Thread: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University? Reply to Thread

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4th April 2015 01:43 AM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

Sir its shubham from jandk distt.rajouri sir can i get notification about the forms to b filled by me to get free education sir i shall provide my email also sir my email id is
11th March 2015 09:38 AM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

Sir i complit my diloma in electrical branch from mewar university and i want to take addimition in in mechnical branch in your university .. sooo plz can you mail me at
7th March 2015 04:33 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

Sir, I have heard that you are offering free education to Jammu students, can you please tell me more about it. If it's false then please tell me fee structure for mechanical or electrical engineering. Also tell me the admission criteria.
25th September 2014 07:15 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

I want take admission in diploma second year civil btech after draughtman civil. What is fee structure
14th June 2014 10:57 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

How minimum marks required for jandk students to get admission in Pacific university
Can u mail the free strcture criteria on
19th May 2014 12:15 AM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

what is fee structure of all cources for jammu &kashmir students.if it is free may be intimated.
30th September 2013 02:11 AM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

i want to know the fees structure of all courses for admissions sir can u email me the structure as soon as possible on
17th August 2013 02:39 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

what is fee structure in btech civil engg

10th August 2013 09:23 AM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

I want take admission in diploma second year mechanical branch i know about fees
25th April 2013 04:17 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?
13th April 2013 03:31 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

sir i m the resident of j&k and i already filled form for the free education i want to knw may i got civil engineering branch in ur university plz mail me in
18th March 2013 10:14 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

what is fee structure in btech civil engg
18th March 2013 02:31 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

i want to know the fees structure of all courses for admissions sir can u email me the structure as soon as possible on
28th February 2013 03:49 PM
Re: Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

as i have read on the paper the daily excelsior jammu dated 27/02/2013 that your uviversity is offering free education to the students of jammu and kashmir..... comment me sir on my mail id
2nd July 2012 12:43 PM
Fee structure for B.Tech and Polytechnic Diploma in Pacific University?

what is the fee structure for plus polytechnic diploma in pacific university udaipur

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