Thread: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE? Reply to Thread

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19th May 2015 07:23 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

How much rank will be required in wbjee&jee mains to take admission in govt. College in west bengal.
24th April 2013 07:32 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

with a rank beyond 10000 can i get any govt college for textile engg??
14th June 2012 07:23 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

sir i hv got 10975 rank in wbjee and 93321 rank in aieee air cat air is 23321 my stae cat rank is 184 state rank 3091 will i be called for aieee counselling
28th May 2012 10:16 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

my rank in 2012 wbjee is11423 ,which private college is perfect for computer scince & communication stream.
17th May 2012 05:57 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

can i get government college in west bengal by counseling after scoring 17852 engineering rank inWBJEE?
17th May 2012 05:44 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

if i get 27000 in wbjee ... which college will i expect...
13th December 2011 06:52 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

My friend,

Its almost impossible to get a seat in any government college with this rank but you can try in private colleges if you satisfy the eligibility conditions.
If you do not get a seat in any good college try next time in various entrance exams like AIEEE and state entrances.
29th November 2011 12:08 AM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

Originally Posted by ARYAN KUMAR YADAV View Post
In west bengal joint entrance exam my rank is 12728.can i get govt college by counseling?please suggest me.
I am sorry to say that you not get admissions in the Govt, engineering college after getting 12728 rank in WB-JEE exam.
Your rank is very low.
In my opinion you should try next time so that you may get govt college next time.

good luck!
28th November 2011 11:55 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir please tell me can i get any college in wbjee my rank is 17177gen and 1072sc but i have not domicile
I am sorry to say that you will not get any college in West Bengal because your rank is very low and also because you not have domicile of West Bengal.

If you want to do your engineering from this state then you can apply through
A.I.E.E.E exam. After that you can take admissions in top govt college also.

good luck!
10th July 2011 05:15 PM
Re: Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

Sir please tell me can i get any college in wbjee my rank is 17177gen and 1072sc but i have not domicile
28th June 2011 01:35 PM
Can I get government college by counseling after scoring 12728 rank in WBJEE?

In west bengal joint entrance exam my rank is 12728.can i get govt college by counseling?please suggest me.

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