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22nd May 2019 02:06 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

The eligibility for IPS officer:--

Having a Graduation in any stream is a basic qualification from a Government approved institution.

The candidates those who are in final year graduation can also apply for this examination.
3rd February 2013 08:01 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Educational Qualification and Age:

The minimum educational qualification of an IPS officer is Graduation (10+2+3/4) under any recognized Indian University.

A plain graduation degree is enough; you need not to have first class or any minimum grade or result to be eligible.

You are equally eligible to be an IPS officer if you are a Pass Graduate, i.e. without Honours.

Technical students like an Engineering graduate or an MBBS pass out may appear for the exam to be an IPS officer.

The minimum age requirement for General (UR) category students is 21 to 30 years. The OBC students will get 3 years age relaxation while the SC/ST students will get 5 years.
Physical Qualification:

The service is for Police forces where fitness is a must. So, you should have to possess the ability to do hard works.

Height: To be an IAS you need have to have a minimum height of 165 cm for men and 160 cm for women. Some particular races and tribes like Gorkhas and Garhwalis will get 5cm height relaxation, because genetically there average height is lower and they are famous as martial races.

Chest: The minimum chest girth for men is 84cm while for women it is 79cm. In both cases it should be expandable to 5cm.

General fitness: Your body should be totally fit. If you are a handicap then you are not eligible for the job. If you have some physical deformity then you may be discarded during medical examination.

Vision: Corrected vision is allowed, i.e. if you have spectacles though you will be eligible. But myopia is allowed up to -4D and Hypertrophy is up to +4D.

Color blindness and lack of binocular vision are not allowed.
UPSC Exam: to become an IAS officer

To become an IAS officer you should have to appear in UPSC exam. It is conducted every year and has three stages: Preliminary, Main and Interview.

Preliminary Exam:

This is the first stage of the selection process. Most of the applicants do not qualify this stage. Approximately 1 out of 50 students can go to the Main examination.

In this examination there are two papers: i)General Studies (300Marks) and ii)an optional subject chosen by you (150 Marks).

This is a multiple choice type examination.
Main Exam:

This ex

is much tougher. Here the examinations will be traditional type, no MCQ. You have to appear in these papers:

i) One Indian Language Paper -300 marks ( qualifying )

ii) English – 300 marks ( qualifying )

iii) General Essay-200 marks

iv) Two General Studies papers – 300 + 300

v) Two Optional subjects with two papers each-4x300
List of optional subjects for IAS Main Examination

The list of the optional subjects are as follows:
•Agriculture •Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science •Anthropology •Botany •Chemistry •Civil Engineering •Commerce and Accountancy •Economics •Electrical Engineering •Geography •Geology •History •Law •Management •Mathematics •Mechanical Engineering •Medical Science •Philosophy •Physics •Political Science and International Relations •Psychology •Pubic Administration •Sociology •Statistics •Zoology • One Language and Literature

The Languages

Arabic, Oriya, Pali, Persian Assamese, Bodo, Bengali, Dogri, Chinese, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmir, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, , Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
Interview Stage:

Here you will have to appear before an Interview board, after passing the main examination. You will also have to face a medical checkup board. All of your originals documents will be verified.

If you get selected at last then you shall have the choice to join different services: according to your rank in the exam and the vacancies available to each service.

This is how you can be an IPS officer. So, for what are you waiting for? Go and start your preparations to fulfill your dream, all the best.
3rd February 2013 05:00 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i am now in diploma 2nd year...i am not complete 12th..& direct go for diploma...after completing diploma i will go to degree..then can i give exam of IPS...
my email id [email protected]

Eligibility For IPS Officer's Exam

To become an IPS Officer you first need to clear the Civil Services Exam which is conducted by UPSC..

It is a very reputed job and you need to work really hard to get into this elite job..

Candidates must satisfy the following minimum eligibility criterion to appear for the exam :-

>> candidate must be within the age limit of 21-30 years if belonging to the general category..

>> candidates from the OBC category must be in the age limit of 21-33 years..

>> SC/ST candidates must be within the age limit of 21-35 years

>> candidate must have completed graduation from a recognized institute in any stream..

> general candidates have 4 attempts

> OBC candidates have 7

> SC/ST have no limit..

After completion of your won't be eligible to appear for your diploma but once you complete your graduation from a recognized will be eligible..

Don't worry as candidates who haven't passed their 10th or 12th are also eligible to appear for the Civil Services after completion of graduation..

Candidates need to clear the following rounds to get finally selected :-

>> Preliminary Exam or CSAT
>> Mains
>> Interview Round
>> Medical Exam

I have attached the syllabus and the paper pattern of the Prelims and Mains..

Also go through the physical requirements that you need to satisfy..

visit for more details about the Civil Services Exam..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
3rd February 2013 04:27 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

hello friend,

IPS officer is best post under the government of india . for the IPS job post you need to be write the IPS entrance exam which has bee conducted by the UPSC department

For the clear the IPS entrance exam first you must be eligible for the entrance exam..

Eligibility for the IPS entrance exam eligibility:

1. you should be passed the graduation from any recognized university
2. age must be between the 21 to 30 years .
age relaxation as per gov rules .
5 years for the sc/st and 3 years for the OBC students

3. Indian citizen.

selection process:
1. written test preliminary
2. Main entrance exam
3. Interview

FOr more details :

thank you!
3rd February 2013 12:10 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Dear Friend

IPS stands for the Indian Police services.Civil services examinations is conducted for this services.

The educational qualification that is required for the civil services examination is bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognised university.

However final year candidates are also allowed to apply for the examinations.

With only diploma degree ,you cannot apply for the examinations .However if you have done
your bachelor's degree after diploma then you can definitely appear for the examination.

Besides academic requirement,you need to fulfill the age limitations also:

General:21-30 years

OBC:21-33 years

SC/ST: 21-35 years.

You must be an Indian citizen.

The no of attempts as per category is as below:



SC/ST: no limit.

The examination consists of three stages which are:

1.Preliminary test

2.Main examination

3.Personal interview.

Hope the information helps you.

all the best

For any other details,you can visit

all the best

3rd February 2013 11:50 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Indian Police Service(IPS), to become an IPS officer one has to apply,appear and crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC every year.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate with good Physical Fitness.

Regarding Minimum Physical standard - A candidate should maintain the following standard:-

HEIGHT - General Male-165cm and Female-150cm while SC/ST Male-160cm and Female-145cm.

CHEST:- Male-84cm while Female-79cm expandable to 5 cm in both cases.

For more information you may log on to
3rd February 2013 09:08 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

IPS - Indian Police Service, to become an IPS officer one has to crack Civil Service Exam, conducted by UPSC every year.

Eligibility of IPS, Civil Service Exam:-

-The candidate must be an Indian National
-Should be either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University.
-Should be within the age of 21 to 30 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate.
-The candidate should have possessed good Physical Fitness.

The candidate shoud possess a minimumphysical requirement such as:-

-HEIGHT:- General/OBC Male-165cm and Female-150cm while ST/ST Male-160cm and Female-145cm.

CHEST:- Male-84cm while Female-79cm expandable to 5cm in both the cases.

For more information you may log on to
2nd February 2013 09:50 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

If you want to become an IPS officer For that firmly you have to write civil services exam conducted by UPSC

Civil Services Exam Will be held in Three Round .
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Main Examination
3. Interview Test
1. Preliminary Exam - This is an objective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, qualifies tothe second phase.
2. Main Exam - This is a subjective type questions based test which if the candidate passes, passes to the third phase after clear this you can go for interview round
Candidate must have graduation Degree in any stream,No specific marks are required,Final year students are also eligible
#.Age Limits
For gen-21-30 years
For obc- 21-33 years
For sc/st- 21-35 years
General- 4
Obc- 7
Sc/st- no limit

Best book for Civil services Exam:-
#.CSAT: Interpersonal, Communication, Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills (Paper 2)
Shalini Verma
Publisher: Pearson

#.UPSC Portal CSAT Comprehensive Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 2)
Sachchida Nand Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

#.UPSC Portal CSAT General Studies Manual: IAS Preliminary Examination 2013 (Paper - 1)
Jha, Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal

Notification for the next exam will come out on 2nd February 2013
Prelims exams will be held on 19th May 2013
Mains will held on

for Previous Years Question Papers you can refer
You can fill the online application form fromthe official website

Good Luck...
2nd February 2013 09:04 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i am now in diploma 2nd year...i am not complete 12th..& direct go for diploma...after completing diploma i will go to degree..then can i give exam of IPS...
my email id [email protected]

Dear Aspirant,

Eligibility and Criteria:

A candidate must hold a Graduation Degree in any Field with at least 55% from recognized Universities.....

While studying final year of graduation candidate also can apply for IPS....

A candidate who are wishing to become an IPS officer should have to apply for Civil Service Examination conducted by UPSC every year......

Age Criteria:

Age should be between 21 to 30 years for General category, Relaxation for OBC +3 years and for SC/ST +5 years on upper age.....

Attempt Limit:

For General max. 4 times , for OBC max. 7 times and for SC/ST No Age limit.......

Exam pattern:

  1. Preliminary Exam.
  2. Main Exam
  3. Interview

Physical Requirement:

He/She should be able to read 6/6 in distant vision chart with each eye.....

Age should be at least 157 Cm.......

Subjects for IPS:
  1. Arabic
  2. Assamese
  3. Bengali
  4. Agriculture
  5. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
  6. Anthropology
  7. Botany
  8. Chemistry
  9. Geography
  10. Geology
  11. History
  12. Law
  13. Civil Engineering
  14. Commerce & Accountancy
  15. Economics
  16. Electrical Engineering

All the best

With Regards......
2nd February 2013 07:41 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i am now in diploma 2nd year...i am not complete 12th..& direct go for diploma...after completing diploma i will go to degree..then can i give exam of IPS...
my email id [email protected]

hi friend,

To become IPS officer , you have complete you graduation any stream from recognised universits....

Final year students are also applicable....

Nationality of Indian......

Age limit :- 21 years to 30 years.....(OBC -21-33 years , SC/ST - 21- 35 years.. )

Exam Pattern:- Preliminary Exam ,Main Exam ,Interview

All the best......
2nd February 2013 07:05 PM
spider man2906
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

IPS is a civil service exam conducted by UPSC board
1. The age limit for civil service exam is 21-30 years
2. Relaxation for 3years for obc
3. Relaxation for 5years is given for sc/st's
4. The no.of chances for filling the form is general category-4, obc-7 and no limit for sc/st
5. candidates must complete graduation in any stream from recognized board in India.

all the best
2nd February 2013 05:35 PM
priyadarshini patnaik
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Hello friend,
IPS officer means Indian police service Officer.
Eligibility for an IPS officer:
1.The candidate must have possess a degree from an Indian universities or an equivalent qualification.The final year student can also appear the preliminary exam taken by every year by UPSC(union public service commission).
2.Age:- The minimum age limit:21 year.
The maximum age limit:30 year.
the upper age limit will be relaxed by 3 year for OBC candidate & 5 year for sc/st candidates.
3. The candidates must have a citizen of India.
4.Physical Requirement:
Height: For General candidates :Men- 165cm ,For women- 150cm.
For SC/ST candidates :160cm for men and 145cm for women.
chest: 84cm for men and 79cm for women.
distance vision : 6/6 or 6/9.
These are the minimum eligibility require for an IPS officer.
thank You.
2nd February 2013 02:58 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Dear There,

The acronym for IPS is Indian Police Service.

IPS examination is a civil service examination, which is conducted by UPSC every year.

Sorry to say that you are not eligible for IPS at present time.

But, you will complete your graduation degree after your diploma, then definitely you are eligible for IPS.

The eligibility criteria required for IPS are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation or a final year student of graduation in any discipline from any recognised college or university.

* Age limit- 21-30 yrs.

* Age relaxation- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/ST contendors.

* No. of attempts- 5 for General, 7 for OBC and no attempts for SC/ST contendors.

* Nationality- Indian.

Hope the above mentioned will help you to get the information you were searching for.
2nd February 2013 01:39 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Glad to help you

Its good that you want to become an IPS officer and want to make the country Crime free.Hats off to you dude sorry sorry officer.

For becoming an IPS officer a candidate must be physically as well as Mentally fit. The recruitment for the post of IPS (Indian Police Service) is made by the Union Public Service Commission every year in the month of February.

The minimum eligibility criteria requires for applying is as follows :-

a) Must be a citizen of India
b) Age limit should be 21-28 years
c) Educational qualification :-
Must has passed out Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university which comes under UGC.

Relaxation in terms of age and number of attempts is applicable to the backward category candidates, the following is as follows :-

General :-
Age Relaxation :- No
Number of attempts :- Four

OBC :-
Age Relaxation :- 3 years.
Number of attempts :- Four + Three = Seven

SC/ST :-
Age Relaxation :- 5 years
Number of attempts :- No. limit

Physical Fitness requires is as follows :-

Chest :- 82cms
Height :- 170cms
Weight :- Equivalent to Height as per standard measures.

Good Luck!
2nd February 2013 01:18 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Hi friend,

IPS stands for Indian Police Service and this examination is conducted by UPSC Every year, to apply for this examination you have to complete your Graduate degree course in any discipline from a recognised University. Final year appearing candidates are also eligible to apply for this examination

Eligibility Criteria :

For Indian Police Service ,you must be citizen of India.

Age limits :

You must have attained the age of 21 Yrs and must not Attained the age of 30 Yrs on 1st August,2012.

The Upper age limit will be Applicable for SC/ST and OBC candidates.

Upto a maximum Five Years for Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes.

Upto a Maximum three years for Other Backward Classes.

Education Qualification :

You must hold a Bachelor's degree of any Recognized University.

If you are in the final year of a degree course can also Eligible.

Number of Attempts :

Four Attempts for Open.

Seven Attempts for OBC category.

No Limit for SC/ST.

Physical Fitness Is very Important for IPS Exam.

Male 165 Cm Pahari Male (General also) & ST (Not SC/OBC) - 160 Cm.

Female 150 Cm Pahari female (General also) & ST (Not SC/OBC) - 145 Cm.

[SIZE=3]More details,Visit the official website :[/SIZE]

good luck . . .
1st February 2013 08:06 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, i am now in diploma 2nd year...i am not complete 12th..& direct go for diploma...after completing diploma i will go to degree..then can i give exam of IPS...
my email id [email protected]

After completion of diploma degree you are not eligible for IPS exam but if you have completed your graduation degree after diploma degree then you are applicable .You are definitely applicable after graduation degree because your graduation degree in the scheme of 10+4+3/4 .

IPS stands for Indian Police service.IPS exam is conducted by UPSC. There are some criteria you have to follow for appearing in IPS exam.This exam is conduct through Civil Service Exam .

Those candidate have completed graduation degree from recognized university are eligible for IPS exam.Final year student are applicable for IPS Exam.

Age criteria :-

Minimum Age = 21 years old
Maximum Age = 30 years old

Age relaxation for OBC candidate is 3years and for SC/ST candidate is 5 years.

The maximum attempts for Sc/ST candidate is Unlimited. For OBC candidate it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years.Also you must be citizen of India.

For more details of IPS Exam , You can visit to

30th January 2013 11:37 PM
What is the eligibility for IPS officer?

sir, i am now in diploma 2nd year...i am not complete 12th..& direct go for diploma...after completing diploma i will go to degree..then can i give exam of IPS...
my email id [email protected]

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