Thread: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them? Reply to Thread

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13th April 2017 08:00 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I had discontinued my inter 2nd year. I am interested in fashion designer. Now can i do fashion designing course at samana institute
18th March 2017 07:52 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

My sister has completed Inter 2nd year, so she liked to join in BACHELORS DEGREE in INTERIOR DESIGNING. Please send the colleges in located in VIJYAWADA.
11th January 2016 10:39 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

Am studying pg microbiology 2nd year.i HV interest in fashion technology course .so please offer me aa course
15th August 2015 05:12 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I completed I want to do jewellery designing..can u suggest me best institute for dat
18th May 2015 06:52 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

List of Fashion Designing Courses--

<<<PG Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<Diploma Course in Fashion Styling

<<<Masters in Fashion Designing

<<<Certification Course in Fashion Designing

<<<BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<PG Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<Diploma Course in Fashion Styling

<<<BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<Diploma in Fashion Designing

<<<Degree in Fashion Designing

<<<Degree in Fashion Designing
17th May 2015 01:50 AM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I had completed my 10 I am interested in fashion designing please offer me a course
27th March 2015 01:10 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I complete my inter I am interested in fashion designing pls offer me a course which is related to me
25th March 2015 10:11 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I completed my 2 I want to do fashion designing which course I have to
25th June 2014 10:13 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

Sir , i have completed 2 course now i am interested in Fashion Designing. how should i proceed to join this course .
22nd March 2014 06:04 PM
Bhanu Naga Mounika
List of Fashion Designing institutes in Vijayawada

Sir I am completed Diploma. I am intersted in Fashion Designing course. Plese say the details of course.
19th March 2014 07:59 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I need information about fashion designing colleges in vijayawada and courses offered by them and what are the subjects in it?
please send me the details
31st January 2014 05:25 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

i want to do fashion design courses after my btech.can you plz tell me the related courses&fee
5th November 2013 05:45 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

i want to do fashion designing after my b tech please me related courses and also fee for it
13th June 2013 10:06 AM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

dear friend.....

List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them


1.Diploma in Fashion Designing
2.BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing
3.Certification Course in Fashion Designing
4.PG Diploma in Fashion Designing
5.Diploma in Fashion Designing
6.Diploma Course in Fashion Styling
7.BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing
8.PG Diploma in Fashion Designing
9.Degree in Fashion Designing
10.Bachelors in Fashion Designing
11.Masters in Fashion Designing
12.Degree in Fashion Designing
13.BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing
14.Diploma Course in Fashion Styling
15.Certification Course in Fashion Designing
18th April 2013 07:41 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

i m married but i m interested to do fashion desinging coure plz suggest me to do or not
17th January 2013 07:11 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

im very much interested in fashion designing im studying btech 1st year now i want to join in this course is it useful to me or not???
2nd January 2013 01:46 AM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I compltd n have 1 yr wrk exp, however I wanna do fashion designing.

Please suggest me related courses
12th December 2012 04:44 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

i had discontinued my btech..
now can i do fashion designing??
6th December 2012 04:38 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I want to do fassion designing after completion of my,please tell me the related courses.
29th November 2012 04:47 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

what is the fee of fashion designing course?
25th May 2012 04:22 PM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I need information about fashion designing colleges in vijayawada and courses offered by them and what are the subjects in it?
please send me the details
I need information about fashion designing colleges in vijayawada and courses offered by them and what are the subjects in it and course duration and fees?
please send me the details
1st March 2012 03:59 AM
Re: List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I need information about fashion designing colleges in vijayawada and courses offered by them and what are the subjects in it?
please send me the details

Following are the list of courses offered by fashion designing institutes in Vijaywada:

SIFT- Samana Institute of Fashion Technology

Degree in Fashion Designing
BA (Hons.) Diploma in Fashion Designing
PG Diploma in Fashion Designing
Diploma in Fashion Designing
Diploma Course in Fashion Styling
Certification Course in Fashion Designing
Duration of the course varies from 6 months to 2 1/2 years.

WLC College India

Bachelors in Fashion Designing-Duration:3 years
Masters in Fashion Designing - Duration:2 years
6th July 2011 12:34 PM
List of fashion designing courses in Vijayawada and courses offered by them?

I need information about fashion designing colleges in vijayawada and courses offered by them and what are the subjects in it?
please send me the details

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