Thread: What is the procedure to become a custom officer? Reply to Thread

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29th September 2018 11:00 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

My name is Kulbhushan . I have done My graduation in 2016 from Delhi University
Right now I'm working at Terminal 3 as a ground Staff
I would like to apply for airport customs officer because I m very interested in indirect taxes
My email ID :
21st November 2015 11:26 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

I am in class 11
What should I do after 12 to become an A grade custom officer ?
Nd what is the salary per month if I score good marks ?
24th September 2015 09:10 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

My name is suma mounica Reddy
Right now I am studying cma inter nd B. Com computers 2nd year
I.e degree will be completed in 2016
I would like to apply for airport customs officer because I m very interested in indirect taxes
My email ID : mounicasuma
24th September 2015 09:08 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

My name is suma mounica Reddy
Right now I am studying cma inter nd B. Com computers 2nd year
I.e degree will be completed in 2016
I would like to apply for airport customs officer because I m very interested in indirect taxes
My email ID : mounicasuma
24th September 2015 09:04 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

My name is suma mounica Reddy
Right now I am studying cma inter nd B. Com computers 2nd year
I.e degree will be completed in 2016
I would like to apply for airport customs officer because I m very interested in indirect taxes
My email ID : mounica suma
6th February 2014 07:34 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

my name is shaikh sameer
i have compeleted my graduation and i want to become a custom officer so that what can i do for this course
15th January 2014 11:04 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

which subject to study for
2nd September 2013 10:58 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

sir i am doing my H.S.C science now its my aim to become customes officer in airway.i need to know which which subjects i have to study after my H.S.C year?and should I do it after my H.S.C exams? If yes,then what do I study?Any exams?and all
29th June 2013 05:48 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

can a student can become customs officer?
24th May 2013 10:57 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

I continue my gaduation in an open university..may I become a custom officer?
2nd April 2013 11:00 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

I am a bcom student in my second year.. but as per the new law there is 60-40 system in which a stuents all three years marks are calculated and he is given a grade in final graduation result.. so what grade do i need to be a customs officer.. what should i do after graduation.. i have a good physique and i'm 6feet tall.. but i am
In open category.. thnx ur help is precious
2nd April 2013 10:43 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

I am doing bcom second year and as per the new rules there is 60-40 system in wgich the aggegrate marks of all three years will be counted and given in grade... so what grade will i need to be liable for the customs officer i am in open caste... what will i have to do after graduation to be the customs officer
17th March 2013 12:17 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

what are the cut-off or minimum marks to be scored for the qualification of customs exam.
17th March 2013 12:11 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

what are the marks to be scored for qualifying in this customs exam.
27th February 2013 08:58 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

Originally Posted by mohamed jaffar hussain View Post
Hi am studing BE production eng what is the procedure to become a custom officer pls help me sir its my aim to become a custom officer
For Becoming a custom officer,you will have to apply for SSC UDC Exam.

The Eligibility you will required to fulfill are :-

Educational qualification :-
-->>You should be passed out in your Engineering from recognized university.

Marks :-
-->>Your Minimum CGPA IN Engineering should be 5.5/20.0 .

Age :-
-->>Your minimum age should be 18 years.
-->>Your age should not be above 27 years.

Exam Pattern :-
-->>TIER I.
-->>Medical Fitness Test.

Syllabus for Tier I :-
-->>Logical Reasoning.
-->>Basic Mathematics from class 6 to 10.
-->>General Knowledge and Computer.
-->>English Grammar.

Important Points related to Tier I :-
-->>Total number of questions per section will be 25.
-->>Total duration for this exam will be 2 hours.
-->>Total marks will be 200.

Syllabus for Tier II :-
-->>English Grammar and Comprehension.
-->>General Knowledge and awareness.

Important Points related to Tier II :-
-->>Total number of questions per section will be 200.
-->>Total duration for each section will be 2 hours.
-->>Total marks for each section will be 200.

27th February 2013 05:27 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

What is custom duty ?What studies required?How to join ? Where to join?
22nd October 2012 08:16 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

Customs officers are the law enforcement professionals who focuses on the border security of a country.
To be eligible for the customs officer, one has to appear in the Combined Graduate Level exam conducted by SSC.
For that one has to be a graduate degree holder in any discipline with atleast 50% marks for the general category and 40% marks for SC/ST category.
Also you must be 21 to 30 years of age on the 1st of August of the year of writing the exam. There is an upper age relaxation of 3 to 5 years for the SC/ST/OBC candidates.
The exam consist of as usual three stages:
one has to first clear off the prelim and then the Mains exam so as to be called for an interview cum fitness ability test. In that all your background details, physique, drug addiction checking, strength and criminal records are check out so as to confirm you are not a terrorist or outsider.
After qualifying the fitness test one is scheduled on training and then recruited as position custom officer in India.
Thank you.................,
22nd October 2012 05:04 PM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

hi my name is Elaine ,my age is 40 and I am from Brazil. I would like to know if i have any chance to work as a Custom Officer...
13th February 2012 03:10 AM
Re: What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

Originally Posted by mohamed jaffar hussain View Post
Hi am studing BE production eng what is the procedure to become a custom officer pls help me sir its my aim to become a custom officer
As you have completed your graduation, you may write Combined Graduate Level Examination to join customs department as an officer.
The examination is conducted and regulated by Staff Selection Commission and to be considered eligible for it, you must have attained the age of 18 years and must not be over 27 years. The maximum age limit is relaxed upto 3 years for OBC category and 5 years for Sc/St category.
The examination is conducted in two stages known as Tier I and Tier II.

For further information, refer to the official website of Staff Selection Commission.
7th February 2012 08:39 PM
mohamed jaffar hussain
What is the procedure to become a custom officer?

Hi am studing BE production eng what is the procedure to become a custom officer pls help me sir its my aim to become a custom officer

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