM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

sir, i forget to write application number & name on DD -form"jee" is there any problem ?
17th December 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

Sir i forgot to write my address at the back of the DD and i had just placed it with the form in the envelope and send it.I had not stapled it too.So i wanted to ask will that do any problem?
1st December 2011 11:30 PM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

Sir i have forgeted to write addres behind the dd . Will my aieee form be reject
4th December 2010 11:20 AM
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

Dear friend,
It is a great mistake...
there has a chance to Miss your DD,if you have any receipt then you can claim for that otherwise forget it...
2nd December 2010 03:09 PM
raja jeganathan
Re: Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

yes ,, it is defficuit to identify your dd

if you are attached with your application ,, it s not a problm

if you have the bank challan of dd .. you can show it also during varification
30th November 2010 08:37 PM
Forgot to write name and address behind DD, will this create problem?

I applied in Reserve bank of India. But in DD I forgot to write my name and address behind it. Will this create any problem in future?

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