Thread: how to apply to iit for MTECH? Reply to Thread

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2nd March 2013 08:08 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the procedure to apply to iit for MTECH courses and also please tell when will the notification will be out
for taking admission in iits first of all you have to take GATE exam and you have score above 90 percentile.........all the best
26th April 2012 10:10 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

if you have scored good marks in your bacholar degree with 90% marks then you can apply for in iit.
5th April 2012 02:56 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

If you want to take admission in,
Then you should gate entrance exam.
This can be done online on gate official website.
Good luck.
5th April 2012 12:33 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

i got All India 3303 rank with GATE percentile 97.00 can i get seat in NIT?plz let me no
20th March 2012 06:36 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

what is the next step after qualifying gate in XL
15th March 2012 12:56 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Hello Sir,

My Gate Score is 216 and i belongs to SC category .
can i'll get admission in good college
22nd December 2011 06:32 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

The only gateway for M.Tech in IIT is... GATE

GATE = Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

This is the entrance exam conducted by IIT(Kanpur) every year in the month of February.
The top scorers of this exam will fetch a seat in IIT's and IISc for the course of M.Tech.
The next top scorers can fetch admissions across bigger colleges and universities in india.

Procedure to apply
Buy the application form through DD @ designated banks or GATE Offices
Fill up all the details fairly
Duly filled Application Form must be sent by Registered/Speed post to "The Chairman, GATE of your Zone"
You can apply online here

For complete details on how to apply kindly visit here

-> Important dates... Click here <-

Good Luck....................
30th November 2011 02:44 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Dear,depends on the course you are applying for and also the community you belong to ,
if you are general student then you may require 95% and above,
if you are sc/st then %85 would be enough
all the best
30th November 2011 02:27 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Friend,you may get admission in iit for only for the basis of gate entrance exams. if you get good marks then you get a chance to get admission in iit.
23rd November 2011 08:31 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

which is the best book for gate exam to get admission in iit..plz tell me
13th November 2011 05:56 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

dear friend,you have to apply for gate exam conducted by iit every year.
if you will get above 90 percentile then you have to apply invidiually for different iits.they will take your interview.after qualifying interview you can take admission.


31st October 2011 11:55 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

If you want to take admission in without appearing gate exam then the option is available for various private,central,universities entrance exam can be held every year but through gate exam u got highly reputed collages
31st October 2011 10:57 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

GATE 2012 application form have started to be issued to students from 12 September 2011
Last Date for submitting GATE 2012 Application Form is on 17 October 2011
Gate 2012 Exam Date is on 12 February 2012
GATE 2012 Result Announcement is on 15 March 2012.
21st May 2011 12:49 AM
how to apply to iit for MTECH?

how much presentage marks in gate needed to join IIT's.....after that how to apply mtech programs at IIT's...
25th April 2011 11:22 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

hii, for applying to iits you should check there notifications

notifications will be put in there respective websites you have to see and appply they will have some required fee apply all you will get check out soon they have less time to apply.
11th April 2011 03:57 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

sir i got 6914 rank in gate 2011....
kindly tell me how can i apply for mtch in iit or iisc...
pls reply
my email id [email protected]
9th April 2011 02:07 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i got 97.4% in gate 2011.... so, next what i'v 2 do 2 apply in iit..... can i get in iit?


You have secured a very good percentile.

I think you might get admission in any of IITs.

For that you have to apply separately for various IITs.

Notifications of few IITs are out.

These are the links of few IITs you can check over here regarding admissions for M-Tech

IIT Roorkee M.Tech Admissions 2011

IIT Kanpur M.Tech Admissions 2011

IIT Bombay M.Tech Admissions 2011

IIT Gandhinagar M.Tech Admissions 2011

so check these sites carefully and

all the best....
9th April 2011 12:33 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

To get admission in IIT's Colleges,you have to give entrance exam i.e GATE (Graduation admission test for engineering)

Eligibility criteria for GATE exam:
  • 3rd year/final year/completed B-tech candidate can apply for this exam.
If you fulfill above requirement,then you can apply for the exam.

This exam notification will be releasing in the month of September every year and exam will be held in the month of Jan/Feb.

you can download form from the this website.
8th April 2011 11:43 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

hey hav got a call from iisc in transportaion and infra ...shud i go for t??and wat r d placmnt stats for dis branch??
17th March 2011 12:54 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

i got 97.4% in gate 2011.... so, next what i'v 2 do 2 apply in iit..... can i get in iit?
20th February 2011 03:20 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

HI dear friend,
you may get admission in lit for only for the basis of gate entrance exam.if you will get above 90 percentile then you have to apply invidiually for different iits.They will take your interview after qualifying interview you can take admission.If you want to more information the go to the:-

all the best
20th February 2011 08:50 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

For getting dmission in MTECH you will have to crack either JEE or GATE conducted by the iits every year.
15th February 2011 11:56 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the procedure to apply to iit for MTECH courses and also please tell when will the notification will be out
plese tell me eligibility criteria
duration of this course about remote sensing and g.i.s
10th January 2011 08:20 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the procedure to apply to iit for MTECH courses and also please tell when will the notification will be out

You need to sit for GATE conducted by IITs for admission to the post graduation courses.
10th January 2011 06:44 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

hello friend,
for this you should fill the form of GATE,Only by qualifying this exam with good score you will join the M.Tech programme of IIT.
but now you can apply for 2012 because for admission in 2011 you are late.more detail are here-
10th January 2011 04:49 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

you only have one option .apply in GATE and get good marks there (above 90%) and then you would be elligible to apply for iits.
there is no any other methods to apply for iits for prepare yourself accordingly as getting above 90% is not an easy task.good luck
10th January 2011 01:18 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

dear friend,

For m tech in IIT you have to appear and have to pass in any one exam given below

1) The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)

2) The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)

3) The Joint Management Entrance Test (JMET)

4)The Joint Admission Test for MSc (JAM)

5)The Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE)

For B.Tech/M.Tech Admissions, contact(MADRAS)
The Deputy Registrar (Academic)
Phone: +91 (44) 2257 8033, 2257 8035
EMail: [email protected]
For MS/Ph.D Admissions, contact
The Deputy Registrar (Academic)
Phone: +91 (44) 2257 8033, 2257 8044

EMail: [email protected]
10th January 2011 01:12 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
now im doing btech 4th year.. i have written gate exam in 3rd year ie in 2010 and secured 1748 rank all india wise..
that score is valid for 2 years .so what i have to do to apply for any NIT or IIT colleges with that rank.?
You have two ways to apply,first with your old rank and second appear GATE again,if your rank better than previous than apply with new rank.

Applying time is fixed an once in a year.choice upon you.
10th January 2011 12:25 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Dear Friend
As i know if you want take admission in M.Tech then first of all you have to give GATE exam and score good marks.Then on the basis of that you can take admission in a good college.
good luck....
10th January 2011 11:32 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?


There is only one way to do M.Tech. in IIT, you fight GATE entrance exam.

When you qualifying the GATE exam then you get some score points and on the basis of score points you will be awarded by some rank.

Through this rank you will be called for GD & personal interview and when you passed this both exam then you get chance for IIT colleges.

GATE forms available in the month of November every year and its exam held on 2nd Sunday of February.

So apply for GATE.

Good Luck & Best Wishes
10th January 2011 07:37 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

If you want to pursue, after the completion of your bachelors degree in engineering, appear for GATE exam.

GATE-Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering

GATE score will be the turning point of your life. The more you score in GATE exam, the more chances for you to place in good colleges.

If your GATR score is very high, you can be placed in IITs and if you get an average GATE score, you might be placed in some prestigious universities and good colleges. GATE exam is being conducted every year in the month of February. GATE covers almost all the engineering syllabus.
10th January 2011 07:37 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

There are no any special procedure. appear in GATE exam and get good good marks means above 90% .after that you would be able to apply in different IIT colleges. notification would be made available on the gate website in the month of november.
10th January 2011 05:08 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the procedure to apply to iit for MTECH courses and also please tell when will the notification will be out
Dear friend,
firstly you have to apply for GATE exem,and secured a 90% marks...
After that you can admitted IIT according to your score.....
10th January 2011 01:30 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how much approximate score for the addmission in m. tech in iit colledge ???

You need to write GATE to get a seat for M.Tech in IIT.

There is no particular score or cut off to get a seat, But every year, At least one needs 97% percentile minimum to get a seat.

You need to work hard for this exam really hard.

All the best.
Prepare well.
Thank you.
10th January 2011 01:25 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the iit which has already released notification for admission into mtech programme?
also tell me the last date to apply for them,
Hello friend,

GATE is an exam conducted by the groups of IIT. All the IIT's are same and they will release the same notification at a time.

I am sorry to say that GATE 2011 form submission has been closed already. The exam is scheduled on 12th February 2011.

So you need to wait for next year and apply the exam.

All the best.
Thank you.
10th January 2011 01:22 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
please tell me the procedure to apply to iit for MTECH courses and also please tell when will the notification will be out
Hello Satyavani,

To Pursue M.Tech in IIT, one have to write GATE exam and crack this exam.
IIT is one of the most prestigious colleges in the country.

GATE exam is an exam to check your technical knowledge and you need to score well to study in IIT.

All the best.
Thank you
10th January 2011 12:59 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

If you want to take admission in iit for M.TECH program then you can apply for the GATE examination. If your score in GATE examination is good the you can take admission in iit. all the best.
10th January 2011 12:24 AM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

hello friend,
to apply to iit for MTECH
you have to first appear GATE EXAM with good score above 90% and then you can apply for MTECH in iit according to your rank.
for more information go through official website.

good luck..
9th January 2011 08:42 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

now im doing btech 4th year.. i have written gate exam in 3rd year ie in 2010 and secured 1748 rank all india wise..
that score is valid for 2 years .so what i have to do to apply for any NIT or IIT colleges with that rank.?
15th November 2010 08:25 PM
malini k
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Dear friend,
You can get into IIT through the GATE exam only
As we used to say ,there is no shortcut to success ,there is no shortcut to IIT rather than GATE
You have to get at least 98% and above to get into IITs i.e,rank below 500
Then there will be written test and separate interview for IIT admission and they will also consider our B tech course marks and 10th and +2 marks
Good luck
14th November 2010 01:02 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

You need to crack GATE exam to get place in IIT and even for any other university.
The form will be available from September to October and February month exam will be held.
13th November 2010 06:46 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

friend you first aply for GATE exam conduct by IIT,According to your %ge you will be select,for M.Tech in IIT score times of india in feb month..
31st October 2010 10:29 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

The last date for the application form and the information brochure has been passed as the last date will be is of 27th October 2010. The submission of the form will be on date 2-11-2010.
So you will apply it to the next year.
You can simply collect the application form from bank mention in the news paper and the cost will be 1000 rupees.
You also apply online by register your name at the given link:
Good luck!!!
15th October 2010 11:46 PM
Sushant Roy
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

hi friend,

IITs are conducting their single entrance test named as GATE , GATE exam this time is conducting on 13th February, 2011.
You can simply apply to GATE through online or offline mode.
Last date of offline/online form test is 27th October 2010

You may apply there through this link: after securing the DD No.
15th October 2010 08:15 PM
Sanjiv sharma
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Dear friend as the forum members earlier told you that without clearing GATE exam with scintilating % you can't take admission in m tec iit.
i want to suggest you that for taking admission in m tec iit you have to do very high preparation & taking more than 85 %marks in GATE exam is also a sacrifice for someone but nothing is impossible in this world that a man cannot achieve. you can do it,work hard and make a rocking plan to reach the destination
best of luck
15th October 2010 08:14 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

dear friend,

Only in 3rd year or above you can apply for GATE exam.

This is the only exam you can do M.Tech from IITs.

There are no any restriction of age or chances in GATE, but GATE score is valid for only two years.

& for preparation you should first clear your basics about your subjects & you should solve the previous year paper of GATE.

good luck.
15th October 2010 05:36 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

check out this attachment, it will be good and use full for all,

Best of luck
15th October 2010 05:28 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how much approximate score for the addmission in m. tech in iit colledge ???
To get Admission in MTech you have to appear for MTech exam and score sufficiently high to get any of the IITS
15th October 2010 05:20 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?


all the question will help you, tru to solve all problem and see best of luck
15th October 2010 05:15 PM
Re: how to apply to iit for MTECH?

all the gate question i send will help you all, prepare accordingly,

Best of luck
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