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22nd June 2013 07:35 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

List of some Bank Clerical Books:

1.IBPS Bank Clerk Examination by Chandresh Agarwal

2.SBI clerk Examination by Chandresh Agarwal

3.Upkar's SBI clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

4.State Bank of India Clerical Recruitment by Sanjay Kumar

5.Bank Clerical Cadre: Common Written Exam(CWE) Solved Papers by Upkar

6.Bank clerk Examination By Expert Compilations

7.Indian Bank clerks Examination by T S Jain

8.UCO Bank Clerk Examination by Gupta

9.CWE Book by Kiran Prakashan Publications

10.Non Verbal & Verbal Reasoning By R S Agarwal

11.State Bank of India And Associate Bank Clerical Cadre by R.Gupta's

12.IBPS bank Clerk common written exam practice work book by Amarjeet Kumar

all the best..........
22nd June 2013 12:47 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Best Books for Reasoning for Bank Clerk:

21st June 2013 07:17 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by P PATHAK View Post
which one is the best book for reasoning and
some tricks to solve the bank reasoning for clerical exam

Bank Clerk exams are conduted by IBPS.

IBPS - Institute of Banking Personnel Selection

Reasoning is one of the section in IBPS exams.

List of best books for reasoning for clerical exam~~

Attachment 139308

Attachment 139309

Attachment 139310

Attachment 139311
21st June 2013 07:06 PM
Queries Answer
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by P PATHAK View Post
which one is the best book for reasoning and some tricks to solve the bank reasoning for clerical exam
For every test in which reasoning portion comes, you can follow given below book:

RS Aggarwal (Verbal and Non-Verbal Both)

The above mention book is best in all respect way where you will find easiest method to solve the problems with solution.

Except the above try to solve previous years papers of the bank PO where you will get more tricks to handle your time in exam hall.
21st June 2013 05:03 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

As all said above...I do prefer Quantitative Apptitude by Dr.R.S Aggarwal....
21st June 2013 10:51 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Dear friend ,

Best books for reasoning :

21st June 2013 08:23 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Dear friend these are some best books for bank clerk exam:-

- Bank Clerical Cadre: Common Written Exam. Solved Papers
by Upkar
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan

- Bank Clerk Exams General English: 75 Sets Previous Years' Solved Papers
by Ajay Singh
Publisher: Arihant Publications

- General English for Bank Clerk Exam
by S.C.Gupta
Publisher: Arihant Publications

- IBPS Bank Clerk Common Written Exam Practice Work Book
Author : Amarjeet Kumar

- State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre
by R. Gupta's
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House

- State Bank Of India Clerical Recruitment
by Sanjay Kumar
Publisher: Unique Publishers

- A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal 1st Edition
Author: BS Sijwali, Indu Sijwal
Publisher: Arihant Publications

All the best...........
15th June 2013 04:40 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

for reasoning problems RS agarval & Dr Lal and Kumar books are very useful for practice lots of problems.
For Bank exam you focus on Aptitude and communication skills.
And practice more and more practical problems on reasoning..
15th June 2013 03:26 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Books for reasoning ::

A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Revised Edition
Author: R. S. Aggarwal
Publisher: S.Chand Publishing
Rs. 750

Analytical Reasoning 3rd Edition
Author: M.K. Pandey
Publisher: BSC Publishing
Rs. 250

A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal 1st Edition
Author: BS Sijwali, Indu Sijwal
Publisher: Arihant Publications
Rs. 400

Test of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations 4th Edition
Authored By: Edgar Thorpe
Publisher: Tata McGraw - Hill Education
Rs. 535

Logical and Analytical Reasoning 24th Edition
Author: A K Gupta
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House
Rs. 110

A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning
Author: R. S. Aggarwal
Publisher: S. Chand
Rs. 450
15th June 2013 12:46 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Hello Dear Friend ...

No worry

There are so many various best books are available for you

They are given below ----

A Modern approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by R.S.AGARWAL

Clerical Cadre 20 Solved papers

IBPS bank clerk Success Master


15th June 2013 07:44 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

dear friend.....

Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams

1.State Bank Of India Clerical Recruitment
by Sanjay Kumar
Publisher: Unique Publishers

2.General English for Bank Clerk Exam
by S.C.Gupta
Publisher: Arihant Publications

3.State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre
by R. Gupta's
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House

4.IBPS Bank Clerk Common Written Exam Practice Work Book
Author : Amarjeet Kumar

5.Bank Clerk Exams General English: 75 Sets Previous Years' Solved Papers
by Ajay Singh
Publisher: Arihant Publications

6.General English for Bank Clerk Exam
by S.C.Gupta
Publisher: Arihant Publications

7.Upkar`s SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

8.Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

9.ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers

10.State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre
by R. Gupta's
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House Clerical Cadre: Common Written Exam. Solved Papers
by Upkar
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan
17th May 2013 12:18 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Best Authour Books for Civil Exam and bank Exam in both languages for Hindi and English Plz tell to me.
5th February 2013 07:04 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please tell me which book to refer for bank clerical exam

Best Books for Bank Clerk Exam

State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre
by R. Gupta's
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House

State Bank Of India Clerical Recruitment
by Sanjay Kumar
Publisher: Unique Publishers

Bank Clerical Cadre: Common Written Exam. Solved Papers
by Upkar
Publisher: Upkar Prakashan

Bank Clerk Exams General English: 75 Sets Previous Years' Solved Papers
by Ajay Singh
Publisher: Arihant Publications

General English for Bank Clerk Exam
by S.C.Gupta
Publisher: Arihant Publications

IBPS Bank Clerk Common Written Exam Practice Work Book
Author : Amarjeet Kumar

20th January 2013 12:19 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?


Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams



3.Upkar`s SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

4.Ramesh`s Bank Clerical Exam(Solved Papers)

5.Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

6.ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14th January 2013 06:02 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Dear Pathak ,

The Best Books for Reasoning problems for Banking Clerical exams are :

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
5th January 2013 07:35 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

almost five to six questions of csat civil services 2011 & 2012 are from verbal reasoning by Er bhupendra kumar singh lucent publication best book in india.This book is must for csat, cat, mat, bank clerks , po , ssc , railway & almost every exams in india. Collections of previous questions and explanations are superb. many questions come directly from this book in all competiti exams held in india. 80% to 90% questions of MCA CSAT MAT BANK PO CLERK are from verbal reasoning by Er bhupendra kumar singh.
8th October 2011 09:03 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

verbal reasoning by er bhupendra kumar singh lucent pub is the best book in the market.
12th September 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by sabav View Post
the best book for reasoning is R.S agarwal download it from
Ok best wishes
thnk you sooooo much my dear friend....
6th September 2011 01:11 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

for reasoning best book is :
1. R.S agarwal verbal and non verbal reasoning
2.Trachtenberg speed mathematics - ----- for increasing speed in maths

i m atttaching both books hope it will help you

best of luck
16th March 2011 02:34 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

hello friend,



3. arun sharma.

these are the few good books.

good luck
16th March 2011 12:25 AM
Aman Sapra
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

By far the best book reasoning is:

Clerical Cadre
by T.S. Jain
From Upkar Publications.
15th March 2011 11:24 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

hello friend,

you can get bank clerk exams Question paper Format and Sample Question Papers With Solutions in the given below site

it will easy to you to crack bank clerk exams if practice in the given below books



3.arun sharma(logical reasoning)
good luck
15th March 2011 11:05 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

For almost all the bank exams, the selection procedure will be by
1)Written test
2)Personal Interview

Written test consists of several categories like
-Quantitative aptitude
-General awareness
-General English
-Computer/Marketing knowledge

As far as the reasoning is concerned, we may expect questions from several topics like
-Number series
-Odd man out
-Coding and decoding
-Problem figures
-Data sufficiency
-Statements and conclusions
-Seating arrangement

The best books to prepare for reasoning are
R.S. Agarwal and R.Gupta books.

You may also try logical reasoning by Arun Sharma

Practice some previous year papers too
27th February 2011 09:15 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

The best book for reasoning is R.S.agarwal.
Also check these papers
27th February 2011 06:54 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please give me the pattern of lic aao exam
hello friend....

LIC AAO written exam format/pattern:

The exam will have two papers – Paper-I (Objective) & Paper-II (Descriptive), in which Paper-II is of only qualifying nature – the marks scored in Paper-I will only decide the merit ranking.

On the basis of relative performance of candidates (i.e. marks scored) in Paper-I, LIC would decide the cut-off criteria and would evaluate the Paper-II for only those candidates above this cut-off. Thus your performance in Paper-II should be at least such that LIC finds your language proficiency good, since Paper-II consists of Essay, Précis writing & Comprehension.

Sections in LIC AAO Exam Paper-I: Marks: 140 total, Duration: 2 hours.
Reasoning Ability.
Numerical Ability.
General Knowledge & Current Affairs.
English Language (Grammar and vocabulary).
You can appear in the above first three sections either in Hindi or in English

Sections in LIC AAO Exam Paper-II: Marks: 50 total, Duration: 2 hours.
Essay writing.
Précis writing & Comprehension.
You can answer essay writing section either in Hindi or English but Précis writing & Comprehension section has to be answered only in English.

Although LIC in its job notification has not spelt out any mark distribution among test sections and also time duration for the same, I expect the pattern of LIC written exam to be similar to a Bank PO exam, which has similar sections, including Paper-II (Descriptive) for English proficiency.

hope the info. helps...
27th February 2011 04:22 PM
rahul k
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

If You Want To Prepare for Bank Exams, Then I Will Suggest You To Purchase the R.S Aggarwal Books For Reasoning. This Author Books Is the Best Book To Get Sucess In Bank Examination. So, If You Read That Book Properly, Then Definitely You Will Get Sucess In Bank Examination.

Best Reasoning Books -

Verbal and Non-verval By R.S.Agarwal

A Text book on Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning by Arun Sharma

Arithmetic Quantitative attitude by Dr.Professor

So, Please Purchase these Given Books From the Market And Keep Study From this Given Books, Then Definitely You Will Be Able To Scored Good Marks In Bank Exams.
27th February 2011 02:10 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know the best book of bank clerk exam all subjects
The best books for all banks exam are as follows:

Test of Reasoning/Reasoning Ability by R.S.Agarwal (Verbal & Non-verbal).

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

Guides by Kiran publications.

you can also buy those books which consists all subjects of a bank exam:

Upkar`s SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam

Ramesh`s Bank Clerical Exam(Solved Papers)

Upkar`s SBI PO Examination (Solved Papers)

Ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers
27th February 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

hello my dear,

The best book for bank exams of PO and Clerks is R.S.AGARWAAL.

The main feture in this book are simple and easy to grab.There are formulas and explanation for each and every problem.

It will also help you to solve the problems in less time.Time is very important factor in this exams.

There are also some other
Abhijit Guha etc.
27th February 2011 12:02 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?


R. S. Agarwal is best for Reasoning point of view in Bank Exams.
27th February 2011 11:30 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams are listed below.

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Aggarwal

Verbal and Non-verbal by R.S.Aggarwal
27th February 2011 03:02 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

for any quantitative exam ,there will be question on maths,reasoning, get grip on that type of concept .prefer R.S AGRAWAL quantitaive appititude text book.this text book best .and the author had explained, such a way everyone can understand,but to get complete should workout on number of problems.and for english vocabulary,their is R.S.Agarwal english vocabulary text book.this two text book covers all appitutes test u take in india.if u are through with this book..iam sure that u will be in will be in good position.all the best
26th February 2011 04:27 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

please give me the pattern of lic aao exam
16th February 2011 08:53 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Dear sir,
I want to know the best book of bank clerk exam all subjects
12th February 2011 12:30 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

What type books to prepare bank exams
10th February 2011 08:50 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

please tell me which book to refer for bank clerical exam
16th January 2011 12:39 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by P PATHAK View Post
which one is the best book for reasoning and some tricks to solve the bank reasoning for clerical exam
the best book for reasoning is R.S agarwal download it from
Ok best wishes
15th January 2011 03:19 PM
Ajay kumar verma
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

If you preparing reasoning very well you read the UPKAR publication reasoning book.

best of luck
14th January 2011 02:33 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?


Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams is R. S. Agrawal for Verbal & Non Verbal Questions & Answer.

And Reasoning or whole non-technical portion you can join any coaching institute.

All the Best
13th January 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

As to prepare for the bank Clerk exam candidates need to be well prepared for the written test. There are many books available specifically for the exam. Some of these books are from well renowned authors. For verbal reasoning you can refer to R S Agarwal. The best way to crack theses exams is through practice. There are many other books also from M.Tyra and Abhijit Guha, which are also available as for reasoning aptitude.
6th January 2011 01:28 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Please give information about best bank books to prepare
30th November 2010 08:57 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

general awareness and marketing is always tough to me i am going to write a bank exam please any one mail id is [email protected]
1st November 2010 12:16 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

refer to upkar publication books,Kiran prakashan books along with BSc publication bookjs.
RS agrawall is also good for bank exams
31st October 2010 11:04 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

The best book recommended for bank exams of PO and Clerks is R.S.AGARWAAL.I have seen many questions in this exams as same in the book.
The problems in this book are simple and easy to grab.There are formulas and explanation for each and every problem.

But the best trick to solve the problems is Practice and Practice.It will also help you to solve the problems in less time.Time is very important factor in this exams.

There are also some other books which boasts of short methods but it might be a bit confusing to follow this books.Anyway i am writing down the names of these books,M.Tyra Abhijit Guha etc.
31st October 2010 12:18 AM
Sushant Roy
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

hi friend,

There are many books available in the markets which are written for reasoning test in any of the competitive exams like Bank PO or executive post or management exams or placement tests.
I am attaching the whole book in this respect with my post.
Get this attachment of R S Aggarwal for verbal reasoning.
Also can get through download another book of puzzle to increase analytic abilities at this link:
27th October 2010 08:26 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

The best book followed by many is Quantitative aptitude by RS Aggarawl
27th October 2010 12:33 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

hello friend

you can get bank clerk exams Question paper Format and Sample Question Papers With Solutions in the given below site

it will easy to you to crack bank clerk exams if practice in the given below books




all the best......
26th October 2010 02:52 PM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

Originally Posted by P PATHAK View Post
which one is the best book for reasoning and some tricks to solve the bank reasoning for clerical exam
R S AGARWAL is one of the best books used for bank exams. It is good for both reasoning nad quantitative aptitude.
Also solve many previous papers for practice.
26th October 2010 11:25 AM
Re: Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

the best book for reasoning is R S Aggarwal Reasoning for bank PO.
25th October 2010 08:47 PM
Best books for reasoning problems for bank clerk exams?

which one is the best book for reasoning and some tricks to solve the bank reasoning for clerical exam

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