Thread: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam? Reply to Thread

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20th May 2013 08:38 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

hello sir....

List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course

1.Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
2.Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
3.Sridhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
4.Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
5.S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
6.Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
7.Berhampur university, berhampur
8.Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
9.Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
10.Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
11.Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
12.Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat
13.Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune
14.Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
15.Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad
16.AP singh university, rewa
17.Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
18.Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
19.Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
20.Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
21.Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
22.Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
23.Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
24.Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
16th May 2013 08:25 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Dear friend the list of best collages for Ayurveda course are:-

Government ayurvedic college, guwahati

Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur

Berhampur university, berhampur

SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal

Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur

Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia

Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit

Luchnow university, luck now

State ayurvedic college, hardwar

S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi

Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh

Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar

Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar

Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar

Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi

Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra

Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak

NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada

Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad

Sri venkatashwara college

Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore

Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli

Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha

Ayurvedic medical college, davangera

Ayurvedic medical college, terdal

SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka

KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi

Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune

Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai

Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur

DCS ayurveda college, deopur

Government ayurvedic college, nanded

Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur

Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad

Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur

Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat

I hope this information is usefull for you.

All the best........
15th May 2013 09:40 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are PG colleges in ayurveda and also please tell dates for PG entrance exam













with best wishes of Makes 25.
15th March 2012 08:39 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Alligarh Ayuved & Unani Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh

ALN Rao Memorial Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kappa

Alva's Ayurvedic Medical College, Dakshina Kannada

usually the entrances are in the month of april, may and june...
Amrutha Ayurved Medical College

Anantha Laxmi Govt. Ayurvedic College, Warangal

Good luck................
27th January 2012 11:06 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

plz give the date of next Joint PG Entrance Exam for Rajasthan & Gujarat Ayurved University for the year 2012?
24th January 2012 02:58 AM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?


JB Roy state medical college

Sri Dhanwantri ayurvedic college

Shri ayurveda mahavidhyalaya

Rishikul state ayurvedic college

State ayurvedic college

Government ashtang ayurveda college

Berhampur university

Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university

National institute of ayurveda

Government ayurvedic college

Government ayurvedic college

NTR university of health sciences

Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college

Gujarat ayurvedic university

Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya

Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college

Best of luck.....................
23rd January 2012 07:37 PM
Oracle 9
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course

1. Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
2. Lucknow university, Lucknow
3. Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
4. JB Roy state medical college, Kolkata
5. Sri Dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
6. Shri ayurveda mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
7. Rishikul state ayurvedic college, Pilibhit
8. State ayurvedic college, Hardwar
9. Government ashtang ayurveda college, Indore
10. Berhampur university, Berhampur
11. Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
12. National institute of ayurveda, Jaipur
13. Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur 14. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar university, Muzaffarpur
15. Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
16. NTR university of health sciences, Vijayawada
17. Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, Kangra
18. Gujarat ayurvedic university, Gujarat
19. Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Handia
20. Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, Hyderabad
21. Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
22. Dayanand ayurvedic college, Jalandhar
23. Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, New Delhi
24. Bharati vidhyapeeth, Pune
25. Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, Kurukshetra
23rd January 2012 04:15 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

sir,I want list of PG government colleges of ayurveda in India
2nd December 2011 04:27 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Sir, can we get the dates of PG entrances in Ayurveda to be conducted in 2012?
26th August 2011 12:45 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

seat in tibbia college of ayurveda pg. and exam date and form and other related information.
13th August 2011 08:04 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

is there any PG exam in nearby future?if yes then plz tell d date and name of d college
31st May 2011 04:19 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

can we do the D.G.O. after B.A.M.S.?
25th May 2011 07:35 PM
sneha kalaskar
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

sir i wanto knw entrance date for hyderabad n kerala ayurvedic PG entrance for 2011
18th May 2011 12:38 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

when will be the entrance exam of PG Ayurveda
2nd February 2011 09:52 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are PG colleges in ayurveda and also please tell dates for PG entrance exam

Hello friend here are some best colleges

Alligarh Ayuved & Unani Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh
ALN Rao Memorial Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kappa
Alva's Ayurvedic Medical College, Dakshina Kannada
Amrutha Ayurved Medical College
Anantha Laxmi Govt. Ayurvedic College, Warangal
Aquarious Pubic Education Society' Mahadevrao Shivankar Ayurved Medical Colege & Hospital, Gondia
Aryakanya Shudha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Vadodara
Ashtang Ayurved Mahavidyala, Pune
Ashwini Educational Associations Ayurved College, Devangere
AV Samiti's Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Bijapur
Ayurved & Unani Tibbiya College, New Delhi
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Old Hubli
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pusad
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya., Ahmednagar
Ayurved Medical College
Ayurveda College, Coimbatore
Ayurvedic Medical College & P.G. Centre, Bidar

Read more: List of Ayurveda Colleges

List of Entrance Exam

* Uttarakhand Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination
* Kerala State Entrance Exam
* National Institute of Ayurveda Entrance exam (NIA)
* Common Entrance Test or CET Karnataka
* AYUSH Entrance Exam

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate who is applying for the course should be an Indian citizen. He/she must have a BAM /Ayurvedacharya /BAMS from the colleges acknowledged by the CCIM and a Degree in BAMS or its equivalent degree with a minimum of 50% of marks separately for theory and practical. They should also have a Certificate from the Medical Council.

2nd February 2011 06:01 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

THe Admissions to pg courses are through many means like entrance exam National Institute Ayurveda Entrance Examination ..some colleges even give admissions based on based on academics

The top Ayurveda colleges in India are-offring PG courses::
The National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur
Faculty of Ayurveda IMS,BHU
Govt. Ayurveda College,ThiruvananthapuramUniversity of Kerala
V.P.S.V Ayurveda College, Kottakkal
Govt. Ayurveda College, Kannur, Kannur
Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences, Bangalore;
JB Roy state medical college, Kolkata;
State ayurvedic college, Hardwar;
National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur;
Bharati vidhyapeeth, Pune;
Shri Ayurveda Mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur;
Government ayurvedic college, Raipur;
Gujarat ayurvedic University, Gujarat;
Rishikul state ayurvedic college, Pilibhit;
Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, Hyderabad;
Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, New Delhi
for more info visit these links
2nd February 2011 05:28 PM
swati biswas
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Dear friend,
As you have not mentioned any information about your location and your choice of location for studying PG in Ayurveda, it is very difficult to locate any such college. It would be better if you could specify something about your choice. Since I do not want you to search all the sites, I am trying to make a list of some colleges according to my preferences (if I would have wished to study Ayurveda ever)

Northern Region
1)Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, Kangra
2)Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
3)Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
4)Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, New Delhi
5)Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
6)Dayanand ayurvedic college, Jalandhar
7)Government ashtang ayurveda college, Indore
8)Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
9)Government ayurvedic college, Raipur

Southern Region
1)Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, Hyderabad
2)Sri venkatashwara college
3)SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka
4)Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
5)TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, Bijapur

Western Region
1)Government ayurvedic college, Nanded
2)Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur
3)Government ayurvedic college, Osmanabad
4)Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
5)Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, Gandhinagar
6)Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, Pune
7)National institute of ayurveda, jaipur
8)Goa university, goa

Eastern Region
1)SSN ayurved college and research institute, Utkal
2)Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, Muzaffarpur
3)JB Roy state medical college, Kolkata
4)Government ayurvedic college, Guwahati
5)Berhampur university, Berhampur

Best Places to pursue PG in ayurveda
1)Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamagarh, Gujrat
2)Government ayurved college, Patna
3)Government Ayurvedic Medical college, Bangalore

Dates of PG entrance examination is declared by individual university and for this you have to be alert and see notifications in their respective web sites. I would first suggest you to specify your specializations and then decide any college to make your dream come true.
Best Wishes
Hope that I some helped you some way or other
All the Best.
2nd February 2011 01:10 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

some PG colleges in Ayurveda in India are:

Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai

Nalasopara Ayurved Medical College, Thane

R.A.Podar Ayurved College, Mumbai

Institute Of Medical Sciences ,Varanasi

Dr. Burgula Rama Krishna Rao Government Ayurvedic College , Hyderabad

to know about the entrance dates, visit their official website.
2nd February 2011 11:19 AM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are PG colleges in ayurveda and also please tell dates for PG entrance exam


PLz find below the list of ayurveda PG colleges:

• JB Roy state medical college, kolkata
• Government ayurvedic college, guwahati
• Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
• Berhampur university, berhampur
• SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal
• Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
• Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
• Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
• Luchnow university, luck now
• State ayurvedic college, hardwar
• S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
• Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
• Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
• Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
• Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
• Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
• Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
• Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
• Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
• AP singh university, rewa
• Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
• Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
• Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
• Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
• Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra
• NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada
• Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad
• Sri venkatashwara college
• Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
• Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli
• Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha
• Ayurvedic medical college, davangera
• Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
• SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka
• KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi
• KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad
• SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal
• SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal
• TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur
• Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary
• Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune
• Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
• Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
• DCS ayurveda college, deopur
• Government ayurvedic college, nanded
• Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur
• Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad
• Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
• Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat
• JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad
• Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar
• Goa university, goa
• MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur
• National institute of ayurveda, jaipur
• Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar
• Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune
Entrance Exam:
National Institute of Ayurveda 2011 BAMS
Application Forms:
The form will be available directly from the National Institute of Ayurveda and designated branches of Bank of Rajasthan. Candidates can also obtain the form by sending a request for the form along with a demand draft. There is also an option for applying online through the website
Important Dates:
• Availability of Application forms: third week of April, 2011
• Last date of submitting completed application form: third week of May, 2011
• Date of Entrance admission test: 1st week of July, 2011
Contact Details:
Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
Madhav Vilas Palace
Amer Road
Ph. 091-141-2635709, 2635816

2nd February 2011 11:10 AM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Ayurvedic treatment was first invented in India.So It is a land of these type of courses.There are so many Ayurveda colleges in India..


JB Roy state medical college, kolkata
Government ayurvedic college, guwahati
Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
Berhampur university, berhampur
SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal

Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
Luchnow university, luck now
State ayurvedic college, hardwar
S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
AP singh university, rewa
Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra

NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada
Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad
Sri venkatashwara college
Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli
Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha
Ayurvedic medical college, davangera
Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka
KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi
KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad
SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal
SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal
TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur
Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary

Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune
Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
DCS ayurveda college, deopur
Government ayurvedic college, nanded
Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur
Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad
Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat
JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad
Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar
Goa university, goa
MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur
National institute of ayurveda, jaipur
Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar
Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune

each state has their own exam for entering these colleges...
You just check these colleges website for more details...
hope you will find what you want...
best of luck...
2nd February 2011 11:06 AM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Ayurvedic treatment was first invented in India.So It is a land of these type of courses.There are so many Ayurveda colleges in India..


JB Roy state medical college, kolkata
Government ayurvedic college, guwahati
Babasaheb bhimrao ambedkar university, muzaffarpur
Berhampur university, berhampur
SSN ayurved college and research institute, utkal

Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
Luchnow university, luck now
State ayurvedic college, hardwar
S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
AP singh university, rewa
Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra

NTR university of health sciences, vijaywada
Dr. B R K R government ayurvedic college, hydrabad
Sri venkatashwara college
Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore
Ayurveda mahavidhayalaya, old hubli
Ayurvedic medical college, ghataprabha
Ayurvedic medical college, davangera
Ayurvedic medical college, terdal
SDM college of ayurveda, Karnataka
KPSVS Ayurvedic medical college, manvi
KVG Ayurvedic medical college, and hospital, dharwad
SGV Ayurvedic medical college, bailhongal
SVM Ayurvedic medical college,ilkal
TSPS mandalis Ayurvedic medical college, bijapur
Taranath government Ayurvedic medical college, bellary

Bharati vidhyapeeth, pune
Ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, Mumbai
Ayurvedic medical college, Kolhapur
DCS ayurveda college, deopur
Government ayurvedic college, nanded
Government ayurvedic college, Nagpur
Government ayurvedic college, osmanabad
Shri ayurvede mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur
Gujrat ayurvedic university, gujrat
JS ayurvede mahavidhayalaya, nadiad
Sri balahanuman ayurved mahavidhyalaya, gandhinagar
Goa university, goa
MMM government ayurvedic college, Udaipur
National institute of ayurveda, jaipur
Shree bhanwarlal durga ayurveda vishwa bharati, sardarshahar
Tilak ayurvedic mahavidhalaya, pune

each state has their own exam for entering these colleges...
You just check these colleges website for more details...
hope you will find what you want...
best of luck...
1st February 2011 09:59 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Hello friend,

There are so many colleges offering ayurvedic courses.
I have attached a file which mention all the best colleges offering ayurvedic courses.
I hope it will be benefited you.

All the best.
thank you.
1st February 2011 09:17 PM
Re: List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

Alligarh Ayuved & Unani Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh

ALN Rao Memorial Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Kappa

Alva's Ayurvedic Medical College, Dakshina Kannada

usually the entrances are in the month of april, may and june...
Amrutha Ayurved Medical College

Anantha Laxmi Govt. Ayurvedic College, Warangal

Aquarious Pubic Education Society' Mahadevrao Shivankar Ayurved Medical Colege & Hospital, Gondia

Aryakanya Shudha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Vadodara
26th January 2011 09:37 PM
List of PG colleges for Ayurveda course? Date of PG entrance exam?

what are PG colleges in ayurveda and also please tell dates for PG entrance exam


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