Thread: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam? Reply to Thread

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8th August 2016 08:35 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Sir I belong to st category and got 1765 category rank and 3800 overall rank can I get a seat in aipvt plz help me sir
2nd July 2016 02:42 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir i belongs to sc catagory my catagory rank in aipvt 2016 is 2985 any chance to get seat in karnataka veternary collegen through aipvt
29th June 2016 01:02 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

I am obc candidate in 2016 my rank 2700 any chance to get seat i n aipvt and tell me counseling date please
29th June 2016 07:38 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Sir I got ,88878 rank belong to ST categories can I have chance to get seat
23rd June 2016 10:24 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

I am SC candidate In 2016 my rank is 63000 any chance to get seat please tell me sir
9th July 2015 05:56 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

24th June 2015 11:07 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Hello I didn't appear for the aipvt exam I only appeared for aipmt.. So is there any chance for me to get a veterinary college????? Please answer me:(
1st June 2014 08:40 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

My name if Ponnanna M.B I'm from Chickmagalur, Karnataka I have successfully completed II PuC Exams in PCMB Now I' m looking for admission in Top 5 vaternery Colleges in india. Kindly provide details of contact no's,. e-mail id and if any website address of Management. Contact No:9449651729, 8792771440 E-mail id: [email protected].
1st February 2014 07:59 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

pls inform procedure of admission in to private veterinary colleges in management seats
27th June 2013 09:35 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir my aipvt rank is 5343 can i get an admission, how many seats are available
10th June 2013 07:14 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir i got 16433 rank i nhave any other chances to join aipvt
30th May 2013 11:04 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

I m belongs to sc catogry Sir my rank is near 16000 can i get admession plz...... Tell me on 9210107564 or [email protected]
28th May 2013 08:13 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir i got the rank 14325 in w8ng list can i get a vertinary seat.. plz reply me.. m w8ng ?
27th May 2013 09:49 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir i got the rank 12748 in waiting list can i get a vetenary seat.plz reply me...............................................
27th May 2013 08:12 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

9th April 2013 03:21 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

how many colleges in andhra pradesh for vetarinary course of bachalore and colleges address please ?
16th March 2013 09:57 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

how many seats are there for the AIPVT 2013?
5th February 2013 06:31 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Most of the questions are not answered here...But lot of students dont ever give up asking questions. Lol!!!!!!!!!
15th July 2012 08:06 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir, veterinary council of india website is unapproachable , how can I get aipvt-12 counselling schedule . pl reply .
2nd July 2012 07:12 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Sir,I want to know abouy AIPVT admission Prosedure.Can you give me the details of Last Rank allotment of AIPVT in 2012?My rank in AIPVT is 10179. Is ther any chance to admission to me?When did the admission procedures starts ? Sir pls reply me fast.

30th June 2012 12:52 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir,is there any veterinary college take admission without entrance exam?pl tell me about their procedeures..can anyone from the other state apply to it?
sir plz tell me the seata available in veternary colages in india.
22nd June 2012 09:23 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

My aipvt rank 261 can i get seat in mathura pvt clg.
14th June 2012 11:25 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

how many seats are there in aipvt 2012?????
14th June 2012 11:22 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

my rank is 2022 can my admission in veterinary collage................
10th June 2012 12:17 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

how many seats are there in aipvt 2012?????
8th June 2012 10:28 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

My rank is 5700 in aipvt 2012 Can i get a seat in veteniray pls tell me Sir!

5th June 2012 12:19 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

My rank is 735 in aipvt2012 Can i get a seat in veteniray pls tell me Sir!
1st June 2012 02:43 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

My rank in aipvt 2012 is 777. Is there is any chance of getting admision .
31st May 2012 10:38 AM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

my rank is 4474. do i qualify for the second councelling of aipvt?
17th May 2012 08:43 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

expected cutt off marrks in aipvt this year
1st February 2012 05:57 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Total number of seats in all veterinary collages Sir,can i take admission in any collage without entrance test also tell procedure
15th December 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir,is there any veterinary college take admission without entrance exam?pl tell me about their procedeures..can anyone from the other state apply to it?
15th September 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir pl kindly give information of total no of seats in mnit colege?
30th August 2011 03:42 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir ,I want to know about AIPVT admission procedure .when the councelling started ?MY Rank in AIPVT is 5138 and Iam belongs to ST category . Is there any chance to me ? Sir please reply me fast .
18th August 2011 12:40 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

Sir,I want to know abouy AIPVT admission Prosedure.Can you give me the details of Last Rank allotment of AIPVT in 2010?My rank in AIPVT is 2612. Is ther any chance to admission to me?When did the admission procedures starts ? Sir pls reply me fast.
22nd July 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

what was the previous cut-off and total number of seats for AIPVT?
21st July 2011 05:08 PM
Re: Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

up to which rank under the mairit list in aipvt
19th July 2011 05:19 PM
Total number of seats in all veterinary colleges of India? What is the counseling date of AIPVT exam?

sir, plz inform me about total no. of seats in all veterinary college of india filled througExm. AIPVT
also inform me about councelling date of AIPVT Exm. and wher

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