Thread: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture? Reply to Thread

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10th October 2016 12:15 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how can we get job in bank after completing bsc agri , is there any entrance exam after bsc agri
If you want to go in banking you have to preparation for IBPS SO exams
It's consist aptitude reasoning, math,english,and your sub such as agriculture.
IBPS takes this exam every year .
29th January 2016 02:50 PM
kushaldeep singh
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;2397916]1. What is the scope, career and job opportunities for B.Sc.Agriculture.

2. If a candidate from Urban area, take this course, will he find it difficult to pursue as a career ?

3. is there any Entrance Exam for admission to this course

22nd July 2015 09:50 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

sir,i want to become an ias officer .so i am decided to take agriculture as my optional it right decision.
22nd May 2015 12:51 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

Do I become ADO after completing BSc Agri, What are the main things to focus ?
15th April 2015 12:03 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

Hi i am bsc horticulture graduate i need a good job but i am not getting a proper fild or companies so please sir help me out or guaide my mob. No. 9057625012 email
9th December 2014 05:04 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

sir i am a agriculture graduate with 1 1/2 year experience in agri marketing i m seeking for new agri jobs but i am not getting a proper channel and companies are asking the references so please help me out . my mobile no is 7893053596 and mail id is
5th July 2014 11:57 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

Sir what is success ratio in upsc of bsc agri. Student. I want to pursu bsc agriculture and want to became ias with agriculture as optional subject
8th May 2014 02:33 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

i dont gave any exam but i want to admission in agriculture university please told university name
7th May 2014 11:36 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

i am neeraj, 12 passed with PCM CBSE board ican apply for Bsc. agriculture and tell me scope & opporitnities in GOVT. JOBS
20th November 2013 03:32 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

is this a safe course among all ?
What is selarry range for normal graduation holder ?
5th November 2013 09:39 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

What are the latest issuues of agriculture?
5th October 2013 01:02 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

agriculture chi bhavi garaj kay
1st October 2013 04:09 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

I am studing computer science group can I study agri
5th May 2013 11:23 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?


1. What is the scope, career and job opportunities for B.Sc.Agriculture.

2. If a candidate from Urban area, take this course, will he find it difficult to pursue as a career ?

3. is there any Entrance Exam for admission to this course

B.Sc. Agriculture is a three year undergraduate course.

Regarding an entrance exam, yes, you will have to qualify entrance exam for getting admission in B.Sc. agriculture.

ICAR – Indian Council of Agriculture Research conducts an All India Entrance Examination , for admission in B. Sc. Agriculture.

Eligibility for AIEEE of ICAR –

10 + 2 in with Physics, Chemistry and Biology with 50% marks.

Maximum age is 21 years.

Scope of B.Sc. Agriculture –

A candidate with this degree can get jobs in –

Research and development companies

Pesticide companies

Seed companies

Fruit orchards

Coffee and Rubber plantation companies

Agricultural companies

Jobs for B.Sc. Agriculture candidate –

These candidates can get these jobs –

Seed Technologist

Agriculture technician


Research Associate

5th May 2013 10:27 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

the enters exam is complsury or not
18th February 2013 01:05 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

how can we get job in bank after completing bsc agri , is there any entrance exam after bsc agri
13th January 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

what are the jops in the bsc agriculture field
10th January 2013 11:17 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

There are so many career opportunities as well as Job opportunities for you ...
You can get jobs in the various sectors like
10th January 2013 01:28 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

good bsc agri colleges in india
8th December 2012 08:56 AM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

What subject covered in
18th October 2012 05:44 PM
Re: Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

Once aspirants complete their graduate level program in agriculture, they can go for the M.Sc program in the same field.

M.Sc in Agric Botany
M.Sc in Agriculture Bio-Technology
M.Sc in Agriculture Chemistry
M.Sc in Agriculture Economics
M.Sc in Agriculture Extension
M.Sc in Agriculture Engineering
M.Sc in Agriculture Statistics
M.Sc in Agriculture Zoology
M.Sc in Agriculture Entomology
M.Sc in Agronomy

These are a few certification courses available for those aspirants who have completed their graduate level course in horticulture.

Certificate course in Bio-fertilizer Production
Certificate course in Food & Beverage Service
Certificate Course in Food Production
Certificate Course in Mushroom Spawn Production and Cultivation
Certificate Course in Organic Agriculture
Certificate course in Seed Technol

Jobs are also available for aspirants as Agriculture Development Officers (ADO) or as Block Development Officers. A few other areas where employment is offered to students of B.Sc horticulture encompass banks, Dairy consultancies, insurance companies and the animal industry.

29th June 2012 04:05 PM
Scope and job opportunities for BSc Agriculture?

1. What is the scope, career and job opportunities for B.Sc.Agriculture.

2. If a candidate from Urban area, take this course, will he find it difficult to pursue as a career ?

3. is there any Entrance Exam for admission to this course

Thanks and Regards,

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