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10th June 2013 12:20 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Did i get any govt jobs after completing in IT department?
8th August 2012 05:29 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Do v need to get a valid GATE Score card to appear for competitive exams in Government Sector after ME/M.Tech?
Please Reply..
31st May 2012 10:50 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

I have completed my Mtec wih CCNA.can you plz suggest me any job that is governent or s/w?
13th July 2011 08:02 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

iam b.e final year in electronics&instrumentation. what jobs are avilablle in government field
22nd January 2011 11:22 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

17th January 2011 08:36 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Originally Posted by manusudhanshu View Post
please specify me about the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech?
thanks in advance..
hi it depends on your branch and aggregate. if you are an electrical engineer then u can find jobs in indian railways,any steel plants,power stations,BHEL,NTPC, electricity boards etc.,.
if you are an electronics engineer then you can find in drdo,bsnl etc.,.

there are lot of opportunities after there is no need to do even to get a government job. all the best

thank you.
17th January 2011 01:37 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

So many opportunities in government sector after B.Tech as well as after M.Tech.I suggest you read employment news regularly,It is a weekly paper where central,UT and state government job notification published.

Some examples of government service for engineers are IES,CSIR,DRDO,BSNL (As JTO),BHEL,SAIL,BARC,ISRO,ONGC,INDIAN RAILWAY,GAIL etc etc.or you also can join in a college as a professor/Assst professor.
17th January 2011 11:04 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Dear Friend,

Following government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech: -






6. State Electricity Board

7. Power Grid corporation of India Ltd.

8. Reliance Telecommunication Ltd.

9. Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.

10. Tata Steel & Power Ltd. etc.

Good Luck
16th January 2011 09:21 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

see this link buddy and quickly registered and get great govt jobs all the best
16th January 2011 09:07 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

i m student of 4th year but my percentam 50% am i eligible for bsnl jto
16th January 2011 08:08 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after M.Tech or B.Tech there are many job. but without your course details how i can say where you will get chance to do your job.

but if you are from electronics background then BHEL, BSNL so many company recruit B.Tech M.Tech student.

if you belongs to mechanical background then also bhel recruit.

civil service and job in indian army are available for all graduate student.
16th January 2011 08:00 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

some of them are
1.BSNL jto
2.assitant engineer in uprvnl
3. Section engineer in Railways
4. management trainee in Banks trainee in PSUs
6.atc in airways
16th January 2011 07:57 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

1.BSNL jto
2.assitant engineer in uprvnl
3. Section engineer in Railways
4. management trainee in Banks trainee in PSUs
6.atc in airways
16th January 2011 07:19 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after doing or B.Tech , Government jobs are available in research fields just like that BARC, CSIR,DRDO, IISER, NIISER and SCIENTIST jBOS IN isro , nasa which is apllicable for JRF , SRF and project engineer job in E-Governance project of government . and also available jobs in government university, college likes that JNU,ALL GOVERNMENT RESERACH INSTITUTE,GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITIES,TECHNICAL FOUNDATION, TECHNICAL CONSULTANT, LECTURAL & HEAD OF DEPARTMENT POSITION IN TECHNICAL GOVERNMANT COLLEGES.ETC.
16th January 2011 06:51 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

There are a lot of opportunities for students after pursuing there B Tech/M Tech degree....But the competition is really high...They can try for the state government jobs like the assistant engineers in electricity boards,water authorities etc and Central government jobs like Sectional engineers in Railways,JTO in BSNL...There are various engineering posts in organizations like DRDO,ISRO,EIL,AAI etc..And the packages are also too gud
16th January 2011 06:41 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

There are various jobs available after completing your and course.But,if you would have mentioned the course you have done in then we would have helped you better.

As a graduate you can apply for many of the exams conducted by the UPSC board like

CDS,CSAT,Railways,Forest Service,SSC..etc

You can get details about the exams conducted by the UPSC in the following website

As s graduate you can even apply for TNPSC,APPSC.Since you have completed your so there will lot of jobs from your core side.
16th January 2011 06:41 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

you can apply for the posts for the engineers in the field same as your engineering one and then you will be absorbed as a deputy engineer or any other relevant post in the sector.
16th January 2011 06:07 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

IIT KHARGPUR provides the Government job each year to the student of passing B.Tech and M.Tech. See on the or easily on IIT Khargpur site.There is the post of SRF/JRF in Khargpur for B.Tech/ or you can also see on or on is good scope in Air Force also after B.Tech
16th January 2011 05:39 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

hiii... after B.Tech if u r from core branches like electrical, mechanical and civil then there are so many papers conducted, u have to crack them.. like jindal, tata motors..also in our indian navy or army department there are so many vacancies available just go through the employment news paper or sites.. and if u r from computer, IT, or electronics u can go through PSU this also there many seats reserved in military department.
just read the news papers and get the date to know when exam are conducted and get the govt. job..
all the best
16th January 2011 05:37 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Many govt. jobs are available after or but please specify your stream in which you are studying.
But for searching govt. jobs you can see on the website like as and engg. jobs you can apply for IES exam.
16th January 2011 05:34 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Jobs are available in many public sectors according to their present vacancy positions and with regard to your discipline in Engineering the vacancies may vary. Companies like BEL, BHEL, GAIL, KIOCL, IOCL, BPCL, HPCL, ECIL, Indian army, bank po, Group I, II officers offer jobs for both and
16th January 2011 04:54 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Originally Posted by manusudhanshu View Post
please specify me about the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech?
thanks in advance..
it depends on you field of graduation and same for post graduation,,if you are from software background then there are some less opurtunities of being in govt. sector, but if you from other dept. like electronics,electrical,mechenical then there are bundle of oppurtunities in govt sectors, one can move in research field also..
16th January 2011 04:51 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

there are lots of jobs available for students after btech/ in govt. sectors..
you can get jobs in govt. banks in different posts,you can also get jobs in corporate industries under a higher post(after mtech), and you can even join Indian army.
16th January 2011 03:08 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

there are lot many govt jobs for graduates they are as follows..
bank PO
civil engineer
technical accountant
govt teachers
and lot more to count on
16th January 2011 02:44 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Job options after both B.Tech and M.Tech are wide. It basically depends on the area of specialisation. Like if you take up telecommunications then you could try for jobs in Telecom sector like BSNL, MTNL etc. If you take up Mechanical engineering then you could consider joining the Navy. After M.Tech you have the option to take up fields like teaching, research etc. You need to decide which specialisation is best for you and based on that look out for opportunities.
16th January 2011 01:54 PM
gokulnath b
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

There are several jobs available for engineering graduates in government sector.some are Probationary officer post in banks,Postal Assistant in postal department,TNPSC,...etc.However the candidates must clear the written examination conducted by each sectors.And it is enough to have a B.E/B.Tech degree which is mandatory.Always have an eye on to get updated on Latest Govt. Jobs.Good Luck!!
16th January 2011 01:41 PM
Amair khan
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after there are many government jobs to apply for like for example jto-bsnl,upsc-ies exam,many psu exams are also out there. better check their official websites for the dates. The ies exam registrations are going on better apply online for that as it is easy and saves your money than the offline application(
16th January 2011 01:31 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Originally Posted by manusudhanshu View Post
please specify me about the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech?
thanks in advance..
hi manu,
u google
u can get all information abt the government jobs
16th January 2011 01:06 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

There are tremendous job opportunities for b tech professionals .Each and every government undertaking companies require engineers . You will get more opportunities than regular degree courses like BSc , BA, BCom etc. So dont worry , go to websites like
16th January 2011 01:05 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after you can apply for various government jobs by writing upsc exams .. for eg if you are an electrical engineer you can apply in electricity board or bsnl etc
16th January 2011 01:02 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Originally Posted by manusudhanshu View Post
please specify me about the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech?
thanks in advance..

some of the jobs and necessary details are given below

1)Honda India is looking for Engineering graduates for the Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) position in the Company.

Job Location : Gurgoan


Eligibility :

Candidate should be a BE/Btech Engineering graduate with good academic record from any recognized University in India.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Desired Profile :

Candidates applying must have good Communication skill and working computer skills.

Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd is inviting online applications from Engineering graduates to apply for the Application Developer post in the company. Candidates applying must have good programming skills and should have worked in different development works in Java and Dot Net.

Location : Bangalore

Job ID : 586529

Post Name : Application Developer

Qualification :

Candidate should be an Engineering graduate from good academic background from any recognized university in India.

: 0 – 2 Years

3)Asclepius Consulting & Technologies Pvt Ltd is looking for fresh BE/Btech or Mtech/ MCA passouts for the Software Development work in the company. Company is a startup set by IIT, IIM passouts offering its services in healthcare space.

Asclepius Consulting is a unique company best positioned to develop business and software solutions for mid size hospitals and nursing homes in India.

Post Name : Software Developer

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Job Location : Bangalore

[COLOR="DarkRed"]: 0 – 1 Years

Compensation : Candidates will be given an annual package in the range of Rupees 1,25,000/- to Rs. 1,50,000/- by the company.

Job Description :

Shortlisted Candidates will be working in development work using latest web techniques in

best of luck
16th January 2011 12:57 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Here is some information about government jobs for or graduates. You can join a govt. university or many companies like INDIAN OIL,CGCRI,NDRI e.t.c........Hope this information may help you to some extent.......

Thank you...
16th January 2011 12:41 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

After completion of B.Tech or B.E. following are the options:
1. one can give IES exam to get job in Railway or in Public Sector.
2. one can also opt for merchant navy and then marine engineer.
3. he/she can do M.E. or M.Tech and can be a teacher or engineer.
4. one can give UPSC OR MPSC exam for IAS.
5. There is defense direct entry for Indian Navy or Airforce
6. One can also pursue MS or MBA
7. There is also job as a govt. contractor (civil/ electrical)
16th January 2011 12:34 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Department of Atomic energy (, Laboratory incharge and teaching assistant in IIT's, Junior Researcher in various research departments, Indian oil corporation and many other Govt. jobs requires a valid GATE scorecard.
16th January 2011 12:30 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after &, in government various fields are available e.g. Railway, BSNL or MTNL, NTPC, BEL, BHEL or most of comapanies
16th January 2011 12:26 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

In government jobs i think u should try for" DRDO".In drdo u will find lots of options as there is DLRL,DRDL and others also in hyderabad Andhrapradesh.
16th January 2011 12:05 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Dear friend,
there are various government jobs you can apply.It depends on your branch in the respective can apply for various banks which are under government sector if you complete your graduation.If you are from ELECTRONIC stream you can apply for BSNL junior telecom officer.Am providing you the link for latest govt. job updates from there you can get mobile alerts also.

All the best for your valuble future
16th January 2011 12:03 PM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

As far as Govt. Jobs are considered you can either apply for IAS/IES/PSU's...
For IAS- any person whether B.Tech or Non B.Tech can apply....
For IES n PSU's- A or Diploma holder both can opt for this....
If you are a B.Tech/M.Tech most advantageous is to prepare for IES...coz in thiz you need to choose a subject that you studied in your B.Tech(M.Tech) duration....and Opting Engg. Subjects are will help you to score more marks....
16th January 2011 11:54 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after with good marks
you can go for the job of scientists drdo ies and many others
main thing is your choice in this field also many ngo are open
you can also apply for csir
16th January 2011 11:51 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after with good marks
you can go for the job of scientists drdo ies and many others
main thing is your choice in this field also many ngo are open
you can also apply for csir
16th January 2011 11:50 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

regarding govt depends on which course you completed in MTECH or Btech....for example if you have completed BE or ME in mechanical engineering then there are oppurtunities in central government concerns such as BHEL,BEL,hindustan petroleum,indian oil,bharat petroleum,ONGC,Hindustan aeronautics Ltd etc ect..but the main thing is you should do and do it well preferably some goog institites like IITs,NITs etc!!
16th January 2011 11:44 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Originally Posted by manusudhanshu View Post
please specify me about the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech?
thanks in advance..
there are alot of government jobs available for mtech and btech students. you can fill the form of ies & ias. these two are the best exam for getting a good job. there are many other jobs available under upsc government. you can check out the latest jobs available on their official website
16th January 2011 11:39 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Dear sir\madam...
you can join AIR-FORCE by writing exams after your B-Tech..the eligibility criteria are 18 to 28 years (At the time of commencement of training).You can apply when you are in any one of this branch..the branches are Electronics,Tele-communication, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Engineering.time for recruitment notice may be twice in a year(around March and September)...
Either you can apply for TNPSC group I and II exams
16th January 2011 11:27 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

After B.Tech or M.Tech,you can apply for government jobs in different sectors like Army & Navy in the technical grade.PSU's like BHEL,BEML etc. are also recruiting for their technical section.There is a huge employment opportunity in these areas.In future,you can expect huge demand for B.Tech or M.Tech Students.
16th January 2011 11:20 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after completion of M.E,M.Tech u have many government jobs.
1.public service commision exam(engineering level exam as well as deputy collector exams)
2.staff selection commision exam.
16th January 2011 11:15 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

Well , it depends upon in which stream you have done B tech or M tech.
Even it depends upon your CGPA and even if you belong to some reserved category.
And if you have done from IIT then there won't be any problem most of the time.
16th January 2011 10:57 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

if u have an academic background of above 50 cgpa through out ur study
then ur eligible for most of the jobs
some of them are
bank po and clerk
even group 3 and 4 also u can write

good luck
16th January 2011 10:42 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

after or, there are more job facilities are availble in either govt or pvt sector.
16th January 2011 09:55 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

there are many jobs available in government sector at this time
in ies there are almost 650 openings,
also in many psu there are openings for at least 30 engineers
keep track of employment news regularly to know these jobs
all the best
16th January 2011 09:28 AM
Re: What are the government jobs available after M.Tech or B.Tech?

the Government jobs after M.Tech or B.Tech see here
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