Thread: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam? Reply to Thread

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30th October 2013 10:54 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am student of B.A.3.can i get the admisson in mass com. for p.g. and what reqire of % in graduation
yes u can... to enter journalism/mass comm field should read this excellent book: "Nuances of Journalistic Writings" (by Raza Elahi, a sr journalist; Rs 126; free home delivery). It has example-based approach. It has got good reviews for quality of contents from senior journalists and faculty members as well as news portals. Aspiring journalism/mass comm should also read "Media Hive's Journalism & Mass Communication Entrance Exam e-Guide" (Rs 100). Both the book and guide, available only with, will help in the preparation for the entrance of media institutes email at [email protected] or visit
29th October 2013 06:39 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

i am student of B.A.3.can i get the admisson in mass com. for p.g. and what reqire of % in graduation
7th April 2013 03:47 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

sir ji.. this is DIKEN tiwari from bhu,i want to know that how can prepaired the mass com entrance exam of bhu?
21st November 2011 03:01 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

which books we should prefer for BHU entrance exam
28th September 2011 10:51 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

hello,sir i am a student of 12th class from u.p.board plz help me for my future opintions in medical and non medical.
1st April 2011 12:13 PM
[email protected]
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

pls help for privious question paper of pet exam in bhu for msc.petrolium geoscience
19th March 2011 02:09 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Hi ,
can you please send me the previous yrs papers of mass communication,@ my id [email protected]
and i also need to noe the best magazines or the material tht one cn read to prepare for the enterence test conducted by I.p college DU,and st. Xavier..
6th March 2011 12:24 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Sir plz send the previous papar of mass communication on my email id .
my id is .... [email protected]
2nd March 2011 12:47 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

sir, i want to know that which type of question ask in entrance pg masscom in bhu
2nd March 2011 12:45 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

sir, i want to know that which type of question ask in entrance pg masscom
31st January 2011 06:28 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Hello Friend

BHU PET mass communication entrance exam consists of 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions on Current Affairs and General Knowledge,Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude.You can get more valuable information regarding the topic in the following link.

Best of luck..
30th January 2011 02:26 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Please send me some previous year papers of BHU PET political science?
19th January 2011 11:28 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

dear friend
i need the previous years question paper of the entrance of mass communication of punjab university??
can you please suggest me from where i can get them and also tell me the syllabus??
13th January 2011 02:07 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

dear friend
There shall be one paper of 150 minutes duration carrying 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions on
Current Affairs and General Knowledge; Language Proficiency including Proficiency in English Language; and Logical
Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude (inferences from percentages, tables, graphs, etc.thank you
12th January 2011 11:27 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Sir,.i am done my B.A..POL.SCI (HONS) WITH 55%..$ i want to do mass-comm..can i do it...
12th December 2010 09:42 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Good Evening, sir , myself pooja srivastava wants to know the pattern of entrance exams while taking an admission in mass communication.So, i kindly request you to give some suggestions regarding this and also suggest some books for studies. Thanking You,
31st July 2010 12:35 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

namaskar,main nupur sinha.i want to know syallabus for masscommunication entrance & also suggest me for books.
7th July 2010 03:07 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Hi,i am sunil kumar sharma.I want to admission in diplom in mass communication bhu.
so,kindly help me for them......ok thank,s
10th June 2010 01:09 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

please consult me any mass communication entrance book
1st June 2010 02:06 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

where do moga cultivation?
27th May 2010 05:19 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

dear friend,
you can get the syllabus from the officail websites of the bhu .i am giving you the websites and you can check it there...
you can also get the sample paper from the websites..
26th May 2010 06:24 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

long quetion
24th May 2010 07:04 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

15th May 2010 01:14 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

sorry dear i didnt find any paper for the BHU PET mass communication entrance exam but you can prefer to the upkarsh publication books for this exam..........

all the best
15th May 2010 12:18 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

what is the cut off of 2009 BHU B.S enterance exam from maths.
14th May 2010 08:56 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

i want previous year question of post graduate mass communication course 2007-08-09 .
14th May 2010 08:30 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

dear frnd,
complete syallabus can be downloaded from the following sites:-
13th May 2010 11:56 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

hey friend you can get the book and some solved sample papers for the BHU PET mass communication entrance exam on :-
12th May 2010 06:09 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

syllabus of BHU PET mass communication entrance examis given below:
it includes mainly the following topics
1 Current Affairs and General Knowledge 2 Language Proficiency including Proficiency in English Language 3Logical
Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude
for sample paper please contact your nearest book stall there you will get it
all the best
8th May 2010 05:34 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;58604 i need must crack the bhu entrance paper
7th May 2010 01:32 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

hello sir,i m a student of kuk.n nw m ppeparing for pg in mass communication from dis university.......n for a gud prepartion i need previous year que paper so cud u plz tell me how i can get all que paper........RANOO SINGH
1st May 2010 11:35 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

sir,,,,,this is rituparna mitra,,,student of calcutta university about to appear in the post graduate entrance exam for zoology course,,,,,pls suggest how can i get the model mcq question papers for the past 10yrs sample,,,,,
26th April 2010 07:58 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

hallo....sir i m a student of your institute now i m preparing for pg in mass com sir can u plz.. tell me how can i get the syllabus of mass com. KAVITA
23rd April 2010 04:32 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Sir, i am preparing for B.H.U. under graduation entrance exam to take admission in BA course in the faculty of social science. So i want previous years papers or sample paper with syllabus. Please Help me Sir.
21st April 2010 09:50 PM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

where from can i get the syllabus for the entrance exam held by xim
19th April 2010 03:28 AM
Re: Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

Dear Anamika
The detail about BHU PET for M.A. in Mass Communication:
There shall be one paper of 150 minutes duration carrying 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions on
Current Affairs and General Knowledge; Language Proficiency including Proficiency in English Language; and Logical
Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude (inferences from percentages, tables, graphs, etc.).
You can download the complete information details by visiting

Thank you.
Good Luck
15th April 2010 09:24 PM
Syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam?

I need syllabus and sample paper of BHU PET mass communication entrance exam

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