Thread: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat? Reply to Thread

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4th February 2013 11:28 AM
Re: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?


Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD

1.SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal
2.Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
3.Luchnow university, luck now
4.Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
5.Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
6.KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi
7.Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary
8.TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur
9.KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad

all the beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2nd February 2013 01:29 PM
Re: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?


Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS

1.Berhampur university, berhampur
2.Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
3.State ayurvedic college, hardwar
4.Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
5.Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
6.SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal
7.Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli
8.Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary
9.SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23rd January 2013 08:59 PM
Re: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?

Hi, Any MD (Ayurvedic) extrance coaching centres in Bangalore?
21st June 2012 06:54 PM
Re: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?

Please type your question or comment here and then click Submit.sir i can be a surgon after b.a.m.s .or in which field i complete my MD
20th November 2011 04:06 PM
Re: Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?

Bachelors in ayurvedic medicine are offered in over 150 medical colleges. The list of the colleges listed below provide admission into 5½ year BAMS and 3 years MD with the eligibility criteria that the student must have studied physics, chemistry and biology upto class XII level. The notification for this course is generally published in the month of june, july and august.

List Of Colleges Providing BAMS, MD in Ayurvedic Medicine:


• JB Roy state medical college, kolkata
• Government ayurvedic college, guwahati
• Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
• Berhampur university, berhampur
• SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal


• Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
• Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
• Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
• Luchnow university, luck now
• State ayurvedic college, hardwar
• S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
• Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
• Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
• Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
• Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
• Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
• Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
• Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
• Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
• AP singh university, rewa
• Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
• Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
• Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
• Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
• Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra


• NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada
• Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad
• Sri venkatashwara college
• Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
• Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli
• Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha
• Ayurvedic medical college, davangera
• Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
• SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka
• KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi
• KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad
• SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal
• SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal
• TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur
• Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary


• Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune
• Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
• Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
• DCS ayurveda college, deopur
• Government ayurvedic college, nanded
• Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur
• Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad
• Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
• Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat
• JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad
• Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar
• Goa university, goa
• MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur
• National institute of ayurveda, jaipur
• Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar
• Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune

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31st May 2011 07:59 PM
Best colleges for doing MD after BAMS? Should I go for Hospital Administration or MD? What is the fee structure for paid seat?

helloo,wana knw about the best college for doin m.d after bams,i dont have enough time to waist..please suggest me shud i go for hospital administration or m.d,if u suggest for m.d thn wht will be the fees for the paid seat and do i get money in pg....please reply me soon...

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