Thread: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected? Reply to Thread

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31st January 2012 08:52 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Many candidates have forgotten the same thing.

The guidelines clearly mentions that you have to put the thumb impression.
The basic purpose is for verification.

Now since, your form is incomplete, then are bright chances that your form will get rejected.

However, to make sure, please check the status of your form at the following link by providing your application number.

If your form gets rejected, then you can still apply next year.
30th December 2011 09:59 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

forgot to do my sign in AIEEE application form: will my form get rejected?
20th December 2011 03:53 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Originally Posted by silpa s View Post
i forgot to put my thumb impression in the application form of aieee.i applied it online i could like to know whether there will be any problem regarding the conformation
The thumb impression column is mandatory.So what you have to do is to
1)reprint the confirmation page.
2)and send the same after putting thumb impression.
This is as mentioned by the AIEEE officials.
For more details (or clarifications) please visit
3rd December 2011 10:49 AM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

I have filled my name in capital letters & rest details in small letters.Will my form rejected
16th May 2011 12:50 AM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

If you have forgotten to put the thumb impression in the form,
Then you must immidiately contact to the AIEEE office .
Because they will give you the exact information about what to do.

Or you can visit
15th May 2011 09:50 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Many candidates have forgotten the same thing.

The guidelines clearly mentions that you have to put the thumb impression.
The basic purpose is for verification.

Now since, your form is incomplete, then are bright chances that your form will get rejected.

However, to make sure, please check the status of your form at the following link by providing your application number.
28th April 2011 10:35 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

i forget my form number and i chequeed from site but i have not find.plz help me.
offline fill form
plz help me only two days later.
My contact number is

plz sir help me
28th April 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

i forget my form number and i chequeed from site but i have not find.plz help me.
offline fill form
plz help me only two days later.
My contact number is

plz sir help me
16th March 2011 08:18 AM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

without thumb impression theirs chance of the form being rejected but before it u connect them through the helpline number .
candidates could utilize the helpline on dialing 18601801811 from 0900 hrs to 1800 hrs daily on all seven days.
15th March 2011 11:10 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Many candidates have forgotten the same thing.

The guidelines clearly mentions that you have to put the thumb impression.
The basic purpose is for verification.

Now since, your form is incomplete, then are bright chances that your form will get rejected.

However, to make sure, please check the status of your form at the following link by providing your application number.

If your form gets rejected, then you can still apply next year.
28th January 2011 12:08 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Originally Posted by silpa s View Post
i forgot to put my thumb impression in the application form of aieee.i applied it online i could like to know whether there will be any problem regarding the conformation
dear friend,
it is a big mistake that you have done. you must contact the cbse head office as early as possible. may be they will call you to go there and put your thumb impression or may be they will ask you to send another application form. but everything depends upon them.
23rd January 2011 01:13 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

My FoRm No. is 522870.
i forget to put my left hand thumb impression in the application form of AIEEE.
What 2 do nw???
13th January 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

i think there will be no problem know wait and prepare for exam
30th December 2010 05:36 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

Dear friend,
If you have forgotten to put the thumb impression in the form,
Then you must immidiately contact to the AIEEE office .
Because they will give you the exact information about what to do.

Or you can visit

BEST WISHES..........
29th December 2010 08:32 PM
silpa s
Forgot to put the Thumb Impression in AIEEE application form : Will my form get rejected?

i forgot to put my thumb impression in the application form of aieee.i applied it online i could like to know whether there will be any problem regarding the conformation

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