Thread: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra? Reply to Thread

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2nd May 2022 09:33 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

I am studies in madhya pradesh in 12th class but engg studies in maharashtra, so entaranc exam information pl suggest
2nd November 2020 10:15 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

I am working in Maharashtra for 20 years but I am not born and brought up in Maharashtra but my son is Born and brought up in Maharashtra so how can he get domicile certificate
25th February 2020 11:29 AM
suchi haria
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

The eligibility for getting a domecile is
Candidate must have stayed at least for 10 years in terms state
Candidate must have passed 10 and 12 from the state
If you fulfil the above criteria you will be eligible for the domecile
As your father is in defence sector you can be eligible for getting a domecile certificate
8th May 2014 07:24 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

My daughter was born in Maharashtra. My wife is born and educated in Maharashtra. My daughter is not educated in Maharashtra as I am working in Central Govt.U/T, transferable all over India. I was posted in Mumbai also for 6 years (1989-1995). Does my daughter require domicile certificate for appearing in medical entrance exam as a state candidate.
28th May 2013 05:43 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

My father is having domicile of maharashtra but I was born in madhya Pradesh also my schooling upto hsc took place in madhya pradesh.
Since last three years I am studying in maharashtra can I get the domicile of Maharashtra state?
1st January 2013 10:29 AM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

i have domicile by birth from uttarpradesh can i get domicile from maharashtra as i an liviling here since last 25 years & done my schooling from here
24th December 2012 11:59 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

i have done my 10th from maharashtra but 12 th from outside maharashtra,can i be elligible to appear for maharashtra state quota seat for maharashtra........pls ans as soon as possible.
29th April 2012 12:41 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

I am from the other state but i completed my school education upto 10th class so can i get domicile of maharashtra state
9th April 2012 05:34 PM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

how many days will it take to get the domicile after application? also will school report cards from KG till 10th standard do as proof?
12th February 2012 09:43 AM
Re: Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

As, you are asking for the possibilities for Maharashtra domicile exam.
Yes, you can get Maharashtra domicile if you have done your schooling from outside maharashtra.
You can get the previous years question papers/model papers along with the Syllabus from the web address (
Hope for you good preparation for the examination along with the success.
For more queries, you can ask your doubts to be cleared in this educational forum.
13th March 2011 02:42 PM
Will I get Maharashtra domicile if I have done my schooling from outside Maharashtra?

I am a class XII passout, born in maharashtra. both my parents are born and have done their schooling in maharashtra, and own property in pune. However, due to my father being in the defence services, i have done my schooling outside maharashtra- in bangalore. I would like to know whether i could get a maharashtra domicile, so that i could appear in the entrance exams as a maharashtra candidate ? PLEASE ADVISE.

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