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12th July 2016 12:29 AM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

I have completed my BA in philosophy honors ,so which books should I prefer jpsc
10th June 2016 09:26 PM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

Dear Sir, I want to know that whatever the book preferred for JPSC exam? I am arts student (hindi medium) with political science (hons.) Which subject I have to choose? Please suggest. Thanks.
13th September 2015 05:45 PM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

JPSC stands for Jharkhand Public Service Commission.

Candidate should refer following books:

- J.L. Mehta [medieval India]

- A.L. Basham's [Buddhism & Jainism]

- R.S. Agarwal [Arithmetic]

- N.C.E.R.T.BooK [Std.xi & Std.xii]

- Krishna Reddy [Ancient india]

- Wren & Martin [ For English Grammar]
12th September 2015 08:09 PM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

As far as my education is concerned. i am an engg. student and have completed my graduation from Sir please suggest me the required books for the preparation of ''JPSC'' civil services for both pt as well as mains exam.
sir please suggest me the book for the required topics :-
-> Ancient India
-> Medivel India
-> Morden India

3)INDIAN POLITY AND GOOD GOVERNACE that should include:-
-> constitution of india
-> piblic adminisstration and good governace
-> panchayats and municipalities

-> basic features of indian economy
-> sustainable development and economic issue
-> economic refoems and globalisation

5)which book i should prefer for Agriculture and technology development
23rd February 2013 09:35 AM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

i m a engg. student f civil branch which book i shuld be follow plz help me
22nd November 2012 11:30 PM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

Books for JPSC exam:

there is a list of books, which students should prefer from the beginning to the end.

J.L.Mehta [medieval India]

B.L.Growers [Gandhi,Subhash ]

Krishna Reddy [Ancient, Medieval, & Modern India]

N.C.E.R.T.BooK [Std.xi & Std.xii]

D.D.Kausambiâs Historical Outline [Ancient India]

A.L.Basham's [Buddhism & Jainism]

Chronicle Year book

R.S.Agarwal [Arithmetic]

Wrein & Martin {English Grammar]

22nd November 2012 10:18 PM
Re: Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

Following the all mentioned books a candidate can prepare well for this entrance exam.

1. Krishna Reddy [Ancient, Medieval, & Modern India]

2. N.C.E.R.T.BooK [Std.xi & Std.xii]

3. D.D.Kausambi’s Historical Outline [Ancient India]

4. A.L.Basham’s [Buddhism & Jainism]

5. J.L.Mehta [medieval India]

6. B.L.Growers [Gandhi,Subhash ]

7. Upkars Publications Ever Latest General Knowledge by Khanna and Verma

8. Chronicle Year book

9. R.S.Agarwal [Arithmetic]

10. Wren & Martin {English Grammar]

11. Essential of Grammar-Oxford Publicatiosn

12. History and Civics by Xaviers Pinto

Candidates should recognize their area of skill and thus lay stress on that specific point and thus increase their chances of making through this exam.
21st September 2012 09:28 PM
jeetesh kumar singh
Which Books should I refer for JPSC Exam being an Arts student?

Dear sir, I want to know that whatever the book preferred for jpsc exam is it useful for all faculty like arts,science,commerce bcz I am arts students with History(hons). which subject I have to chose please suggest. Thanks

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